The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy
Chapter 119.1 Table of contents

In the end, both Gu Poison and Sijo chose me over the lamp.

They sat there, staring up at me with wide eyes. While I was relieved, confusion outweighed my joy.


Why would they choose me over the alluring lamp?


Silence stretched between us.

I didn’t understand.

Was our relationship not purely transactional?

Slowly, I extended my arms and gently stroked them both.

In that instant, a warmth spread through my chest, a sense of familiarity washing over me.

It was a ‘connection.’

Without realizing it, we had formed a bond.

Not as Master and Familiar, but as… companions.


Words failed to describe this newfound feeling.

I had countless acquaintances back in Sytan.

Luna had even confessed her love for me.

But this… this was different.

It wasn’t as intense or passionate.

It was… comforting.

‘…Thank you.’

I scooped them both into my arms, holding them close.

They squirmed for a moment, their movements muffled against my chest, before settling down and nuzzling me affectionately.

I glanced up at Tammy.

“Well, Instructor?”


She observed us with a thoughtful expression before breaking into a wide smile.

“I suppose they pass. Though, under normal circumstances, I’d have to fail them.”


Our eyes met.

Beneath her usual cheerfulness, I saw a flicker of seriousness in her gaze.

…She knew.

She knew I hadn’t truly considered them equals.

But in that brief moment, we had proven our loyalty to one another.

And Tammy, recognizing that bond, had passed us.

If I had forced them to choose me, she wouldn’t have hesitated to fail us.

‘…She is a Familiar expert, after all.’

Her knowledge of Familiars undoubtedly surpassed my own.

She must have sensed the shift in my demeanor, the genuine affection I now held for Gu Poison and Sijo.

Despite her ditzy facade, Tammy was a capable instructor.

That’s why when she expressed interest in studying Gu Poison’s venom,

I didn’t make any direct threats but simply revealed a faint murderous intent.

Instructors were not to be trifled with.

As I pondered this, Tammy spoke.

“Treasure your Familiars. They are your companions, your partners in this life.”

She leaned down, gently petting both Gu Poison and Sijo.

A small smile touched my lips.

“I will.”




And so, I successfully passed the Familiar Recognition Test.

Gu Poison and Sijo were officially recognized as mine.

And as a bonus, our bond had grown stronger.

* * *

After passing the Familiar Recognition Test, I returned to the second-year hallway.

As I exited the building, I glanced down.

“Sleeping, I see.”

Both Gu Poison and Sijo were fast asleep.

While I had officially named Gu Poison ‘Heoksal,’ the name Gu Poison felt more natural.

Perhaps I would introduce him as Heoksal to others, but in private, I would continue to call him Gu Poison.

He also seemed to prefer his original name, the one I had given him when we first met.

He didn’t seem to dislike ‘Heoksal,’ but…

‘…What is this feeling?’

The comforting warmth I had felt during the test was gone.

Instead, a wave of fear washed over me.

My gaze snapped up, drawn to a figure standing before me.

It was a beautiful woman, a vision of elegance and grace.

She was like a character straight out of my novels, embodying all the ideals of beauty I had strived to capture in my writing.

Her hair was a cascade of snowy white, crowned with a circlet of thorns woven from rose stems. The thorns dug into her pale skin, a painful reminder of her lineage.

Our eyes met.


I froze, unable to speak.

I knew this woman.

How could I not?

We had crossed paths many times before.

As I stood there, speechless, she broke the silence.

“My, Mr. Escort. It’s been a long time.”

“Greetings, Your Highness.”

I finally managed to speak, my voice strained as I addressed Diana, daughter of the Demon King and the source of my current predicament.

I quickly scanned my surroundings.

But she was alone.

Rene, her ever-present shadow, was nowhere to be seen.

For the first time, I was facing Diana alone.

My heart pounded against my ribs.

‘My body…’

It wouldn’t move.

It felt as if an invisible force had bound my legs, rendering them numb.

This was no mere illusion.

It was all too real.

But my upper body was still mobile.

I lifted my chin, forcing myself to meet her gaze.

“…To what do I owe the pleasure, Your Highness?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

She feigned innocence, tilting her head with a puzzled expression.

It was a surprisingly convincing act.

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