Taming The Villainesses
Chapter 269.1 Table of contents

(EP-269.1) #1

269 – Reconciliation #1

I had no particular reason for fleeing to the palace. Nevertheless, the Angmar Palace was already a sanctuary in itself.

Those who entered were bound by the high royal laws, unable to bear arms or engage in violent acts without the Queen’s permission.

It was only natural, as it was the ruler’s residence.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the Lioness Family and their soldiers were, they would not be able to do anything to me once we entered the royal palace.

And I was right.

Seeing the soldiers hesitating and not knowing what to do as I stood at the palace’s threshold, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the woman who appeared behind me was an unforeseen variable in my plan. Aira showing up at the palace entrance? The distance from her room to here was considerable.

“What are you all doing? Your Queen is asking you a question. Why are you trying to capture my court mage?”

Queen Aira’s demeanor was quite relaxed. Though she was questioning the soldiers, she neither showed anger nor was she overbearing.

Despite this, the soldiers appeared extremely tense, glancing at each other nervously. They seemed competent and realized that something strange was going on.

━Hey, what do we do?

━I don’t know. When’s quitting time? I just want to go home…

While they hesitated, unsure of what to do, Aira clicked her tongue.

“It seems that this Queen is asking the wrong way. How foolish of me. I should have directly designated someone to answer. You, the commander.”

Aira’s dark eyes fixed on a soldier adorned with a feathered helmet and a particularly ornate badge on his shoulder. It was clear to anyone that he was the commander of this group of soldiers.

At Aira’s call, the commander removed his helmet and bowed his head.

“Commander of the 3rd Company of the Lionheart Battalion, Guilford Night Belleiom. To the exalted leader of Angmar and great conqueror, Aira Von…”


Aira waved her hand dismissively as Guilford’s lengthy introduction.

“That’s not what I asked. So, Guilford, can you explain to your Queen what exactly is going on here?”


“Are you telling me there’s something you can’t tell your Queen?”

“We were following orders to chase and capture Theo Gospel.”

The middle-aged man called Guilford said with tightly closed eyes. Hearing this, Aira furrowed her brows slightly and repeated the key words, “Orders? Capture?”


“We are also unaware of the reason. We’re just following orders.”

Their answer illuminated some of my doubts. So the Lioness soldiers were pursuing me for a simple reason: orders.

It wasn’t because I was a descendant of Angmar. They likely didn’t know. But the one who gave the order must be aware of that fact. Was it Elga? Or…

While I was lost in thought, Aira spoke solemnly.

“I see. Orders. But attempting to treat my court mage as a criminal without my permission is a grave offense. Crimes require a fitting punishment.”


Aira reached out into the air.

“As the supreme executor of royal law, I have the authority to summarily judge all unlawful acts committed within Angmar.”


The Knight Guilford’s body trembled violently and then lifted into the air. He clutched at his neck as if he were hanging from a noose, his legs flailing.

That was probably what it was. Aira’s specialty was telekinesis. Anyone who got strangled by the Rank 4 Force Grip would end up like that.

Still, I was worried that Guilford might actually die.

“Ugh, gah!”

I didn’t have any feelings for the man who tried to capture me like a wild animal in a net and whom I met for the first time today. However, I wanted to avoid the situation where Aira killed people as much as possible.

So, I quickly stood up and bowed to Aira.

“Aira-nim, rightful judgment deserves respect. However, the commander was merely following orders, and I think it would be better to first ask who gave that order….”

“Hmm, that’s a reasonable suggestion~.”


Aira released Guilford. With a flick of her hand, she drew his sprawled body on the ground towards her.

“Night Guilford, faithful to your orders. As your Queen, I now command you to tell me who ordered the capture of Theo Gospel?”


The man’s voice was hoarse, still recovering from his strangulation. Just as he was about to say something.

“I did.”

A large figure stood behind Aira. A tall, lanky physique with broad shoulders and a splendid red cape draped over them. His platinum hair fluttered in the wind.

The man who appeared from the court spoke to Aira in a calm manner.

“They are not at fault. I was the one who gave the order.”

“Chancellor Reinhardt. Why did you give such an order?”

“Because there was a good reason. If you’ll excuse me, I’m sure the Queen will understand once I explain.”


Reinhardt handed Aira a small note. After reading it, Aira asked calmly, “Is this true?”

Reinhardt sternly responded, “It is true.” If they had whispered to each other, I might have overheard their conversation with my keen hearing.

However, since it was through a note, I had no way of knowing what was going on. Did they do this deliberately because they know someone might eavesdrop?

「You have calmly judged the situation!

You have gained experience points through the talent 《Calm Thinking》.

All job experience +5」

Edited by: faker

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