Reinhold rose from his bed and walked out onto the terrace. Despite the superhuman recovery rate that came with being part of the Hero’s party, which allowed him to move around, his wounds would reopen and bleed if he overexerted himself. The searing pain that felt like hot iron being pressed against his flesh constantly plagued him, but he had grown tired of lying in bed all day.
As he leaned heavily against the terrace railing, he noticed Gyanal below, giving precise instructions to the maids.
“Did the benefactor enjoy the meal last night?”
“Yes, my lady. He finished everything, which is unusual.”
“It seems he liked the porridge with the lily clams. Let’s include it in his breakfast or dinner every three days so he doesn’t grow tired of it.”
Reinhold couldn’t help but smile at the thoughtful care being shown to him. The more he observed her, the more he found himself fond of the young lady. However, he made no effort to express this fondness outwardly. After all, she was already engaged.
Gendry, her fiancé, was a commoner but also the son of the captain of the guard, with a good character and a deep, mutual affection with Gyanal. Reinhold knew better than to interfere. He had Linasien, and overreaching would only disturb the delicate balance he sought to maintain.