The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 508 Table of contents
  1. I Was an Inconspicuous Mob Character, but I Got Reincarnated in Another World, so I’m Going to Dominate When I Woke Up From My Nap, It Was a Grassland!?


* * *


“Fuwaaa… Ah, it’s over! I slept well…”




Takashiro Sasuke was taking a nap, his face buried in his desk, during lunch break.




Because he’s a little bit introverted.

It’s not that he hates talking to people, or that he has a terrible case of stage fright… but he’s just not very good at talking to people.

He’s not the type of person who can easily open up.


That’s why… especially after entering high school, and his friendships changing… he hasn’t been able to form any deep relationships with anyone.


Before he knew it, several groups had formed, while he hesitated to approach anyone.

For example, the popular kids’ group, centered around Suzudou-kun, the most popular boy in class.

And there were also several girls’ groups, boys’ groups…


Once those groups are formed, it becomes even more difficult to enter those relationships.

As a result, he couldn’t bring himself to talk to anyone.


And as a result, Sasuke’s position in class settled into that of an ‘inconspicuous mob’.


He doesn’t belong to any group.

And it’s not like he’s hated, so he’s not extremely isolated.

He’s just an inconspicuous, plain existence.


That was Takashiro Sasuke, the male high school student.






Takashiro Sasuke was taking a nap, his face buried in his desk, during lunch break.




Because he has nothing to do.

He doesn’t have any plans to hang out with anyone, and he’s not in any clubs.

And he doesn’t want to be made fun of for being a ‘nerd’ by studying in his free time.


So he decided to spend his lunch break taking a nap, after laying the groundwork beforehand, during his unavoidable morning greetings with other people, saying things like ‘I stayed up late last night’.


There’s nothing wrong with that.

If he takes a nap, he’ll be more focused for his afternoon classes.

And it’s not like it’s a particularly conspicuous action.






Takashiro Sasuke was taking a nap, his face buried in his desk, during lunch break.




And yet.

He should have been.




“Ha… Eh!?”




When he woke up and opened his eyes… what he saw was a beautiful, clear blue sky.


It wasn’t the scenery of the classroom, where he had been spending his days, just going with the flow!




“Eh!? Eh!? Eh!?”




He jumped up in a panic and stood up!

He looked around, frantically!


…And what unfolded before him was a vast grassland.


Under a clear blue sky, unlike any he had ever seen, beautiful waves of grass continue as far as the eye can see.

Turning to the right, he could see a huge, pale blue, blurry mountain range in the distance.

Turning to the left, within sight at least, he could see a cluster of buildings, made of piled up stones… in other words, something that looked like a town.

This is definitely not a scenery from Japan.



One thing he can say for sure—

Is that.




“Where… is this…!?”




Takashiro Sasuke has suddenly been thrown into a completely unfamiliar place.


That was the truth.




* * *




“Eh, eh, eeeeh… What is this… What is this?”


Sasuke was confused.

He wondered if he was still dreaming.


But the beautiful scenery spreading out before him.

The wind caressing his cheek.

The smell of grass.

The warmth of the sun.


Everything is real.




“Could it be… maybe… I was transported to another world…?”


Well, Sasuke, who enjoys reading light novels online, was able to reach that conclusion fairly smoothly.


Transported to another world… What an absurd story.

If he had said that before waking up from his nap, he would have been told to stop escaping from reality.

It’s a truly unrealistic phenomenon.

But Sasuke couldn’t think of his current situation as anything other than that.


Because no matter how he looks at it, it’s real.


Everything he’s feeling right now…

If he were to deny it, saying ‘This is a dream’—

…He thinks that that would be escaping from reality.








So, after checking that there’s no one around, he nervously muttered that ‘cliché’ phrase.


And then, at that moment!




A thin, translucent, blue board suddenly appeared before Sasuke’s eyes, without a sound!

Sasuke, shocked by the occurrence of this unscientific and cliché supernatural event, involuntarily fell on his bottom!


But the thin board seems to continue displaying, tracking Sasuke’s movements, still floating before him.

Holding his breath, staring at it, he saw his personal data displayed there.

‘Name’, ‘Age’—those are fine, but the next one is ‘Level’, and below that, the categories ‘HP’, ‘MP’, and ‘Skills’ are listed.

Apparently, Sasuke’s level is 1, he has 68 HP, 36 MP, and the skill 【Presence Concealment】.

This is truly… truly game-like.


“Ku… 【Close】!”


Next, when Sasuke muttered the word that came to mind, the game-like status screen instantly disappeared.

Sasuke, pressing his pounding chest with his palm, was stunned for a while, and then—




“S-Seriously!? Did I really get transported to another world!?”


He screamed, scratching his head!




And then he noticed another new fact.

The color of the hair that snapped, and got tangled around his fingers.


…Is light purple.


He should have had black hair.

But what’s with this hair color!?


“Come to think of it…”


And then he noticed another fact.

He should have been wearing a blazer-type school uniform.

But now, he’s…

Wearing some kind of… crude clothing made of rough, thick fabric.


One more thing—the skin color peeking out from his clothes is whiter than before.


“Huh? Wait, maybe it’s not teleportation? Maybe it’s reincarnation…?”


It seems that his current appearance is different from when he was in Japan, Sasuke realized.

Did he become a different person?

But on the status screen earlier, it clearly said ‘Sasuke Takashiro’ in the ‘Name’ section…


Further confusion assailed Sasuke, and he tilted his head.




But he—

Wasn’t given the time to think things through.






The next moment—

Sasuke heard the growl… of a hungry beast!






Involuntarily jumping up and turning around, what he saw—

Is a wolf… wearing green fur, and the size of a horse!






A giant carnivore, drooling, glaring at him!

What can a male high school student, who grew up in peaceful Japan, not knowing how to fight, do against such a terrifying opponent?

All he can do is—








…Scream, and run away!


If he remembers correctly, there was something that looked like a town in the distance!

Anyway, to that place!

To where the people are!


Sasuke started running frantically, without looking back!




* * *




Now, however—

Sasuke, too preoccupied with running away in fear, didn’t notice, but—

The giant, green wolf, which was glaring at Sasuke with an expression as if it were about to pounce…

Surprisingly, it didn’t chase after Sasuke, who had run away.






The wolf, after confirming that Sasuke had completely disappeared from sight, snorted.


And then, it glanced at the ground.

A single, lovely, yellow flower is swaying there.




The wolf stared at the flower, with a complicated expression of love and hate, and then—

Licked it.






And then it—

Heaving its heavy body—

Slowly started walking… in the opposite direction from the town Sasuke headed towards.




The yellow flower—

Continued to sway happily in the wind, under the blue sky.







This concludes Arc 22.


I ended it without mentioning Kalamaruyu or Saint Ad, but I thought it would be fine.

I hope you enjoyed it.


As for the next arc, I think it will be later than usual.

But rest assured, I definitely have the motivation and ideas for it.


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