Upon Returning Home As A Military Major General, …
Chapter 86 Table of contents

“Target acquired. Kotomi, are you ready?”

“Just a moment.”

The target data center was set up deep in the mountains, inside a natural limestone cave.

They really built a data center in an impressive place.

Without inside information, it would be impossible to find such a location.

Even if an airstrike was targeted, it’s uncertain if it could completely destroy the internal equipment.

Moreover, the inside of the cave is as cool as a natural refrigerator, which helps to cool the server equipment.

Well, as a result, the beautiful limestone cave that nature created over millions of years has been destroyed by the facility installation…

This also shows that our opponents are quite desperate.

“OK. Soul Armor Technique, Red Ocean, can be activated.”

Kotomi, who replied, attached a Chuusuke plush toy to the communication cable extending from the cave entrance.

This scene is really surreal.

It’s a cute plush toy, but it’s already estimated to have caused economic losses of several trillion yen to the enemy country.

Originally, it was just an ordinary plush toy that was in my house.

It’s safe to say it has earned back the amount spent on UFO catchers.

“Activate Red Ocean.”


At my command, Chuusuke glows, and Kotomi’s technique is activated.

“Whew… confirmed the destruction of the enemy system.”

After a brief silence, Kotomi reports the battle results.

The communication cable that Chuusuke cutely held is short-circuiting with a crackling sound.

The devices connected to this cable are likely the same.

“Good job. Mission complete. We’re heading back. Lieutenant Hayami, prepare for spatial transfer.”

I instruct the completion of the mission and our withdrawal from the scene.

“…? Yuu-sama. The mission directive includes the systematic destruction of the enemy system and the implementation of physical destruction, right?”

Hayami-san confirms the mission directive on her military pocket terminal and offers her opinion to me.

“The enemy’s base is a natural masterpiece. Therefore, if we implement physical destruction, our country will be criticized as an enemy of humanity. Thus, based on my field judgment, I will not carry out the physical destruction directive.”


Hayami-san responds with a wry smile.

Well, it’s sophistry, but it’s a valid argument.

Even though it’s the enemy’s, I want to avoid destroying globally precious ruins or landmarks as a last resort.

After all, we know their location.

Our opponents won’t persist in a covert operation base that has already been attacked.

“Then, I will activate the spatial transfer technique.”

“First, Kotomi.”

“I thought superiors should go first during transfers…”

“If something happens, it’s better for me, with higher combat capability, to stay behind.”

Lieutenant Hayami looks dissatisfied with my instruction again, but such things must be handled rationally.

You can’t afford to worry about taxi seats or conference room seating orders on an actual battlefield.

Rational judgment in survival strategy is justice.

“Well then, I’ll go ahead.”

“I’ll return to the Integrated Staff Office first. I’ll be back soon.”

“Take your time, don’t make mistakes.”

Holding Kotomi, Lieutenant Hayami transfers.

I check the cave with binoculars.

White smoke is rising from the entrance, but it doesn’t seem like a big fire is happening inside.


Something’s off…

I feel a sense of unease as I observe the target.

Even though it’s a data center, there should be maintenance personnel inside.

If a fire breaks out inside the cave, it will quickly fill with smoke.

Using a natural structure, it doesn’t seem like there’s an adequate ventilation system.

Therefore, the technicians inside should come rushing out with panic…

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Yuu-sama.”

“Oh, Lieutenant Hayami. Good work.”

I temporarily take my eyes off the binoculars at the voice of the returning Lieutenant Hayami.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing.”

“You seem anxious.”

I immediately deny Hayami-san’s question, but she isn’t deceived and presses on.

“Oh, if my subordinates can read my face, I’m still not there yet.”

Scratching my cheek and laughing self-deprecatingly.

Making subordinates anxious disqualifies me as a superior.

“Do you have any concerns about this mission?”

“Well, sorry, Lieutenant Hayami. Call Kotomi back.”

I decided to change my earlier plan and use Kotomi’s soul equipment ability to fill the cave with stun gas or paralyzing poison to properly secure the inside.

