Dark Fantasy: Super Coward Mode
Chapter 52 Table of contents

A Sense of Unease

When a person is asleep, only the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems remain active. As such, we cannot perceive things like the five senses or the instinctual sixth sense.

However, in the martial arts world, there are often tales of highly skilled masters who, even while sleeping, sense someone’s presence and instantly subdue them.

Now, I’m not claiming that I’ve reached the level of those masters, but one thing was certain: if I didn’t wake up immediately, something bad might happen.

Yes, a sense of unease.

That was exactly it.

As I extended my arm as a defensive reflex and sat up, I felt a soft sensation in my palm, which I then instinctively grasped.

After fully raising my upper body, I opened my eyes to confirm what I was feeling.


"You’ve woken up, Master."

Asti, just like before, was holding a raised knife, ready to strike at me.

And she did so with a completely expressionless face!

Yet, unlike before, I didn’t feel anger or frustration.

I remembered that large white hand I had seen before.

It seemed clear to me now that Asti was somehow tied to it, unable to act freely.

Judging by how she collapsed after using that power rather than controlling it, it was highly likely that this power wasn’t hers to command.

And most importantly, I recalled what she said:

"Still… please don’t hate me."

It could be a clever tactic, but those sorrowful eyes didn’t seem like they were lying.

When you think about it, even if the door was locked, if she could get in while I was asleep, she could have attacked without waiting for me to wake up. Why time her attack for when I was just waking up?

It felt more like a show meant to deceive someone.

...I don’t know what’s going on, but one thing was clear: this was a heavy burden for such a young child to bear.

"Are you feeling okay?"


So, I smiled and gently patted her head.

Asti, who had been holding the knife expressionlessly, lowered her arm, relaxed her grip, and closed her eyes as if focusing on the sensation of my touch.

See, how could anyone with this demeanor truly intend to kill someone?

Since she didn’t ask me to stop and remained still, I missed the timing to pull away and ended up continuing to stroke her hair.

...It felt almost addictively soothing, like petting a cat.

How wonderful would it be if I could continue to live in such a relaxed and warm environment?

Even in a dark fantasy world, it would be tolerable if I could live like this.

Unfortunately, I had a lot to do today.

I couldn’t just sit around like this.



"The person you referred to as the 'Black Lion' asked me to relay a message."

"What did they say?"

Even with her eyes still closed, she was delivering the message in such a calm manner that it seemed like her reasoning and instincts were at odds, making her look incredibly adorable.

"They said the Deputy Commander wants to see you regarding the matter of defeating the Dragon Slayer."


So much to do.

Couldn’t they have called me later?


Well, what can I do?

When your superior orders you, you’ve got to follow.

Reluctantly, I stopped my hand, got up from my spot, and prepared to wash up before meeting the Deputy Commander.

Wait, what’s this?

I suddenly felt a tingling sensation in a specific area.

I looked around to find the source and saw Asti staring directly at me.

She was staring at me intently, almost to the point of being unsettling.

What’s going on?

Is she planning another attack?

As these thoughts crossed my mind, I realized that her gaze wasn’t focused on my face but rather downward.

Curious, I raised my hand absentmindedly.



I moved my hand to the right.


I see.

So that’s what it is.

I sat back on the bed and placed my hand on Asti’s head again.


Her eyes lit up so brightly that it felt like I could almost see an exclamation mark above her head, and she closed her eyes again.

When I took my hand away,


Asti was once again staring at me with that intense gaze.

But when I placed my hand back on her head, she closed her eyes again.


This is troublesome.

I’m going to have to come up with an excuse for the Deputy Commander about oversleeping.

"So, I understand that you must have been very tired. After all, you’ve already taken down two external gods."

"Thank you for your understanding."

...I honestly didn’t expect him to accept that so easily. It passed so smoothly that I was left a bit taken aback.

I guess it’s better this way.

"Indeed, the matter I wanted to discuss with you today is related to the defeat of the external god. The audience with the princess allowed us to gloss over the incident with the Watcher, but if we brush this off again, it would be a disgrace to the knight order."

Hmm, is it that serious?

If he’s putting it this way, I guess I should be more receptive.

"...I didn’t do anything that deserving."

"White Mask told me that your efforts accounted for 90% of the success in dealing with the Dragon Slayer. At times like this, you should hold your head up high."

Ninety percent?

Well, I guess flirting with a beautiful girl and sending her back to her world could be considered an achievement.

"So, following the princess’s suggestion… it has been decided that you will be assigned a specific position."

"...Excuse me?"

This is surprising.

I haven’t even been in the knight order for two months yet.

"There’s no need to decline. You’ve earned this honor. Just the fact that you confronted the Watcher to protect the people of Lontan shows the kind of sacrifice worthy of being called a 'noble knight.'"

...It seems White Mask didn’t mention this part.

Maybe because it’s not something that would benefit many people to know.

I feel like this would quickly come to light as I continue to work within the knight order, though.

"What position would that be?"

"Shinbigwan (神比官), a title of honor given to those who have defended Lontan from external gods. In a sense, it holds more authority than my own as Deputy Commander."

At that moment, I heard the muffled sound of music from outside.

