I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 66 Table of contents


"I'm... I'm going to die..."

Orca and Aileen were sprawled out on the floor, as if all the energy had been drained from them, completely unlike the intensity with which they had been studying earlier.

I had hypnotized them to make studying enjoyable, but I never expected them to study this hard.

Maybe it was because they had someone to study with? It seemed they had put in more effort than I had anticipated.

"Good job. How did it go?"

"I don't know, I don't want to think about it..."

"I don't care..."

While both of them answered as if they didn’t care about their test results, it was clear that Aileen was the only one truly indifferent.

Orca, on the other hand, seemed to be secretly concerned.

I could tell because her fingers kept twitching. It was obvious that she was curious about her score and wanted to ask Aileen to compare answers but was too hesitant, probably out of fear that the results might not be good.

I didn’t want to leave things on such a down note, with them just sulking and being uncertain.

Alright, I suppose there’s no other choice.

"Orca, do you have any plans during the break?"

"During the break? Well, I was thinking of earning some money. Why?"

"Well, the thing is... I’ve started a new club! I was wondering if you’d like to join. It’s a music club! A band! What do you think?!"

"...What are you talking about out of nowhere?"

Out of nowhere?

I expected a less-than-enthusiastic response, but hearing it so bluntly still stung a bit.

But when faced with this kind of reaction, it’s important to push forward confidently.

I shamelessly put on a cheerful face and spoke to Orca in an exaggerated tone.

"Anastasia, Stella, Orca, Leo, Aileen... These are the names of the students who frequently visit the counseling room, right?"

"...And what about it?"

"Well, listen closely. Ahem. I couldn’t help but wonder, ‘Do these kids have any friends? Why do they only come to the counseling room?’"


Honestly, I feel partly responsible for them missing out on opportunities to make friends, but whatever.

People are easily swayed by the atmosphere, even if you’re just spouting nonsense instead of sound reasoning.

Orca, having been hit by the suggestion that she has no friends, was already caught in my web.

"I-I do have friends! The princess! She asked me to be friends! And that kid, Aileen, too... Are we friends now?"

"...Sure, let’s call it friendship."

"See? And that observer girl keeps hanging around me too! Hah, I’m so popular."

"...But in the end, it’s just the students I mentioned, isn’t it?"


While it was a relief that Aileen and Orca now considered each other friends after this exam period, her argument held no weight.

In the end, she only became friends with the students who frequently visit the counseling room. She just admitted she has no friends outside of them.

Realizing this, Orca’s expression turned sullen.

"Hmph. I don’t befriend useless people."

"Has that rubbed off on you from Stella...? Well, anyway, that’s why I created this club for people like you with such destructive social relationships. It’s a band club! Woo! Clap, clap, clap."

"...Why does it have to be that?"

"In a band, the connection between people is crucial. You build bonds through playing together!"

To put it more bluntly, I could say it like this:

Since it’s impossible for you guys to make a lot of friends anyway, why not just stick together?

"Besides, there are five of you, which is perfect for a band! One bassist, one drummer, one on synth, and two guitarists! I’ll be the club advisor!"

"You guys can work hard without me. I need to earn money, so I’ll sit this one out."

Of course, I expected this. Orca, who dislikes group activities, would be reluctant.

But I needed to find a way to involve her no matter what.

The club activities provide a legitimate reason for these kids to hang out together without raising suspicions.

If Aileen and Anastasia were seen together, gossip about their relationship would undoubtedly spread.

But if they were just five members of the same club?

Sure, there might still be some gossip, but it would be less intense than if they were seen together for no reason.

With both a princess and an observer involved, it’s already hard enough for them to move around freely. We need to create a visible connection that will make their future activities easier.

Anastasia and Stella both agreed on the necessity and have already accepted it.

Stella agreed, seeing it as a formality, while Anastasia, excited about the chance to play music with others, was practically glowing.

It was a little amusing to see the difference between the practical imperial family and the more people-oriented church.

"Five times."


