Taming The Villainesses
Chapter 253.1 Table of contents

(EP-253.1) Caged #8

253 – Caged Bird #8

I didn’t realize it because I was dazed for a moment.

I was told that after the massive explosion, a series of chain reactions caused the entire laboratory to become one chaotic mess. The inferno and screams from every direction truly made it a scene straight out of hell…


━Euak, the lion spider has broken loose!


━The specimens in the tanks are waking up! Hurry and lock them up! They’re not fully adjusted yet, so if they wake up, control them, gah-!

Seeing the escaped specimens attacking everything in sight made my blood run cold.

Mirna said.

“They conducted illegal experiments. Serves them right. This is what you call divine punishment!”

She might be right. However, experiencing such raw chaos firsthand was unsettling.

━This body is the strongest nymph, Yujinoi! This body will not avoid any challenge that comes this way!

━Sh*t! The keter class mad nymph has broken free! Soldiers! Stop it…!


━Cloudling has broken out too…!

Numerous shadows flicker and lit up in the distance.

The scorching heat and the overwhelming noise made me dizzy, but the chaos served as a perfect cover for our plans.

“Theo-kun, Miss Mirna. We need to move. Even though it looks chaotic, this commotion will be quelled soon! Here, this way!”

In the midst of this confusion, Stella dashed forward as if she had been waiting for this moment. With her agile frame, and perhaps because she was a hunter, she resembled a wolf sprinting through the forest.

Mirna and I hurriedly followed, with no time or room for complaints. We arrived at a massive iron door that looked as sturdy as a nuclear bunker entrance.

The only unusual thing was that the lock stayed on the outside, as if to prevent whatever inside from getting out.

“Wait a moment. I’ll unlock it quickly.”


Finally, as Stella Bellhawk activated the magic device, the black door swung open with a loud, intense sound.

At the same time, a cold breeze swept through my protective suit.

Compared to the chaos and disorder around us, the area beyond the door was dark and quiet. No, it wasn’t entirely quiet.



If you listen closely, there was that peculiar breathing again, asserting its presence…

Stella said.

“It seems the magic flow in the lab has temporarily shut down. Opal is inside. We should be ready for a sudden attack.”

Even without her saying so, both Mirna and I could already sense the sharp, piercing aura. A feeling of intense pressure that made you want to take a step back immediately.


Then, the sound of a mechanism turning echoed from somewhere. Soon, flickering lights illuminated the space beyond the door.

There were numerous tanks connected by hoses, and what appeared to be a chair in between.

Sitting on that chair, with various needles and mechanical devices attached to his body, was a man wearing a silver mask resembling a hawk’s face.

Kuuuu-. Kuuuu-.

The hose attached to the mask continued to emit a sinister sound. With his face obscured, it was impossible to tell if his eyes were open or if he was even conscious.

“That’s Opal… He’s much more terrifying than I imagined.”

Mirna shuddered. The needles and mechanical devices brutally embedded in Opal’s body were grotesque.

“His life force is barely perceptible. It’s hard to say he’s truly alive. He’s more like something that’s been overrun with magic engineering and machinery…”

I didn’t say it aloud, but I agreed with her. His exposed body showed no regard for life.

Only cold metal, long and thick hoses, vital signs flowing alongside, and injection needles were present.

Despite his ghastly appearance, the silver chrome exterior had a certain appeal to my 21st-century sensibilities. He looked like a cyborg.

But such impressions hardly mattered. The problem was that he was a legendary hero, revered for his incredible prowess.


A deep inhalation echoed. The needles and hoses attached to the man’s body began to detach one by one, falling to the floor with a thud.

Thunk, thunk, psssshhh.

Finally, the fist-sized cord plugged into his spine was removed.

From behind the hawk mask, “Ugh,” a groan escaped. It was a low, dismal sound, like something crawling up from the depths of hell.

“Stella. My foolish sister.”

Yet, when he spoke, his voice was unexpectedly smooth and resonant, a mid-range tone that made my heart stir.

“You’ve finally done it. I had a vague idea you might pull something, but I didn’t expect you to create such a spectacle. All the birds I painstakingly captured have flown away.”

“Opal, surrender quietly. Otherwise, that slap-dash life of yours will become even more pathetic.”

“Surrender? You dare suggest that I surrender?”


Opal stood up. Seeing him draw the two crescent swords from his waist, it was clear he was ready to fight.

“Who was it that beheaded the enemy commander in the Barkadas Mountains? Who single-handedly held off 30,000 troops on the Palakas Plains? It was I, Opal. And you dare suggest that I surrender?”

At that moment, Mirna stepped forward.

“Opal Bellhawk, if you truly consider yourself a hero and warrior of Angmar, you should know how to end things honorably. Are you afraid of death at the end of such a long life?”


Edited by: faker

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