He Became the Only Ally of the Abandoned Warrior
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Chapter 76 Table of contents
Arsil's healing had barely saved Naidrian from a shattered ribcage, and as soon as she regained her senses, the high elf snatched the letter from the World Postal Service addressed to her from the mysterious investor, Mr. Lee, and hurried to her room. Arsil shouted after her, asking for thanks, but Naidrian cared little for anything other than the letter.
It wasn't just the amount of gold enclosed that excited her, though that was certainly appreciated. What made Naidrian truly happy was that Mr. Lee had written a longer letter than usual.
To my dear partner Naidrian,
At last, I have managed to secure some funds, so you needn't worry any longer. Although it’s less than what I could send before, I’m sending all the money I can as an investment. I hope it will be of some help to your research.
It would help more than a little!
Mr. Lee was her only investor. Despite advertising for patrons in both the commercial city of Baltercroix and the academic city of Eiterbel, he was the only one who had responded. He was the comet that had appeared just when her confidence and pride had been at their lowest, after she had emptied her own savings to fund her research for the sake of her race.
What had initially been letters exchanged purely about research had gradually become a medium for sharing her concerns and receiving his encouragement.

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