Upon Returning Home As A Military Major General, …
Chapter 58 Table of contents

“Finally arrived~~”

“So tired~~~~”

After plenty of fun in the sea, we returned to the pension where we were staying.

“Hey, don’t just flop down as soon as we get back. Let’s put the groceries we bought at the supermarket in the fridge.”

The orderly voice of Suo-senpai poured over us as we sprawled on the sofa and floor.

Despite feeling exhausted from a day at the beach, I felt like I could fall asleep right away. But there were still plenty of fun events planned for today.

“All right! Let’s get the charcoal ready for the barbecue. Since we don’t have a charcoal brazier, we’ll have to light it directly on the barbecue grill.”

“Then, Yuu-kun, you’re in charge of the charcoal. I’ll prepare the ingredients.”

Although our bodies felt heavy, we immediately stood up, eager to enjoy the rest of the day.

“Looks like Kamiya-senpai and Kohou-senpai are quite skilled.”

“We used to have barbecues at Mina’s house quite often.”

Since lighting the charcoal for the barbecue was traditionally men’s work, I often helped while watching Mina’s dad, Satoru-san, and my dad do it.

I quite liked the feeling of tending to the fire. So even when I was in the military, I would eagerly do it when cooking in a mess tin. But as I climbed the ranks, I wasn’t allowed to do such menial tasks anymore, so honestly, I’m feeling a bit excited now.

With that said, while I was immersed in adjusting the charcoal’s ignition and the intensity of the fire with a bellows, and arranging the charcoal to create areas of high and low heat to satisfy myself, it seemed that the barbecue ingredients were ready too.

“Then, Captain, please lead the toast.”

With everything prepared, Mina, the organizer of the training camp, prompted me to lead the toast.

“Sure thing! Let’s enjoy the second night of the Soul Armor Research Society’s training camp! Cheers~~!”


With a brief greeting, the barbecue began.

“Okay, this meat is done. Oh, remember to use your chopsticks when taking the cooked meat. The tongs are for raw meat. Oh, and this baguette hasn’t been toasted on the other side yet, so wait for it.”

Taking up almost all the tongs, I became the barbecue master.

“This meat is delicious~~!”

“Oh! That’s the expensive marbled beef Mina and the others bought to apologize to me! I’ve been secretly raising it in a corner of the grill!”

“There are no borders on the barbecue grill, Yuu-kun.”

“We also bought good pork, and it’s delicious too.”

Mina and Kotomi were quickly devouring the meat one after another.

Well, everyone had been moving their bodies vigorously playing beach volleyball, so it’s natural that they’re hungry.

“Darn… it’s tough being the one doing the grilling…”

“You’re the one grilling even though nobody asked you to.”

“The meat is delicious, big brother.”

Well, since I have to keep an eye on the charcoal’s heat, it’s more efficient for me to do the grilling.

“Here, I set aside some meat for you, Yuu.”

“Thanks, Kotomi. Oh, the garlic in the aioli and the baguette have turned out nicely. Eat up!”

Since the aroma of the aioli’s garlic had been wafting around since earlier, everyone eagerly reached for it.

The mushroom and smoked oyster aioli disappeared in no time.

“This is delicious… If only I could have that with it…”

Hayami-san glanced at me with a piece of baguette in hand.

“Sure, Hayami-san. Here’s some beer. Thanks for driving today.”

I discreetly slipped six cans of beer into the basket when we went shopping earlier.

Although the memory of Hayami-san’s drunken antics from last night was fresh, it would be cruel not to have alcohol with this menu.

“Oh… Yuu-sama, this Okinawan beer you poured is delicious.”

Hayami-san drank the Okinawan local beer poured into a clear cup with relish.

“Try not to drink too much today, Professor Hayami.”

Mina interjected with a teasing smile at the happily intoxicated Hayami-san.

“I… I understand.”

Well, today we don’t have strong alcohol like awamori from last night’s drinking party with Doctor Kirigaya, so it should be fine.

“I wonder how many times he needs to make a fool of himself before he’s satisfied…”

Mina’s icy disdainful mutter lingered.

“Hehe… I won’t get drunk today… I promise…”

The object rolling on the living room floor was making excuses like this, but seeing it all squished on the floor, there was no convincing power at all.

“Is Hayami-san weak against alcohol?”

