I Became the Maid of the Lout Prince
Chapter 241 Table of contents

"Eck, urrgh…"

As the clash between Ethan and McHart concluded, the sound of a pained voice echoed in the air. Naturally, it wasn’t Ethan’s. When the brief yet intense battle ended, Ethan was the only one left standing on his feet.

Ethan stood over the fallen McHart, his foot planted firmly on McHart's chest, one sword held threateningly against his throat. As I approached to confirm the outcome, it was clear that Ethan had emerged victorious in the final skirmish.

"Aaargh, aaaahh…!!"

McHart lay on the ground, groaning in pain, his arms severed—one at the shoulder, the other at the elbow—lying uselessly beside him. I had asked Ethan not to kill him outright, and he had complied, though just barely. The blood loss was severe, but it wasn’t immediately fatal, and leaving McHart in such a state was safer than giving him a chance to retaliate.

"For your crimes against Lillis, you will pay with your life, McHart Paris Valtoria," Ethan declared, his voice cold and resolute.

"W-wait…! Calm down! Think this through carefully before you do something you’ll regret!"

"What choice could I possibly regret more than letting you live? You’ve been the greatest threat to Lillis, and there’s no reason for me to spare you."

"If you kill me now, what will you do? If I die, you’ll be trapped in this world forever, unable to leave, doomed to be stuck here with that woman for eternity! If that’s what you want, go ahead and kill me!"


"He’s lying, Ethan. This world is just a fake created by his unique magic. It will naturally dissolve if the caster dies."

"Thank you, Lillis."

…Did Ethan just look oddly pleased after hearing McHart’s threat about being stuck here with me forever? Surely, that wasn’t the case.

Ethan’s blade pressed closer to McHart’s neck, the razor-sharp edge nicking his skin.



"And even if what you said were true, my decision wouldn’t change. No matter what you say, there’s no way you’re walking out of here alive, so you might as well accept your fate."

"W-wait…! You do realize that the punishment for regicide is the extermination of three generations, right?! No matter how influential the Blackwood family is, you won’t get away with killing me…!"

"What are you talking about, with your blood so tainted by demonic power that you’re barely human anymore? I’m curious if you’ll still be saying that after everyone learns the truth."

"How will you prove I’m a demon?! Do you expect me to confess before I die?!"


"Let me make one thing clear. If I die, not just you, but your father and that woman standing next to you will all be executed for regicide. If you’re ready to face that, then go ahead—kill me! Ahahahahaha…!!"

Whether it was the fear of death driving him mad or if he truly believed his life still held that much value, McHart laughed with a confidence that was almost unnerving. Ethan simply looked down at him with a disdainful expression.

"Normally, proving that someone like you, who’s only begun to accept demonic power, is a demon would be impossible."

"Exactly! The moment you cut my throat, you’ll be nothing but a regicide, and I’ll die as a royal to my last breath!"

"No, you’ll die as a demon. Once your identity as a demon is revealed, your name will be erased from the royal family’s records, and your very existence will be wiped out."

"And how do you plan to prove that? Are you relying on the hero? Do you think anyone will believe them if they claim I’m a demon?!"

"Are you an idiot? What good is it to say something even a child wouldn’t believe?"

"A… child? What kind of monster is that? Lillis…?"


Setting aside whether McHart thought ‘child’ was a type of monster, I gave him a reality check, making sure he understood the situation he was in.

"With the power of the Saintess, why would we need to rely on something so ridiculous? Even a simple Truth Mirror would reveal that your blood is half demon."

"The… Saintess’s power?"

"Yes, the Saintess’s power."

"Ha, haha…! Ahahahahaha…!!"

…Has he finally gone completely mad?

McHart clutched at his head—or tried to, but without hands, he could only twitch the stumps of his arms—as he let out a crazed laugh, his remaining strength pouring into his deranged cackling.

"Ah, hahaha…! So that’s why…! That’s why you’re so confident!"



"You even went as far as to disguise her with that ridiculous mask and bring her to this noble gathering just for this! Ahahahaha…! Kgh, urgh…!"

McHart’s bitter smile and manic laughter suddenly made sense. As a member of the royal family, he must have known by now that Cerista hadn’t been bestowed with the Saintess’s power.

"Yes… you’re right. With the power of the Saintess, it would be impossible to hide that I’ve been using demonic power."



"But that’s only true if the woman you brought is the real Saintess!"

As McHart spat out his final words, the gray, black-and-white world that had surrounded us suddenly shattered, revealing the radiant, star-lit garden of the royal palace once more. The opulent lights streaming from the banquet hall and the faint sounds of music echoed through the night air.

…And along with that, the presence of many noble guests and the royal guards who had somehow gathered in the courtyard.

"Kyahhh! Prince McHart!!"

A scream erupted from a lady in a red dress, triggering a wave of shocked and horrified murmurs from the crowd that had gathered in the garden.

"What have you done to the Prince?! Put that sword down, immediately!!"

"My goodness… He’s already injured…!"

"How could anyone be so cruel… to do that to Prince McHart…?"

…Didn’t I specifically signal for everyone to gather here discreetly?

For a moment, I wondered if I had somehow sent the wrong signal, but it seemed that wasn’t the case. The sight of a certain brown-haired lady smiling smugly among the crowd made it clear who was responsible.

‘Damn it, it’s her again.’

Sensing that McHart’s trap had failed, Evelyn must have gathered all these people here in an attempt to save him. Or perhaps there was some form of communication between McHart and Evelyn, given his demonic powers.

Either way, this unplanned gathering was unexpected and complicated matters. In such a situation, public opinion could easily turn against Ethan. From what little they had seen, it would look like Ethan was on the verge of killing McHart in a petty dispute, not as a knight executing a demon using forbidden power.

‘Public opinion is really against us. Can I even turn this around?’

Though I knew that showing proof of McHart’s demonic nature would silence all the criticism, the problem was that convincing people in this context wouldn’t be easy.

People tend to see what they want to see. In this situation, where it looked like Ethan was the aggressor and McHart the victim, even a Truth Mirror might not sway them. There were always those who would refuse to believe the truth, choosing instead to cling to their initial perceptions.

If I could just get people to focus during the moment McHart revealed his demonic transformation, it might work. But given my status as a mere baroness’s daughter, it was unlikely anyone would take my words seriously.

"Step away from the Prince, Lord Ethan!"

"Lord Ethan! If you don’t lower your sword, even as the sole heir of the Blackwood family, you won’t escape the consequences of regicide…!"

"Prince McHart, stay with us! Prince…!"

"Everyone, be quiet…!!!"




The chaotic clamor of the gathered nobles, royal guards, and various other onlookers was abruptly silenced by a powerful, commanding voice. The high, sharp tone cut through the noise like a knife, drawing everyone’s attention.

A figure of striking beauty and unmistakable authority slowly stepped forward from the crowd, her presence alone enough to quiet the tumultuous garden. …Even I was momentarily stunned.

I hadn’t expected her to appear at this noble gathering.

All eyes turned to Seraphine as she strode into the center of the courtyard, her long golden hair shimmering under the lights. With her sudden entrance, the atmosphere shifted dramatically, and I found myself bewildered by her unexpected arrival.

‘Why is she here?’

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