The 31st Piece Turns the Tables
Chapter 170 Table of contents

As the expedition party reentered Floor B4 after resolving themselves once more, they were greeted not only by the sight of three brutally deceased prisoners, but also by Seol and Frannan, who casually looked down upon them.

Pant pant…

Along with a dog they saw for the first time.

“Wh-what is all this…”

“To think he took care of them all in just that short moment…”

“Aspect Magician Frannan! Are you injured anywhere?”

Frannan then looked behind at them with a profound look in his eyes.

“Ah, as you can see, I’m not.”

"Krgh… We made a lapse of judgment at that moment. Please, forgive us."

"It’s fine. Being afraid of something isn’t a crime. In fact, overcoming your fear should be something worthy of applause.”

Frannan was essentially using many words to say nothing at all.

However, to the members of the expedition party, Frannan appeared as a magnanimous and grand figure.

“I see… as expected of an Aspect Magician of Libra.”

“But who’s that next to you… Snowman?”

Mael hurried to the front while confirming Seol’s face.

“I knew it! I knew you’d be alive!”


“I was so scared then. But how did you… don’t tell me you were down on this floor the entire time…?”

Seol simply nodded.

The others began to murmur.

“He lasted over ten days here?”

“That’s what he claims…”


“Come on… Even if he’s Frannan’s disciple, that’s just…”

Before the crowd got too loud, Seol quickly settled the mood.

"For now, let’s go. You all came down here intending to go further, didn't you?"

Frannan gave an insidious laugh.

“Hehehe… If we’re going to die regardless, might as well get one more nice sight in before we die. Everyone, let’s go!”

“Yes, sir!”

Seol then led them to the camp he had prepared beforehand.

Still, it was much too shabby to properly be called a ‘camp’.

Seol simply led them to an open prison cell, the place he had been using for the past 10 days.

The first to share information was Frannan.


Everything that Frannan shared was something that Seol already knew.

None of the expedition members, except for a handful, seemed to know more about Alcatron than Frannan.

1. Alcatron is an ancient prison.

2. The prisoners become stronger the deeper down you go.

3. There is an individual plotting in Alcatron who has ensnared them within it.

That was the extent of the information that Frannan managed to gather.

However, to the other members of the expedition party, such understanding was considered remarkable insight.


“As expected from Aspect Magician Frannan!”

“We could have never seen through so much!”

The magicians of Libra were especially praising him, like little chicks following around their mother.

Seol spoke up after Frannan finished.

“What I learned isn’t all too different, but… I also learned a few more things.”

“Go ahead.”

Seol paused for a moment before explaining that he had encountered a ghost here, visible only to him, through which he gathered various information.

“No way…”

“A ghost is helping Frannan’s disciple?”

While the people behind him murmured, Frannan was completely silent.

Then, Seol shared the most worrisome information he had learned.

“There’s a chance our opponent has taken over the control room.”

“I disagree.”

The person who directly refuted Seol’s claim was Yofimba.

“Did the ghost tell you that there was a control room?”

“He simply told me that there was the possibility of one.”

"Fufu… Allow me to demonstrate the true worth of an archaeologist. Kiki, and you, the one holding the torch over there. Come here."


“Yeah, quickly now.”

Yofimba placed his finger on the wall.

“Bring the torch here.”

“Okay. Huh…? There’s… something here.”

“Haha… Right? Can everyone see this?”

There was something buried in the wall where Yofimba pointed at.

“A… light?” said Seol, carefully.

“Ah, exactly. Then can you also see the letters above it?”

“Where are the letters…. Huh?”

A small, eerie-looking language was written above the lights buried in the walls.


‘...What? What was that?’

Seol could feel his heart pounding quickly.

Cold sweats covered his face, and he even began to feel dizzy.

‘These letters… I feel like I’ve seen them before.’

Seol has definitely seen them before.

His body was reacting to it, though he wasn't sure where he had seen it before.

"Obviously, we can't read or translate a sentence written in an ancient language, but… Kiki!"

Ooh ooh…

Ah ah…

The junkie climbed up Yofimba’s legs before resting on his shoulders to read the letters.



The walls began to illuminate with light.


“Th-there’s light!”

Yofimba then repeated what Kiki said.



In an instant, all of the lights turned back off.

Frannan had a serious look on his face.

“What was that?”

"I had an idea after seeing the wardens. How could an entity created solely to guard be so strong? And why would people who could command something like that necessarily need something as annoying as a control room? Surprisingly, there were clues littered about."

“Mind if I test it out myself?”

“Go ahead.”

“Tatatubar,” said Frannan while placing his hands on the walls.


Frannan chanted it once more to turn off the lights. Afterward, he turned around to the other expedition party members.

“This… is a magic word. I felt it use up a bit of my mana just now.”

“Exactly. You now understand why Kiki looks tired now, right?”

“To use such a high-level formula to simply turn the lights on and off…”

"It seems like an ancient, advanced civilization was the one who built Alcatron. Well, at least when we consider how amazing magic words are."

"Hm… what are you trying to say?"

“I’m beginning to think that whoever trapped us in Alcatron didn’t reach a control room, but instead, learned all of the magic words here. Either that, or they knew it from the start.”

“That is a possibility, yes…”

Yofimba then continued.

"Then it is also possible… that the means to combat the demon of Alcatron, which has troubled us thus far, could be found here."

“Because if we can control that… then we could also restrain them.”


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Translator - goguma

Proofreader - Karane

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“Is this really the only method?”

“If we want to go downstairs without engaging in a fight, this is the only method.”

“That 'Stompy' or whatever they're called... they really know how to scare someone.”