“If he keeps this up every day, it’s getting hard for us to keep up with him…”

“It seems that being tired makes you more susceptible to drunkenness, big brother. Maybe it’s because of the beach volleyball during the day.”

“I’m scared of alcohol…”

Hayami-san, now a living negative example, was being used by the students, but just to be safe, I’ll mention that his drunkenness today doesn’t seem to be on the level of last night’s near-asphyxiation from choking on vomit.

…Is this considered helping?

“Well, we have no choice. Let’s take him to the bedroom. Kotomi, Maririn-chan, please help.”

Mina called out to the girls, and they lifted the completely wasted Hayami-san onto their shoulders.

“If he’s too heavy, should Senpai and I carry him?”

“He’s not as drunk as he was last night, so he should be able to walk if we carry him between us. Come on, get up!”

Mina, who fusses over everyone, urged Hayami-san to get up by tapping his butt.

With one arm on the other side, carried by Maririn-chan due to the height difference, and Kotomi providing support, Hayami-san was carried to the girls’ room.

“Now then, let’s clean up the barbecue here.”

With a heave-ho, I spread out a trash bag to gather up the paper plates and empty cups on the table, then,

“You can rest first.”

Senior Suou took the trash bag from me and started collecting the garbage.

“Huh, are you sure, Senior Suou?”

“Because you’ve been handling everything from lighting the charcoal to grilling.”

“Su… kind, Senior Suou. I understand why Maririn-chan admires you~.”

“Maririn and I are actually siblings, so don’t say weird things.”

Yeah, Senior Suou is really sticking to that border. At least, in front of third parties.

Well, you never really know what’s going on in someone’s mind.

“Then, I’ll take you up on your offer and rest first.”

Cleaning the barbecue grill and such is hard work. I’m grateful.

Since I’ve been in front of the charcoal for so long, my whole body feels like it’s been smoked, so I think I’ll take a shower first before heading back to my room.


“Hmm… Wait, did I fall asleep without realizing it?”

I woke up on the bed in the single room of the pension.

I intended to take a shower and lie down for a bit, but it seemed I was taken to the world of nirvana.

Since the light was still on, it seemed I woke up due to its brightness.

“What time is it… already past 11 PM.”

Feeling thirsty, I headed to the living room to get a drink.

There was no sign of anyone in the living room.

It seemed everyone had gone to bed early again, probably because they had played so vigorously on the beach during the day.

“Now, where are the paper cups…”

As I searched for paper cups with a rustling sound while trying to pour mineral water from a 2-liter bottle taken out of the refrigerator,


The door made a soft opening sound.

“Oh, it’s Yuu-kun.”

“Sorry. Did I wake you up, Mina?”

Mina emerged from the girls’ bedroom in her pajamas.

She wore her usual sleepwear, a glossy black satin shirt with shorts, and her silver hair tied up with a scrunchie.

“No, I’ve been tossing and turning in bed because it’s so hot.”

With that, Mina sat down on the sofa.

“Do you want some water too, Mina?”

“Yeah, thanks. I was feeling thirsty.”

Mina drank the water poured into a paper cup with relish.

“Since everyone might wake up if we talk in the living room, should we talk over there?”

I suggested, pointing to the wooden deck, and invited Mina.

“Yeah. Oh, should I turn on the indirect lighting on the wooden deck?”

“No, bugs might gather if we do that, so let’s stay here.”

I busied myself preparing on the wooden deck.

Actually, there was something I wanted to do.

“What are you doing, Yuu-kun?”

“Hmm? Something good.”

I set up a fire pit on the bonfire sheet and placed some charcoal that seemed good as kindling in the center of the fire pit, using the ones we used for the barbecue.

Using the bellows, I blew air into the seemingly burned-out whitish charcoal, reviving its redness and heat.

Then, I started stacking firewood from thin to thick.

“Wow… a bonfire!”

Mina exclaimed in admiration.

You can barbecue at home, but it’s quite difficult to make a bonfire.

It’s something you can do because there are no other houses or inns around the pension.

“And the accompaniment for the bonfire is this.”

Saying so, I took out a large bag stuffed with something white.

“Toasted marshmallows~! The forbidden calorie bomb that maidens must never eat in the middle of the night~!”

“Should I stop?”

“It’s mean to tease and then take it away, Yuu-kun~ I’m gonna eat it♪”

Despite her struggles, Mina, enchanted by the taste of sin, couldn’t resist the temptation.

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