I Was Betrayed But It’s Okay haha
Chapter 101 Table of contents


Everyone in the bar was captivated by Yoo Hana's performance on the screen. Her tearful, desperate plea added a deep emotional impact to the drama, drawing everyone into the scene.

"Wow... Yoo Hana, you're really good at acting..." Lee Soo-ah commented, glancing at Yoo Hana with a hint of admiration and perhaps some envy.

"Yes, I am. But it's all thanks to Ji-hoon," Yoo Hana replied with a knowing smile.

"You weren't always this good, were you? Did Ji-hoon help you with it?"


Yoo Hana hesitated, not entirely sure how to explain.

"I just feel like I act better when Ji-hoon is around."

She smiled brightly, and as the scene on the screen ended, applause broke out in the bar.

"Wow, Yoo Hana, that was incredible. You were amazing! I almost forgave everything because of that performance. Your portrayal of regret was spot on."

A few people approached our table, asking for autographs and shaking hands with Yoo Hana.

"Haha... Thank you."

Yoo Hana responded with a shy smile.

"I think I need to stay close to Ji-hoon."

There was a resolute tone in her voice, as if she had made up her mind about something.

The next morning...


Yoo Hana's manager rushed to her house, pleading with her.

"Did you see the newspaper?"

He waved the paper in front of her.

"They say the scene reached a 40% peak rating. It was absolutely chilling."

"I know, I saw it."

"Can't you just quit being a Hunter and come back to acting?"

"Hah, oppa, I never said I was quitting acting. I told you I’d do both."

"How is that even possible? What if you get hurt while being a Hunter? What if you get a scratch on your face?"

"I'm an S-rank Hunter. A scratch is out of the question, and even if it happened, I’d heal quickly. Stop worrying about nonsense."

She looked confident.

"I thought you were finally spreading your wings as an actress... If this continues... I’ll go and talk to Baek Ji-hoon myself."

"Oh, oppa, are you crazy? My acting has improved thanks to Ji-hoon. I’m trying to figure out why, so don’t do anything stupid. If you go to Ji-hoon, I’ll kill you."

Yoo Hana tried to stop him, but it was clear he wasn't listening.

"Hah... Baek. Ji. Hoon!"

Yoo Hana’s manager stormed into my office early in the morning.


"I had to come here because I needed to say something. Give us back our Hana."

He sounded as if I had stolen her or something.

"I'm not holding her against her will, nor did I kidnap her."

She walked into Blue Guild on her own, so his demand to return her was absurd.

"There must be something you're using to keep her here. She wouldn’t act this way otherwise. You know our Yoo Hana, right? She’s always been aloof, sharp, and cold. But look at her now—what did you do?"

"Let me be clear, I haven’t done anything. Yoo Hana came here of her own accord."


The manager sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead as he tried to think.

"What will it take for you to let Hana go?"


Yoo Hana suddenly appeared.

"What are you doing here!!"

She practically dragged her manager away by the collar, barely giving him time to respond.

"Let me go! I’m not finished talking! Baek Ji-hoon! Baek Ji-hoon!"

His voice faded as Yoo Hana pulled him out of the building.

"What’s going on? Who was that guy making a scene in our guild?"

Kim Dae-ri from the Hunter Section 6 walked by, looking puzzled.

"That was Yoo Hana’s manager. I think there was a misunderstanding."

"Ah, I see..."

Everyone peeked out curiously, watching Yoo Hana’s manager disappear down the hallway.


Someone poked me in the side. It was Section Chief Cha.

"Today’s the day we announce Cha I-seul’s recruitment, right?"


"How about you make the announcement yourself?"


"Sure, you’re the one who recruited her, so it makes sense for you to do it. Plus, you should announce that you’re the new A-Team leader."

"Is it okay for me to make that announcement officially?"

"Why not? Things have already gotten this far—might as well go all the way."

Section Chief Cha chuckled.

"Alright, I’ll do it."

[Blue Guild Press Conference]

A huge banner with the words "Blue Guild Press Conference" hung prominently in the room.

‘So, I’m the one giving the press conference.’

It was my first time officially representing Blue Guild to the public, and although I felt a bit nervous, I decided to go through with it, knowing there would be many more moments like this in the future.

"Hello, everyone. We’ve gathered you here today because Blue Guild has an important announcement to make."

I began speaking carefully.

"As of today, S-rank Hunter Cha I-seul has officially joined Blue Guild..."

