Upon Returning Home As A Military Major General, …
Chapter 55 Table of contents

“Ah, having a stylish café plate breakfast while gazing at the blue sea and white sandy beach is the best.”

Having breakfast on the outdoor terrace of a beachside café was indeed the best.

The weather was clear again today, and it wasn’t too hot yet during breakfast time, with the sea breeze feeling pleasant.

“After showing such an embarrassing sight last night, it’s surprising to see you so lively, Seiji Hayami.”

As Mina stared at Hayami-san with eyes as cold as ice, she threw straightforward sarcastic words at her, unsuitable for the summer beaches of Okinawa.

“I apologize profusely… I’ll cover the breakfast bill here, so please…”

Seated at the stylish café terrace, Hayami-san apologized to everyone.

It seems that the worst fears of last night did not come to pass.

However, there was a new concern that Hayami-san still had alcohol in his system and might be considered driving under the influence. Yet, the breath alcohol detector provided in the rental car showed a safe reading, so we breathed a sigh of relief.

“Goodness… you keep us on edge every day.”

While complaining, Mina, the trip organizer, poked at the salad on her café plate with a fork.

“Well, no harm done. So, what’s the plan for after this, Mina?”

Since Hayami-san still had to drive today, I decided to change the subject and provide support.

“After breakfast, we’ll head to the Okinawa Peace Memorial Park for memorial ceremonies.”

“We need to buy some flowers at a flower shop on the way. Hayami-sensei, could you check if there’s a good florist nearby?”

“Yes, sir!”

To regain lost trust, Hayami-san eagerly searched for a florist using his smartphone map.

The blazing sun.

The blue sky, lush green grass, and white cumulus clouds.

Gray stone monuments stand in contrast to such vivid natural scenery.

A memorial site was newly created for the souls lost in the war that had reoccurred after decades of peace.

Here, the names of all those who perished in the war, regardless of military or civilian status or nationality, are engraved.

Naturally, among them.

“Major Baba, Colonel Kodama… Oh! Captain Kameyama isn’t forgotten either. It’s been a while. They’ve all become much greater than they were back then, well…”

While finding the names of those who served with her in the newer-looking stone monument, I spoke to them as I offered flowers.

Their remains and spirits are not here.

Still, “let’s meet here again” was our code word when we were on the battlefield.

We laughed together, saying.

“If we visited each grave individually, we’d never have enough time or money.”

“Have you greeted your comrades, Yuu-sama?”

Behind me, sitting in front of the monument, Hayami-san asked.

“Yes. How about your fellow classmates?”

“Yes. They were friends I ate from the same pot with at the military and officer schools for several years. Recently, we spent more time somberly reminiscing during alumni reunions.”

Inspired by Hayami-san looking up at the sky, I did the same.

“But just being somber would upset them.”

“Indeed. Since we never know when we might die, our motto was to enjoy the present as much as possible. So, during our time at the military academy, we often went overboard during breaks and ended up having to write reflection essays or being put on restriction.”

“Well, seeing how chaotic yesterday was, I can imagine.”

“Please, forget about that…”

I’ve heard that relationships with classmates who endured tough training periods together last a lifetime.

However, since I got conscripted into the field at a young age, I don’t have classmates from training schools.

I can’t help but envy Hayami-san a little.

“Well then, shall we go back? Everyone’s waiting.”

“It’s a blessing to have someone waiting for you.”


“Well then, let’s return. To everyone.”

I stood up a beat after Hayami-san, following her.


“Thank you, everyone. I made you wait quite a while, didn’t I?”

As the car started towards the next destination, I thanked everyone.

“We were fine, enjoying Yuu’s treat with juice while waiting.”

After offering flowers at the memorial tower, I bought drinks from vending machines to keep everyone entertained while waiting in the café corner of the memorial park.

“Since we were kept waiting in the heat, I indulged in salted vanilla soft serve. My onii-chan bought it for me♪”

“Hey, Marin. There were many acquaintances of Kamiya and Hayami-sensei there. There must have been lots of gossip.”

Marin’s sarcastic remark towards me was gently admonished by my brother, Suo-senpai.

It seemed Suo-senpai was covering up for my lack of tact.

“Yup, onii-chan. But seriously, how was Mina-senpai allowed to be alone with Hayami-sensei?”

Chastised by her brother, Marin-chan redirected her teasing towards Mina, smiling mischievously as she settled into the third-row seat of the car.

“…I simply didn’t want to have a lovers’ spat in front of the spirits of the fallen heroes.”

As Mina gazed out of the window at the passing scenery, she responded to Marin-chan’s inquiry with a grim expression.

“Although we can imagine the feelings of those who lost their comrades, we can’t empathize with them…”

“It’s alright, Suo-senpai. While this situation may seem hard-boiled and cool, experiencing it firsthand is just plain miserable. It’s nothing but sadness.”


Suo-senpai remained silent after my blunt remark.

The spirits of the heroes don’t want us tainted with cheap heroism; they want us to remember them sincerely.

“Hey, Suo-senpai, if anything happens to you, should I put a tombstone with ‘Died Loving My Sister’ on it with my pocket money?”

“If you offer such a dull joke at my grave, I’ll haunt you every night.”

“I wouldn’t want the ghost of a guy crawling into my bed.”

I lightened the dampened atmosphere in the car by teasing Suo-senpai as usual.

At times like this, Suo-senpai is truly convenient.

Suo-senpai understands my intentions, so he readily responds with banter, for which I’m grateful.

“Well then, now that we’ve finished our prayers for the deceased, our second day of the training-like activities is over. Once we summarize the report, let’s enjoy ourselves to the fullest.”

“Today, let’s play at the beach until sunset! Are you guys ready with your swimsuits?”


In response to Mina, the trip organizer, giving a rallying cry like a bandit chief, the women in the car were fired up.

Swimsuits as battle attire or something? As I thought this, the car headed towards the beach for a swim.

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