Taming The Villainesses
Chapter 261.1 Table of contents

(EP-261.1) #3

261 – Fight Fire With Fire #3

Jingle, jingle.

“Come again next time.”

The owner of the clothing store waved at us with satisfaction. He must be in a good mood after selling so many items.

Thanks to that, I ended up with a lot of stuff to carry. But it wasn’t really inconvenient since I could just store it all in my inventory, 《Squirrel Cache》.

“Sir Theo, how do I look? It’s been a while since I wore pants, so it feels a bit awkward… But since they fit snugly, they should be comfortable to move in.”

Mirna spun around, her movements felt as graceful and elegant as a pro skater gliding on ice or a ballerina.

“You look great!”

I praised Mirna honestly.

Wearing leather light armor, a cloak, sturdy boots with iron studs, gloves, and belt to hold various items…

In fact, this image brought something specific to mind.

“You look like a rookie adventurer.”

Mirna frowned slightly, seemingly displeased with my evaluation.

“Rookie? Not a veteran? Sir Theo, aren’t you underestimating my skills?”

“It’s not that. Your equipment is just too clean. It’s like you just bought it. You look like someone who has just come to the city with dreams of becoming an adventurer.”

“Well, that might be true… After all, the equipment is brand new. But Sir Theo, are you sure you’re not buying anything?”

Mirna seemed concerned that I hadn’t bought anything at the clothing store. Of course, I just shrugged.

“What I’m wearing now is enough.”

While Mirna needed new clothes to avoid dirtying her expensive dress, my current outfit was more than adequate.

Mirna nodded, seeming to understand my point.

“Indeed, that robe is quite an excellent piece. It always seems pristine, as if it repels dirt and dust. It truly befits something found in the depths of the Draco family’s basement.”

“My thanks, I’ve been using it well.”

“Then, as the witch said, let’s head to that Hidden Barrier dungeon. If we complete the request, we can get the expensive staff at a discount. How splendid.”

Mirna’s steps were as lively as her younger sister Narmi’s. The clacking sound of her boots echoed through the streets, drawing smiles from onlookers.

━Newbies who just got their gear? They remind me of myself back in the day. I used to be like that too.

━That mage looks quite experienced, though. Isn’t that an imp tail wand on his arm? A graduate of the magic tower, maybe? Or from Ark?

━Eh, it’s probably a fake. You can’t just get an imp tail wand for a penny or two.

Even dressed as an ordinary adventurer, Mirna drew attention. Her well-groomed silver hair and fair skin certainly made her stand out anywhere.

We should get to the dungeon quickly to avoid getting caught up in any frivolous incident.


The map given by the witch indicated an alley near the central market – where the dungeon entrance should be nearby.

A dungeon infested with monsters in a populated area—it seemed questionable, but they assured us that nothing inside would come out.

It was said to be well managed under strict control.

Then a problem arose.

“It’s supposed to be around here somewhere, but I can’t find the entrance.”

Despite reaching the alley between the walls as marked by the witch, there was nothing that looked like an entrance. Tug. Mirna pulled on my sleeve.

“Here it is.”

“This mural?”

What Mirna pointed to was a mural of a child’s drawing of the sun. It was strange to think this was the dungeon entrance, but her next explanation made sense.

“The mural is a disguise. If you recite a specific activation incantation, it works as an entrance. You’d know this if you took the Introduction to Dungeons and Parallel Worlds at Ark.”

‘I see…’

Mirna added more details.

The rights of the parallel world dungeons belonged to the person who first discovered them or whoever bought them.

There were quite a few ‘dungeon owners’ rather than building owners in this world.

People made a living managing dungeons and controlling access. Guilds, familias, or organizations usually bought practical dungeons.

I’d gained some knowledge.

“Sir Theo, let’s go inside. What’s the activation phrase?”

“Don’t be surprised when you hear it.”

“Is it a strange language?”

Instead of answering Mirna’s question, I cleared my throat and said.

“─I like naked women.”

“What!? W-what did you just say—”

Mirna was visibly shocked.

But I merely showed her the map the witch had given me.

“That’s the activation phrase. ‘I like naked women.’”

“Even so, I’m really disappointed in you, Sir Theo…! How could you say something so shameless in public….”


As Mirna’s eyes narrowed in disapproval and she opened her mouth to say more, the mural began to glow.

* * *

The inside of the dungeon was a ruin full of collapsed columns and statues.

Though there was no sun, it was as bright as broad daylight, which was odd. But it was nice and cool, unlike the hot Angmar city.

The mana touching my skin was abundant. My imp tail wand was even buzzing, as if it was eager to use magic.

Seuk, seuk-.

Mirna glanced around and said.

“This is a typical ruin type. Judging by the temple architecture, it’s likely an interdimensional space created around 5 centuries ago. Not that Sir Theo would understand any of that.”

[T/N: Hidden Barrier dungeon changed to Parallel World Dungeon based on the just-revealed info]

Edited by: faker

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