"I’ll pay you five times the minimum wage for every hour you spend in club activities."


"I’m going to count to five. No more chances after that. Five..."

"Teacher, are you insane? Five times? Don’t joke around."

"Four, three, two, one..."

"Alright, alright! I’ll do it! Satisfied now?!"

I dare say that most problems in this world can be solved with money.

Following that logic, offering a significant amount of money worked, and despite giving me a weird look, Orca agreed to join the club.

Money really is the best. If it didn’t solve your problem, it just means you didn’t have enough!

"We’ve reserved the music room next door as our practice space."

"What? Did the teacher give you permission?"

"Yes. They easily agreed since hardly anyone uses it anyway."

I couldn’t forget the music teacher’s reaction when they subtly asked who would be in the club, and I mentioned the princess and the observer. The tears they shed were unforgettable.

Given that this academy primarily focuses on teaching combat skills like swordsmanship and magic, the music teacher must have felt sidelined. They must have been thrilled that such high-profile students would use the space.

"Orca, you’re on guitar! It suits your fierce personality perfectly!"

"What did you say?!"

"Heh, just kidding. Anyway, we’re planning a retreat after the break."

"...You’re terrible at joking. A retreat? Here?"

"No, I’m thinking of taking a little trip somewhere. Don’t worry. All club activities are funded by the academy."

Hooray for the principal who generously agreed to fund a trip for a newly formed club!

Just how deep are her pockets? If she didn’t look like a child, I might have confessed to her for her money.

...Well, enough with the silly jokes.

The real reason I created this club is simple.

Once the break starts, everyone will go their separate ways. I won’t be able to help them then.

I don’t care about the others, but a kid like Stella is always on edge, fearing an assassin might strike at any moment.

It’s better if we stick together as much as possible.

I don’t want to see anyone get hurt in a place I’m not aware of.

And if we can spend about a month together, unrestricted by time and place, we’ll have a clear task ahead of us.

Finding the traces of the Sword Saint.

It’s something you’re supposed to find near the end of the first year, right before the game’s ending, but...

So what? The story is already messed up beyond repair.

It won’t be a big deal if we find it a little early. Since things have come to this, I might as well speedrun through it.

In hindsight, there was no need to worry about the students’ growth being delayed.

Looking at our kids now, they’re clearly weaker than the playable characters at this stage.

But that’s when they’re on their own. Now they’ve got five people on their team.

They don’t need one person to be extremely strong when all five can gang up on the enemy.

"Right after the break starts, we’ll be traveling around for about a month."

"...A music club? Isn’t this embezzlement of club funds?"

"Please correct that to ‘creative activities to gain musical inspiration.’ The principal has already approved it."


Why are you looking at me like that, Orca?

You should be happy about going on a trip! Why are you giving me that look like I’m some kind of pathetic adult?

I hurriedly shooed out Aileen and Orca, who were staring at me with the same expression.

"Alright, alright, go home and rest now! You studied hard, so go relax!"

"Wait, teacher. I was planning to sleep here..."

"Then come back later!"

After kicking the two out, I sat down and indulged in my imagination.

This club was made to provide an excuse for the kids to be together during the break and to help the awkward ones get along better...!

I didn’t have any specific ideas until I remembered the music room next to the counseling room and came up with the band club...!

Maybe they’ll actually make some cool music together.

I imagined the five students finishing a performance, sweating, and receiving applause. I couldn’t help but hum and bounce my shoulders in excitement.

The cheerful tune I’d heard once echoed in my mind, and I couldn’t contain my excitement as I bounced around in my seat, only to regret it immediately.

"Oh, teacher. Sorry, I forgot my test paper, so I... What are you doing?"


"Orca, I told you we could find it later..."

"Uh, um... Sorry. I didn’t see anything."


I was caught bouncing around alone, unable to control my excitement.

Realizing this, I moved faster than I ever had before.

"...Wait, why did we come here again?"

"I’m not sure..."

"Hmm... This is strange..."

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