Upon Returning Home As A Military Major General, …
Chapter 67 Table of contents

“Ah, I see. So that’s what happened.”

[Y-Yes… that’s right.]

Time rewinds again to a small, unmanned amphibious high-speed boat on the sea off Okinawa. Listening to Vice President Naze via a loudspeaker microphone, Senpai Suou seemed to understand the current situation.

However, regarding Kotomi being almost certainly selected as a Strategist and Special Soul Equipment User, Vice President Naze intentionally avoided explaining this to the Suou siblings.

Even so…

“Oh, Director Kirigaya found a partner and got even more powerful, huh? Pretty impressive for an older model.”

[Indeed, Marin-dono. I’m still a vibrant, active woman, after all. I won’t lose to the younger generation who only have youth on their side.]

Senpai Suou tilted his head at the exchange between the slightly sarcastic Marin and Director Kirigaya, who took it head-on.

“So, who were those guys who attacked Marin and me earlier?”

[Judging from the features you described, it must be our neighboring country.]

[They looked Asian, but could they have been a Western foreign unit trying to confuse us?]

[If they wanted to frame our neighboring country, they would’ve used a Chinese Dao instead of a Japanese Katana. The half-hearted disguise with a Katana was their mistake.]

“I see…”

Suo-senpai admired Director Kirigaya’s analytical skills.

Indeed, looking back, the soldiers seemed unsure with their sword techniques, which could be explained if they were fighting with unfamiliar weapons.

[Well, I actually peeked at the enemy’s identity with my Soul Armor ability, Cyber Blue Ocean. You believed me so easily, Suo-dono. You’re such an easy mark.]


Director Kirigaya laughed triumphantly, making Senpai Suou a bit embarrassed.

[It seems that the Suou siblings’ abduction by the ground forces was supposed to be a covert operation conducted alongside a major offensive, but communication with their homeland was cut off, forcing them to act prematurely.]

“What major offensive?”

[Hehe, you’ll be surprised to hear this. Actually,]

“The neighboring country’s 6th Fleet, deployed under the pretext of border security, suddenly turned towards us. Right, Director Kirigaya?”


On the other side of the loudspeaker microphone, Director Kirigaya, who was about to proudly reveal the information, sounded displeased as Marin stole her thunder.

“The neighboring country’s navy invasion!? Why now, after being quiet for years…”

[They must see some chance of victory to make such a move.]

“A chance of victory, huh…”

Director Kirigaya and Marin responded to Senpai Suou’s question about the blatant enemy invasion with surprisingly relaxed, almost mocking smiles.

“Okinawa is a crucial defense point. We must prepare for the first response and head to the front lines as military personnel…”

Senpai Suou, realizing the seriousness of the situation, got all fired up.

[Oh, don’t worry. They probably think they can win if they attack before our ships leave the port, based on their previous failures. How shallow.]

“I agree. Did they already forget how we crippled their naval forces a few years ago?”

[They must be underestimating Hayami-dono’s abilities. Poor fools. Namu Namu.]

Director Kirigaya and Marin showed no signs of tension.

“Hinoura. Do you have any information over there?”

[Sorry, it’s classified. But we have a god on our side.]

“…What happened, Hinoura? Suddenly getting all religious… Did you get recruited by some weird cult?”

[No, sorry. I was thinking that if there really were gods, it might feel like this.]


Not understanding what she meant, Suo-senpai was left puzzled as Kotomi fell silent.

Kotomi was reflecting on the national secrets revealed to her as a newly recognized provisional Strategist and Special Soul Armor User.

(Hurry up and finish this, Yuu.)

In her heart, Kotomi sent her thoughts into the void.


-Time Rewinds a Few Hours-

“Long time no see, Madoka.”

After dropping off the Suo siblings and Kotomi at their respective destinations, Second Lieutenant Hayami visited her old friend at the Chinen Army Base.

Feeling a bit uneasy in the officers’ mess hall, Second Lieutenant Hayami was greeted by a familiar voice.

When she looked in the direction of the voice, she saw a short-haired female officer in camouflage, tanned from the sun, waving at her.

“Io! It’s been so long. It feels strange to be called by my first name again…”

“That’s typical for adults. But from the looks of it, you don’t have a boyfriend, do you, Second Lieutenant Hayami?”

“Shut up, Second Lieutenant Matomoi! You’re right, though…”

“Welcome to Chinen Base.”

Second Lieutenant Hayami had come to see her old classmate from the officer academy, Io Matomoi.

Since Io was on duty, she had arranged to meet during her lunch break at the base.

