The Narrow-Eyed Villain of the Demon Academy
Chapter 139.2 Table of contents

A towering figure approached us and effortlessly pulled the kneeling second-year student back to his feet.

The air crackled with tension, and I straightened up, my expression hardening as I turned to face the newcomer.

……He’s huge.

I hadn’t noticed it when he was sitting down, but this student had a physique that commanded attention.

He radiated an aura of raw strength that was almost overwhelming.

……Judging by his demeanor and appearance, this was the true leader of the second years.

‘I thought there were no strong ones…’

Contrary to my initial assessment, there was indeed a powerful student among the second years.

And a highly skilled one at that.

While I couldn't be certain without actually crossing blades, it was clear that he possessed abilities beyond those of an average Knight.

Based on his physique alone, he didn't seem to specialize in magic like Samuel.

But none of that mattered at this moment.

I forced a relaxed smile and said,

“As you can see, we were just shaking hands. Fostering camaraderie between seniors and juniors.”


He shifted his gaze to the second-year student who had been kneeling before me, as if silently demanding an explanation.

“……Y-yeah, that’s right. We were just shaking hands.”

The student stammered, nodding his head vigorously.

He couldn't exactly admit that he had cried out in pain from a simple handshake with a first-year, could he?


The tall student, however, didn't seem convinced.

He continued to stare at me, his brow furrowed in suspicion.

Just then…

“……Please, let it go.”

An unexpected voice broke the tense silence, and a figure stepped between us.

Startled by the deep, yet strangely shaky voice, I turned to see who dared to intervene.

It was Guwar, his face pale, his voice trembling slightly as he addressed the towering second-year student.

“……I’ll take care of this. Please, just go.”


The tall student clicked his tongue, his gaze fixed on Guwar.


He muttered coldly before finally turning and walking away.

The atmosphere was so strange that I stood frozen, unable to speak, my gaze glued to Guwar's face.

With that, both the second and third years left the conference room, leaving only an eerie silence in their wake.

It was only then that I found my voice, finally able to ask Guwar what had been on my mind.

“Do you know him?”

“……It’s none of your business.”

His response was as cold and curt as the tall student's, and without another word, Guwar turned and left the conference room.

I had been about to express my gratitude for diffusing the situation, but it seemed unnecessary.

He really was a man of few words, wasn’t he?

I tore my gaze away from the door Guwar had just exited and looked towards where Rene had been standing.


‘She’s gone.’

Taking advantage of the commotion,

Rene had vanished.

As for Aeron, eager to return to the comfort of his dormitory, he had been the first to leave.

Which meant…

“Looks like it’s just the two of us.”

[That crazy bastard, provoking the second years like that…]

…Baltan and I were the only ones left.

A bright, almost predatory, smile spread across Baltan's face as he approached me.

I couldn't help but offer a wry smile in response.

“So it seems.”

“Well, in that case…”


Baltan pulled out a chair and settled back into it, his smile widening.

“How about we discuss the criteria for those bonus points?”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

I was all for it.

While I could always use the information paper to figure it out, it was always better to get insider information without having to spend any points.

Baltan, in addition to possessing formidable strength, also had a sharp mind.

His intelligence was often overshadowed by Samuel's vast knowledge, but from the perspective of an average student, Baltan was also considered a genius.


“Adel, do you think this exam is fair?”

The question that Baltan posed was so unexpected, so utterly baffling, that I couldn't help but frown.


Sytan's exams were known for their fairness.

Unlike some academics, there were never any leaked questions or answers.

Even a half-demon like myself could reach the top ranks if I had the ability.

So, I initially assumed Baltan was joking.

But then…

“Personally, I don't think this practical exam is fair at all.”

“What do you…”

Before I could voice my confusion, Baltan cut me off.

“That’s all the explanation you’re getting for now.”

He stood up abruptly and brushed past me, heading towards the door.

“Ask him about the rest. He’s already figured it out, anyway.”

With a cryptic smile, Baltan left the conference room, his words hanging heavy in the air.

He was, after all, a descendant of Jealousy, and wouldn’t divulge all his information so easily.


The door slammed shut behind him, leaving me alone in the now silent conference room.

I stared at the closed door, my brow furrowed in confusion.

What was Baltan talking about?

Just then…

[……As expected, he’s caught on.]

Samuel’s voice echoed in my mind.

I turned my attention to the silver bracelet on my wrist.

“Are you and Baltan thinking of the same criteria for the bonus points?”

[Most likely. He wouldn’t have brought up the concept of ‘fairness’ otherwise.]


Both geniuses seemed to understand something that eluded me.

I must have had a confused expression on my face, because Samuel elaborated.

[There were never any criteria for bonus points to begin with.]

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