If we follow the original directive and implement physical destruction, there will be no future worries, but I still don’t want to damage the limestone cave.

“Understood. I will go and… huh?”

Hayami-san’s voice sounds deflated.

“What’s wrong, Lieutenant Hayami?”

“The transfer technique… failed… I’m sorry…”

“…! Lieutenant Hayami!”

I hurriedly catch the staggering Lieutenant Hayami as she clutches her temples.

“Sorry… my head feels…”

Lieutenant Hayami grimaces in my arms, enduring the pain.

What’s happening? Is it a health issue?

If a soul equipment user has a health issue during combat, the most likely cause is mental energy depletion from repeated use of their ability.

However, unlike usual, Lieutenant Hayami has only transferred me and Kotomi today, so she hasn’t used the spatial transfer technique excessively.

Today is the first mission, and she usually performs multiple missions a day, activating the spatial transfer technique each time, so she hasn’t reached her limit.

Yet, she is clearly suffering now.

What to do next…

Should I let her rest somewhere? I was considering this, but reality did not afford me such a luxury.

[Master, enemy attack]

“Damn it!”

Receiving the warning from Kon, I couldn’t help but click my tongue in frustration.

As expected, this situation was orchestrated by the enemy.

[Kon! All-directional machine gun sweep! Scatter and confuse the enemy!]

Deploying turrets in all directions, including anti-air, the machine guns blaze.

It’s just me and Hayami-san here.

Therefore, I can conduct indiscriminate shooting without worrying about friendly fire, but this combat style will eventually lead to running out of ammunition.

[We are under an obstructive system’s soul armor attack.]

[Obstructive system? What is it, Kon?]

Amidst the continuous gunfire, I ask while carrying Lieutenant Hayami on my shoulder.

[It’s an internal conversation, Master, no need to shout. It appears to be a soul armor ability that hinders the female lieutenant’s spatial transfer.]

[Where is the soul armor user of this technique?]

[I don’t have detection abilities. But they are likely nearby. Blasting within a 1km radius of Master should ensure it.]

[But that would destroy the cave…]

[It would be obliterated. There is also a high chance that the soul armor user is hiding there.]

I contemplate in silence.

Carrying Hayami-san and counterattacking while moving beyond the opponent’s soul equipment range is difficult.

Moreover, the effective range of the opponent’s ability is unknown.

If I avoid targeting the cave, it would reveal to the enemy that we are concerned about damaging natural heritage.

This realization could be exploited not only in this battle but in other future conflicts.


I want to avoid Hayami-san being under the obstructive technique for long.

As it’s an unknown attack, its health impacts are also unclear.

“Then, I have to be the villain…”

I muttered, followed by a dry laugh.

Since the age of 10, I’ve taken countless lives.

Whether I protect or destroy a natural heritage now won’t change my reputation.

My hands are already stained, so being a villain now doesn’t make a difference, I thought self-deprecatingly.

“Kon. Flatten the area within a 1km radius with the cannon.”

“No… Yuu-sama.”

Hayami-san, gasping for breath, struggles in my arms.

“Lieutenant Hayami, don’t push yourself! This is probably an attack by a soul equipment user specialized against your spatial transfer ability. So…”

As a superior officer, I need to maintain a firm stance.

“I understand… Therefore, I will retreat from here.”

Breathing heavily and in pain, Lieutenant Hayami says.

“Can you transfer?”

“Yes… I can fly once. Under the obstructive technique’s influence, there’s no time to spare… Your order.”

“Alright! Lieutenant Hayami, activate the spatial transfer technique.”


I would regret this decision later.

Why didn’t I confirm the details properly with Lieutenant Hayami?

Why did I issue an order, trusting her words about being able to activate the spatial transfer technique unconditionally?

Believing her words so easily was due to my own indecision and weakness, wanting to avoid destroying the natural heritage with my own hands.

“I’m sorry, Yuu-sama… I can’t let you bear the disgrace for my sake…”

With a thud, Hayami-san’s unsupported body falls to the grass.

I had no way of knowing her monologue after I was transferred from that place.

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