Upon Returning Home As A Military Major General, …
Chapter 64 Table of contents


Under the vast blue ocean and sky, the sound of jet engines echoed briskly.

Cruising in the Okinawan sea was never part of the Soul Armor Research Society’s travel plans.

After all, even if you’re earning a salary, personally chartering a cruise is a bit pricey.

In that sense, enjoying an Okinawan sea cruise for free could be seen as a perk of the job.

Well, if you overlook the fact that the vessel isn’t a cruiser but a military gray ship with menacing machine guns and other weapon attachments…

“So, Hinoura. I appreciate the help, but… why are you piloting the latest unmanned amphibious high-speed boat?”

“Is Hinoura-senpai actually in the navy?”

“Well… where do I begin to explain…”

Kotomi’s troubled voice came through the speaker, responding to the Suou siblings who had asked through the microphone attached to the boat.

“Let me explain! The truth is, Hinoura was kidnapped by an evil organization and underwent modification surgery—”

“Change the narrator.”


Dr. Kirigaya, who had interjected, tried to explain, but the Suou siblings demanded a change of narrator in unison.

“I’ll explain it myself.”

An unexpected voice came from the speaker.

“That voice… could it be Nase?! Why are you here?!”

Suo-senpai exclaimed in surprise.

The vice president of the student council was communicating through military channels from Okinawa, a place literally a plane ride away from the academy.

It was an incomprehensible situation.

“The mic sensitivity is good, so please don’t scream, loser.”

This condescending tone was indeed Vice President Nase.


“Vice President Nase, are you still keeping that bratty character? Honestly, it’s awkward, and I’d like you to drop it.”

“Yes, I’m sorry, Kotocchi!… I mean, Commander Hinoura!”

What on earth had happened?

The vice president, a second-year student, was addressing Kotomi, a first-year, with “Commander”?

“I’ll explain.”

This time, a male voice came through the speaker.

“Even President Domon… what in the world is going on…”

The chaotic situation left Suou-senpai’s head filled with countless question marks.


-Rewind to a few hours earlier-

“Sigh… this is so depressing…”

In front of the gate of the National Okinawa Soul Armor Research Institute, Kotomi sighed deeply.

The memory of being groped all over by Dr. Kirigaya just two days ago was still fresh.

To be honest, Kotomi didn’t want to come back here at all…

“We have properly sent a request to the academy~. Here’s a copy of the response with the principal’s name and official seal~.”

The attached document in the electronic message was indeed from Principal Takami.

The content was bureaucratic and roundabout, but essentially, it stated that as a soldier receiving a salary from the military, Kotomi, a Private Second Class, should cooperate as much as possible with the renowned Soul Armor researcher, Dr. Kirigaya.

Since it was an official directive from the principal, Kotomi had no right to refuse.

“However, the response came too quickly, given that it was just yesterday… Natori-san from the admin office must have been pushed hard by Dr. Kirigaya…”

As a student council officer handling some administrative tasks, Kotomi couldn’t help but empathize with Natori-san, who had to bow and scrape to meet unreasonable deadlines.

“Welcome~ Hinoura-san~.”

When Kotomi conveyed her business at the reception in front of the institute’s main gate, the very cause of her distress came to greet her in person.

“Good morning, Dr. Kirigaya. Thank you for having me today.”

Since it was an official duty, Kotomi maintained a proper professional demeanor towards Dr. Kirigaya, who was a Colonel and her superior.

“No need for such formality between us~. Come, let’s go somewhere relaxing.”

Breathing heavily, Dr. Kirigaya put her hand on Kotomi’s shoulder and pushed forward.

“Dr. Kirigaya, that’s harassment.”

“Eh~. Natori-san, this level of physical contact is fine between women~. Even the shojo manga I read the other day said so.”

“Please don’t learn labor management from shojo manga, even if you are the head of an organization.”

Natori-san, who had been standing behind Dr. Kirigaya, gently pulled her away from Kotomi, rubbing his temple.

“Oh dear, you’re so harsh… By the way, Natori-san, you haven’t read the date invitation message I sent you the other day, have you?”

“That’s harassment, Dr. Kirigaya.”

“Natori-san is just shy. My, my~.”

Should Kotomi emulate Dr. Kirigaya’s ridiculously strong mentality?

As Kotomi pondered this,

“Moreover, you had another guest scheduled at this time. I told you to wait in your office this morning.”

“Oh! That’s right! I couldn’t sit still when I heard Hinoura-san had arrived.”

“I’m sorry for arriving earlier than scheduled.”

Worried she might have caused trouble by arriving a bit early to avoid being rude, Kotomi turned pale.

“No, Hinoura-san, you did nothing wrong. Your punctuality is exemplary, as always. I was supposed to greet you, but this one here ran out of the office.”

Natori-san’s quick response to reassure Kotomi showcased her competence.

Calming Kotomi’s anxieties and smoothly proceeding with the situation, she added a compliment to Kotomi.


“What is it, Dr. Kirigaya?”


“Are you sensing humidity? I’ll put a powerful dehumidifier in your office later.”

“No! I mean, seeing you being kind to other women makes me jealous!”

Apparently, Dr. Kirigaya was verbalizing the sound effect for her jealous stare.

“Well then, Hinoura-san, please wait in the lab until someone comes to guide you after the prior engagement is over.”


“Don’t ignore me~! Natori-san~!”

“We need to hurry, Dr. Kirigaya.”

Watching Natori-san drag the Director by the collar of her lab coat, Kotomi thought they seemed like a well-synchronized comedic duo,

“Is this what adult romance is like?”

She also wondered.

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