Maybe there’s an orchestra performing in the estate.

"Think of it as being akin to a conductor in an orchestra."

"So that means…."

The Deputy Commander smiled slightly.

"Yes, you’ll have the authority to personally select knights and apprentices from Lontan to join you in hunting external gods. Much like how an orchestra performs under the guidance of a conductor, even without our direct orders, you’ll be able to lead them according to your judgment."


"As you know, all the spoils and praise from these hunts will be attributed solely to the Shinbigwan. It’s a fitting and deserving position for someone as noble as you."

For a moment, my resolve wavered.

Acting without the orders of the Deputy Commander or the Knight Commander?

That alone was a significant advantage.

If I were to take up the title of Shinbigwan, it would certainly make it easier to clear this game and protect the world.

It might also help me uncover more information about Raydan Tanton's past.

The Deputy Commander seemed to be looking at me with the pride of a parent whose child had just been accepted into a prestigious university, clearly expecting me to accept the position.


"Deputy Commander, I apologize, but may I defer this matter again?"

"...Again? Do you only know how to decline?"

It felt like Raydan Tanton's keen instincts were warning me not to accept.

Not just that—there were plenty of reasons why taking this position wasn’t the right choice at this moment.

The secrets I needed to uncover—Asti, the chronicler, 'her,' and the Dragon Slayer’s horn—would be harder to reach if I were bound by this title.

Moreover, thinking of how much the current Branch Chief struggles, I had no desire to climb any higher in rank.

But since I couldn’t voice my true thoughts, I decided to come up with a more plausible reason.

"It’s not a refusal, Deputy Commander."

I paused briefly before speaking in clear, deliberate tones.

"It’s chivalry."

Honestly, I didn’t know much about what chivalry was.

The concept of chivalry is so vague that whatever you apply it to becomes chivalry in itself.

‘A knight’s place is to protect, not to indulge in power’—something like that should suffice.


I was prepared to elaborate further if he objected, but the conversation didn’t continue.

The Deputy Commander simply turned his chair away, showing me his back.

I thought I heard a faint sniffle.


Could he be crying?

"…I’m curious to see what light your chivalry will shine, Tanton. For a knight who has been with us for such a short time to already shine so brightly!"

"…Thank you."

The Deputy Commander spoke in a voice that seemed to be holding back tears and sniffled.

"…I understand your perspective well. I’ll find a way to reward you, Raydan Tanton, even if it means staking my position as Deputy Commander."

"You don’t need to…."

"Please, accept it. Otherwise, I might tarnish my own name."

…His voice was so emotional that it seemed he had been deeply moved.

I didn’t even say that much.

The saying, ‘A single word can repay a thousand debts,’ really holds true.

"…I’m sure you’re busy, so I won’t keep you any longer. You may go."


As soon as I was dismissed, I quickly made my way outside.

The tension was making my nerves stand on end.

After Tanton left, the Deputy Commander’s office fell into silence.

The Deputy Commander pondered.

How could such a noble knight exist?

How could someone like him, who once briefly fell into darkness and was imprisoned in the underground cells, have turned out like this?

Feeling a mix of emotions, the Deputy Commander approached the hearth.

Soon, flames flickered to life, and the princess’s voice came through, prompting the Deputy Commander to bring his face closer.

"…Yes, Your Highness. Raydan Tanton has declined the position. …Yes, that’s correct. He said he still has something he needs to do… What? …You’ll personally, directly reward him? Ah, you’ll take care of it yourself… Understood."

The Deputy Commander, looking a bit awkward, scratched the back of his head and stepped away from the hearth.

A reward directly bestowed by the princess.

Indeed, it’s a royal reward, so it would be impossible to refuse, and it would carry even more significance.

But was it just his imagination?

The Deputy Commander thought that the princess’s voice sounded a bit excited.

As I stepped out of the office, I began planning how to spend the rest of the day.

What should I do first?

First, I need to visit the nearby market and library to gather information about the external god known as 'her.'

And then….

"Oh, Tanton!"

As I was lost in thought, Muyon’s cheerful voice called out as she ran towards me.

Was she out for a walk?

"Oh, Muyon."

"What brings you here?"

"Ah, the Deputy Commander wanted to discuss a reward. I declined and just came out."

"What? Why?"

"Well, I just didn’t feel like I deserved it."

When I explained the situation briefly, Muyon gave me a look of admiration.

"...It’s not easy for a person to be so humble. Truly, a first-class kni—"


"Oh, it’s nothing!"

What was she muttering about?

Recently, I’ve noticed that Muyon has been talking to herself a lot more whenever she’s around me.

Oh, come to think of it, I was supposed to stop by the blacksmith with Muyon.

Well, since things turned out this way, should we head to the market on the way to the blacksmith?



"Would you like to accompany me?"

"...Oh, to the blacksmith?"

"Yes, that’s right."

Muyon seemed to be in an unusually good mood.

"Sure! We can go right now."

"Alright, let’s do that. Wait, hold on a moment."

I suddenly remembered something I needed to take care of, something that would cause trouble if left unattended.

…Something that could cause a big problem tomorrow morning.

I asked Muyon to wait for a moment and then dashed back to my branch.

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