Taming The Villainesses
Chapter 257.2 Table of contents

(EP-257.2) Like the Wind #2

257 – Like The Fleeting Wind #2

“After the Demon King was defeated, the barrier was erected. The war was essentially over. At a time when we should have been focusing on rebuilding, why would such astronomical expenses be necessary?”

“I’m not sure.”

“This is how I see it. My grandfather— Vald, was afraid of something. He felt the need to prepare. Otherwise, these amounts don’t make sense.”

Aira, listening quietly, let out a long nasal sound and asked.

“What could the Valiant Vald have been afraid of?”

“Perhaps, as Opal said, Solomon wasn’t really dead. We might get a better understanding by looking at the records of the Draco and Tarantera families.”

“I didn’t think my cousin Elganes would believe such a ridiculous story~.”

Unlike the serious Elga, Aira seemed very relaxed. Perhaps thinking that the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, Elga stepped back and disappeared into the shadows.

Eventually, when her presence was no longer felt, Aira let out a small sigh.

“Elga has always been like that since she was young. Once she gets fixated on something, she loses all sense of reason. She’s gotten into trouble more than a few times because of it, but she still hasn’t fixed that habit.”

“I see…”

I nodded moderately.

* * *

“I’ve figured it out. This is soul transfer.”


In the conference room of the Angmar Palace, Mirna stood in front of a large blackboard, unrolling a scroll for us to see.

At this sight, Aira, who had been yawning out of boredom, curved her lips into a smile.

“Soul transfer?”

“It’s a forbidden art that implants part of a person’s soul or memories into an object. It was a top-secret that was being researched by the Draco family. I don’t know how the elves got hold of it, but this is definitely soul transfer.”

Mirna’s firm explanation brought a brief silence over the room.

Then, Reinhardt Von Lioness, who was sitting at the table with his arms crossed, spoke up.

“So, you mean that Opal was preparing to transfer his soul into the body of a young elf boy?”

“That’s correct, Lord Lioness. If we had been any later, he might have succeeded. If we had faced Opal in a healthy new body….”

With that, Mirna fell silent.

It was easy to imagine the chaos if Opal, reincarnated in a healthy body, had run amok. I’d likely be having my funeral right about now…

Everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Then, breaking the silence, Stella, the representative of the Bellhawk family and the center of this incident, spoke up.

“He looked like my brother. That elf boy. At first, I thought I was mistaken. But he resembled my brother so much from his childhood that it shocked me.”

I asked.

“Are you saying he is Opal’s son?”

“Well, I’ve never heard that my brother had children. Opal was straightforward and clear about such things.”

“I see.”

The more information came to light, the more questions arose.

The meeting continued with tedious and serious discussions.

What would become of the Bellhawk family? Issues of compensation and the punishment of those involved were crucial matters that needed to be addressed.

━What about the escaped test subjects…? It seems they have already started causing damage in civilian homes.

━I’ve heard reports that a crazed nymph, being called the strongest of all, entered a noble’s mansion and ate all their sugar. With even the nobility affected, we can’t just stand by….

Fortunately, there was Reinhardt, a man of exceptional political acumen.

“Then, I shall conclude this meeting. If anyone has something to say, raise your hand.”

No one raised their hand in response to Reinhardt’s question. Instead, I overheard people murmuring.

━They say the Lioness’ golden army handled everything this time too. Isn’t the power of the Lioness family growing too much?

━With the Bellhawk’s having fallen so low, this is the era of the Lioness.

━If the Lioness family runs amok, who will stop them…?


The Lioness’ power was growing too large.

But I wasn’t worried.

I was confident in having a firm grip on the Lioness’ leash.

“Then, let’s adjourn the meeting.”

With Aira’s words, people started pouring out of the conference hall. As I made my way through the crowd, someone approached me.

“Sir Theo, I heard you played a significant role in this matter. Your recent performance as the court mage should quell any discontent.”

It was Reinhardt.

To be honest, I found this man intimidating.

He had always been rumored to be a formidable and difficult man. After everything that had happened with Elga, he had become even more unsettling.

I had no idea how we would face each other once he discovered all the facts. It seemed wise to prepare for that inevitable day….


He placed his large hand on my shoulder.

“My daughter has spoken highly of you.”


“Yes, it’s not often that my daughter praises someone else. You must have made quite an impression in Ark.”


Come to think of it, I hadn’t seen Elga. She wasn’t one to miss such an event. As I looked around, Reinhardt said.

“If you’re looking for my daughter, she’s probably in the room where the court’s carrier pigeons gather. She mentioned she’s waiting for some test results.”

“Test results?”

“Probably busy with the Bellhawk affair. You should go see her. While you’re at it, inform her of the meeting’s conclusions.”

Reinhardt gave me a push on the back.

There was no real reason to go to Elga right now. But it was better than having an awkward conversation with Reinhardt. Should I head to the place where the court’s pigeons gather?

The balcony of the high tower in the court.

When I climbed up there, I saw a woman standing with her back to the entrance, looking at the night sky. She wore red armor, but the long, flowing blonde hair was unmistakably someone I knew well.

“Elga-nim, what are you doing here? The meeting is over.”


Elga turned her head.

With the moonlight behind her, her expression looked somewhat cold, making it difficult for me to approach her. Was she angry because of the hot weather?

Just as I was trying to muster the courage to speak again.


Elga handed me a piece of paper.

“Answer truthfully. If you lie about even one thing, I’ll break your neck.”

Edited by: faker

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