Upon Returning Home As A Military Major General, …
Chapter 62 Table of contents

-Suo Marin’s POV-

“So, guess what Kamiya said? He called me a gorilla at the zoo right to my face! Really, he’s so rude.”

“You’ve been talking about Kamiya-senpai a lot lately. You really like him, don’t you?”

During our break at a café off International Street, 80% of my onii-chan’s conversation was about Kamiya-senpai.

He even spent a lot of time picking out a souvenir…

“No, Kamiya is just a troublesome kouhai, nothing more.”

Saying this, my onii-chan sipped his iced coffee as if to brush it off.

Honestly, does my brother really think he can fool me like that?

With the power of Espio, I know everything about him, understand him, and feel what he feels.

“So, Marin, I have something important to talk about. It’s about our future.”


I almost spit out my pineapple soda.

Even with Espio’s information-gathering and my analytical and scripting abilities, sometimes my brother still surprises me.

This is why I can’t quit my onii-chan life.

“So… our future family plans?”

“Family plans? Well, in a way, yes.”

I waited eagerly for my brother’s next words, his face very serious.

Finally! Finally, this moment has come!

“I’m seriously thinking about joining the military.”

Yeah, yeah, I knew it.

I knew my brother wasn’t ready to cross the line between us siblings yet.

Sometimes I curse my high-level information analysis abilities…

Being able to accurately grasp the reality of my own love life is both a great weapon and a double-edged sword, showing me that my brother “still” doesn’t want to be in that kind of relationship with me.

“How does joining the military relate to our family plans?”

Hence, it’s only natural that my voice carries a bit of a sting when I talk to my brother.

“Compared to civilian life, joining the military will restrict my movements more.”

“Are you going to become a Soul Armor Officer in the military?”

“Yeah. Starting next year, there’s a course for Soul Armor users to enroll in general officer school. I want to improve my Soul Armor abilities and also my leadership skills.”

Usually, Soul Armor Academy students either join the military or go into the private sector after graduation. Those aiming for research often proceed to the Soul Armor Science and Technology University.

There used to be a course for Soul Armor users at the military officer school.

That’s the generation of Hayami-sensei.

However, to cultivate civilian talent, the military school was separated, forming the current Soul Armor Academy.

Despite this history, the revival of the Soul Armor course at the military officer school is a clear declaration from the military faction to the civilian faction.

We no longer need to consider you.

“Yeah, I’ll support you, onii-chan♪”

I played the ideal, pure-hearted little sister in front of my onii-chan, not letting on that I was thinking about these behind-the-scenes stories.

“If I become an officer in the military, I might be stationed anywhere in Japan or even overseas in war zones. It might make you feel lonely, Marin…”

“It’s your duty, so don’t worry about me.”

“I see… Marin, you’ve grown up. You’re not the little sister who used to follow me around anymore.”

Saying that, my onii-chan smiled both proudly and a bit sadly.

Oh, onii-chan.

Me, growing apart from you?

Haha, impossible.

I’ll intervene with the military’s personnel department to ensure we can always be together.

Most things in this world move and unfold as I desire.

So, everything that happens from now on is within my expectations.

“Suo Daiki Suou, right?”

In a calm café on a back street in Okinawa, three men in trench coats, unfitting for the summer season, walked straight towards our table as soon as they entered. The man leading the group suddenly addressed my brother.

They must know how out of place their attire is in this setting.

When they entered the café, the staff and some customers looked at them because of their unusual appearance.

This means they have priorities that outweigh concealment or secrecy.

And that was immediately shown by their actions.

“””Death to the traitor!”””

Saying this, the men simultaneously reached behind their backs, drawing katanas with a ripping sound through their trench coats.

Before the war, katanas were just decorative art pieces for enthusiasts.

Ironically, it was a war that brought katanas back into the spotlight for their true purpose.

Soul Armor sword abilities enhance physical abilities and maintain their sharpness, making them a force in urban warfare.

So, the public now knows…

“A katana! Run!”

The café staff and customers, recognizing the danger, stood up and rushed to the exit in a panic.

The men had worn trench coats to conceal their katanas, anticipating this chaos.

“Oboro Kiri”

My onii-chan quickly reacted to the attacking men, activating his Soul Armor technique.

Despite sometimes being derisively called “grunts” or “disposables” for their sword abilities, my brother had earned a top position in the Soul Armor Academy as a civilian faction leader.

“Damn! He can handle a three-man surprise attack?”

The attacking men had to switch to defense against my onii-chan’s flying slashes from Oboro Kiri.

Though each slash wasn’t fatal, as my onii-chan was using a wristband Soul Armor assist device from the Soul Armor Research Institute, he made up for it with sheer speed.

My onii-chan’s overwhelming technique speed placed him among the top sword Soul Armor users.

Thus, even against three sword Soul Armor users, he calmly held his ground.

(Ahh~~ So cool, onii-chan~ I love you)



I quickly hid my admiration and looked up at my brother with a slightly anxious expression.

“We need to run. Don’t let go of my hand.”


I’ll never let go of this hand.

Until the end of the world tears us apart.

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