Once every three days, Stompy, the other predator of Floor B4, heaves his massive body around to scout his surroundings.

Though none of them had encountered Stompy yet, it was inevitable that they would be shocked and on guard once they did.

‘After all, Stompy is a giant.’

Stompy was a giant made of rocks, carrying around a wooden club the size of a house. Though his movements seemed a bit awkward and laughable, the threat was undeniable.

The way to avoid him was simple.

The moment he leaves his territory to look around, the expedition party would use that opening to proceed through the alleyway in his territory. Obviously, though, they would have to reuse this method on their way out.

It wasn’t as if they hadn’t thought of facing Stompy head-on.

But it was clear there would be casualties.

Therefore, since the expedition party had to head down to the lower floors with minimal casualties, only one option was suitable for them.



“Shh… quiet. Don’t make any sounds.”

“We’re almost there. Just a bit closer…”

Originally, Stompy would be snoring here while taking a nap. However, as he had left his territory for some unknown reason, the expedition party was able to arrive at the alleyway.



“Huh? D-Doesn’t this sound closer than before?”

Seol’s expression stiffened.

Seol, who had been informed much earlier than the others thanks to his crows, now felt an extreme sense of urgency.


“What? Okay!”

“Damn it… he’s coming back! We have to go downstairs right now!”

The sounds began growing louder.




“That can’t be… He’s really coming back!”

“What are you guys at the front doing?! Why aren’t you going down the stairs?!”

There should have been a set of stairs once they turned the corner of the alleyway. As that had been the case for the previous floors, everyone in the expedition party also expected it to be the case for this floor.


“There’s a door…”


“There’s a door.”

What faced them was a large door, one big enough for even Stompy to pass through.




“Fuck! Break it then!”




They unleashed all sorts of spells onto the door, but it was pointless.

“Nothing’s working!”

“Rather, it’s absorbing the mana!”

“Oh my god…” said Yofimba. “We have to either translate the large spell words written on that door, or… wait… over there, there’s a keyhole!”

“There’s a keyhole! There should be a key around here, then!”

“But that keyhole is big too… wouldn’t the key for that be really easy to spot?”

Seol, after hearing those words, had a flash of realization.

“Ah… so it was like that.”

“So what was like that?” asked Frannan in response.

“I think I know who has the keys to the door.”

“...I understand.”




Stompy finally appeared before the expedition party.


It was a terribly large monster.

Stompy, the rock giant, gave a fiendish smile after spotting the expedition party.

[Hidden Adventure ‘Gatekeeper Stompy’ is now active.]


Seol's eyes stung as he read through Stompy's details.

[[Stompy, the Hard]

Rank: Transcendent

Estimated Level: 45~50

How Stompy arrived in this cursed place is unclear.

How such a large entity was able to fit through those doors is also a mystery.

Regardless, one thing is clear:

Those who built Alcatron wished for Stompy to be here, and he is here now.

Basic Skills: [Stomp! 5], [Stomp Stomp! 5], [Stomp Stompy Stomp! 5]

Unique Skills: [Eat Rocks 2], [Rock Shower]]

“He’s… not a prisoner,” said Seol to the expedition party.

"Yeah," answered Frannan, "He's a—"

Before Frannan could finish, Stompy let out a deafening roar, cutting him off mid-sentence.

“...warden. Haha! We fell for it," Frannan concluded with a laugh.

The party then spotted a chain around Stompy’s neck with something attached to the end of it.

It was a key.

“I guess we’ll have to fight him if we want to go down.”

“Yeah, everyone, prepare for—”

Stompy then trampled his feet around.

[Stompy used Stomp!.]

[Deal significant damage to targets stomped on.]


“Wh-what the hell is that?!”

It was like an earthquake or explosion occurred when Stompy stamped his feet.

[Stompy used Stomp!.]

[Deal significant damage to targets stomped on.]


One of the expedition party members failed to avoid Stompy's foot and was completely flattened.

The sound of Stompy's steps was so loud that they couldn't even hear the sound of bones breaking.


“I-I think I’m going to throw up!”

“Everyone, focus! Spread out! Spread out first, then attack it!”

“You’ll die if he stomps on you! Concentrate and fight it!”

[Stompy used Stomp!.]

[Deal significant damage to targets stomped on.]




Even though Stompy only had three skills, his overwhelming power was more than enough to rattle the expedition party.


The first to prepare themselves was Frannan.



[Frannan used Magic Circle: Shift Center.]

[Displace the target's center of gravity.]

[Frannan used Magic Circle: Whoops!.]

[Greatly increase the damage inflicted upon the target when they trip over. The effect becomes stronger the more the target weighs.]


“Sir Frannan?”

“Watch carefully!”

[Stompy used Stomp!.]

[Deal significant damage to targets stomped on.]

As Stompy raised his foot to use Stomp!...



“Get out of the way! You’ll be crushed!”


As a deafening explosion-like sound filled the air, Stompy tripped over and fell to the floor.

“Now! Attack him!”

However, their opportunity disappeared as quickly as it came.

Stompy began to thrash his arms around, slamming the ground.

[Stompy used Stomp Stomp!.]

[Indiscriminately destroy the surroundings. The effect is stronger in rocky terrain.]



Suddenly, rocks began falling from the sky.

At the same time, the ground began to be dug, leaving some with no chance of escape from the rocks falling onto their heads.



“I’m hit! I-I…”

As everyone struggled to approach the fallen Stompy…


Out of nowhere, a massive black wolf appeared.

“Sic him, Koko!”

[Koko used Rip and Tear.]

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