“Io, you’ve been assigned to this base since last year, right?”

“That’s right. It’s perfect for all the marine sports I love.”

As she spoke, Io rolled up the sleeves of her camouflage uniform.

While her face and hands were tanned, her arms were not, likely because she wore a wetsuit.

“Judging by your tan, it looks like you’ve been spending a lot of time swimming, just like during our academy’s swimming events… Oh, by the way, do you know any good treatments for sunburn?”

“Sunburn treatment? Oh, I’ve got some marine sports-specific stuff you can’t find at regular drugstores. I’ll give you a bottle. But you don’t seem that sunburned yourself, Madoka.”

“Thanks, Io. Actually, it’s for a special student I’m supervising who’s heavily sunburned.”

Thanking Io for the sunburn treatment, Second Lieutenant Hayami quickly stashed the bottle in her bag.

“So, you’re here for a training camp with the Special Soul Equipment Academy, right? I can’t believe Madoka is an instructor now.”

“What? I’m doing a good job as a teacher!”


“I’m quite popular among the students as a female Soul Equipment instructor.”

Despite trying to boast in front of her old friend,

“Oh, you looked away. You’re a terrible liar.”


It seemed Io, who had spent years eating and sleeping in the same quarters as Hayami, could see right through her.

“It’s a shame, though. You were so excited in your messages about working with your idol, only to be transferred to the academy soon after.”

“It’s a dual role, so it’s fine.”

“Dual role? That must be tough. But I’m happy that you’ve been recognized as a Soul Equipment user.”


“You were always treated as just a foot soldier by the higher-ups before.”

“That was tough. People even spread rumors that I was some high-ranking officer’s lover…”

“If they knew your preferences, they’d realize you’d never go for some greasy middle-aged guy.”

“I really considered publicly revealing my preferences back then.”

“That would’ve just caused more trouble for you.”

Io laughed, clapping her hands.

“Being under the higher-ups’ protection at least meant you didn’t have to transfer all over the country like I did after graduation.”

Second Lieutenant Hayami reminisced about those days with a distant look.

“I’m part of the Airborne Brigade, so I often get sent to frontline positions like this.”

“Madoka, you’re amazing. Becoming an officer, earning a Ranger badge, and joining the Airborne Brigade. You could’ve had a fast-track career at the Joint Staff Office.”

“I’m not suited for desk jobs. I prefer working outdoors under the open sky.”

“You’re just as much of a weirdo as I am for loving this job.”

“Ha! Only those with a few screws loose can survive this job!”

“So, you’re into marine sports now, but what about diving? Are you still doing that?”

“Not much these days. My work in the air keeps me busy.”

“Ha! Your hobby turned into your job. Our diving club captain would be disappointed. I haven’t been diving much either.”

Second Lieutenant Hayami and Io were particularly close, having shared a room during their first year at the academy and joined the diving club together.

The diving club offered both scuba diving and skydiving, which seemed fun, so they joined together.

Although they spent most afternoons doing muscle training, which felt like a scam, they both found it enjoyable and stayed in the club until graduation, with Io even becoming the captain.

“How about a jump, Madoka? We have joint training with the Air Force this afternoon.”

“I’m on vacation today, so I’ll pass.”

Time flew by as they talked with their old friend.

The officers’ mess hall had become almost empty.

“I guess I should get going. It was great seeing you again, Io.”

“Same here. Let’s stay alive to meet again.”

Despite the ominous tone, Second Lieutenant Hayami smiled and shook Io’s hand firmly.

They cherished this physical connection, knowing that the next meeting might be at a memorial if either of them fell.


[Second Airborne Brigade, hold your positions!]

Instead of the lunch break ending bell, a calm voice came over the mess hall speakers.

Second Lieutenant Hayami and Io froze, still holding hands.

[Emergency assembly! Report to your posts immediately!]

After a deliberate pause, the order was given.

“I’ll be off then.”

“Take care. Good luck.”

Io ran off to her post, her expression now a stern military one, a stark contrast to her earlier demeanor.

“I hope our farewell wasn’t a bad omen…”

Second Lieutenant Hayami had an uneasy feeling, as if she were in a clichéd war movie scenario, having just bid farewell and promising to meet again.

(Bzzzz! Bzzzz!)

Second Lieutenant Hayami’s phone vibrated.

Recognizing the unique vibration pattern, she quickly opened the message and read it.

“It seems we will be flying together, after all, Io.”

Muttering this, Second Lieutenant Hayami vanished from the Chinen Base, which was now abuzz with the emergency assembly.

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