The room erupted into noise before I could even finish my sentence. Reporters murmured in surprise, cameras flashed, and the atmosphere buzzed with excitement.

"What? Cha I-seul? Did they really recruit her?" "I heard something similar, but did they actually do it?" "Wait, didn’t she just become an S-rank a day or two ago? How did this happen so fast?"

Everyone looked at me with curious and bewildered expressions.

‘Well, I’m not exactly a well-known S-rank Hunter.’

"And, in addition, I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been appointed as the new leader of A-Team within Blue Guild."

This news seemed to shock them even more. They exchanged glances, clearly struggling to process what they were hearing.

"Wait a minute! Does this mean Lee Soo-ah is transferring to another guild? Or is she forming a new team?"

One reporter couldn’t hold back their curiosity and shot up their hand, mirroring the confusion on everyone else’s faces.

"No, Lee Soo-ah Hunter will be working under me as the Deputy Head of Hunter Section 2."

The murmuring grew louder. The idea seemed impossible to accept.

[Did you see the press conference? What’s going on? Is Blue Guild falling apart?] —Who is that guy? —Isn’t he the one who just became an S-rank? —What’s happening with Lee Soo-ah? Is she being sidelined? But she’s still young. —Where did Lee Soo-ah go? —Is that guy strong? —Why did Cha I-seul move there? —So, is Cha I-seul a department head now too? —Blue Guild is insane lately. Four S-rank Hunters? How did they manage that?

After the press conference, I returned to the office and started browsing public reactions.

‘It seems like everyone is pretty shocked by what happened.’

Most reactions were similar—a mix of disbelief and skepticism. People couldn’t wrap their heads around it.

[What about Yoo Hana? Didn’t she join Blue Guild too?] —Yeah, she’s a department head too. —Why would an S-rank Hunter be just a department head? She should be a guild master. —Who is Blue Guild’s guild master, anyway? —No idea. —It’s suspicious that Yoo Hana came back right now. Why would she return at this time? —They’re probably dating. —Does that guy only recruit women? —Blue Guild is going to dominate now. —Yoo Hana’s acting was amazing yesterday. Is she quitting acting?

Knock, knock.

"Come in."



It was Yoo Hana.

"I’m sorry about my manager. He must have lost his mind."

"It’s fine. I understand. But are you planning to go back to acting?"

I asked carefully.

"Oh... No!!! I’ll be doing both! I’m staying here!"

"Even if more S-rank Hunters join?"

"Ugh... Couldn’t you stop recruiting more? I think we’re good as it is..."

"Even if I don’t recruit them, they might come on their own."

"Still, I’m staying... I like it here."

It seemed Yoo Hana had firmly decided to remain in Blue Guild. I had wondered if her manager might have swayed her, but it appeared not.

Knock, knock.

"Come in."

Shortly after Yoo Hana left, Cha I-seul entered my office.


"Hey, I-seul."

I straightened up and sat properly.

"From now on, I’m with Blue Guild..."

Cha I-seul spoke shyly.

"Welcome. I’m glad we’re finally working together."

I felt genuinely happy.

"So, what should I do now?"

"I’d like you to lead Hunter Section 6."

It seemed like the perfect fit for her, though I couldn’t exactly say why.


Cha I-seul smiled.

"You know, this reminds me of when we used to play pretend as kids. I think we had a similar situation back then."

"Did we?"

I couldn’t recall exactly.

"Yeah, I remember once when I pretended to work for you."

The memory was starting to come back to me, though it was still a bit fuzzy.

"It feels good to remember the old days. I was pretty lonely at Zeus Guild, but now I’m happy we can work together."

"Me too."

"Let’s head over to Hunter Section 6. I should introduce you to everyone."


"Starting today, Cha I-seul Hunter will be leading Hunter Section 6."

"What? Cha I-seul Hunter? Whoa!!!"

The members of Hunter Section 6 looked thrilled with the news. They seemed pleased with the decision.

"Wow~ The tyrant is gone, and now a goddess has arrived."

"What did you say?"

Suddenly, Lee Soo-ah appeared out of nowhere, her voice sharp.

No one had noticed where she had been hiding.

"Uh... I didn’t mean it like that..."

Section Chief Cha turned red with embarrassment.

"Section Chief Cha, care to repeat that? What about the tyrant?"

Lee Soo-ah’s face was filled with anger.

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