I Became an Academy Counselor
Chapter 72 Table of contents

"In these busy times, you’ve gathered all the believers together so suddenly. If this isn't truly important, you should be prepared to face the consequences."

The demon, disguising itself as a strict father, was nothing short of revolting. It was clear that it was trying to maintain a facade of calm while secretly plotting something. The way it tried to hold onto its composure indicated it was conscious of the watching eyes around it.

"This is indeed a matter of great importance, something that could change the fate of the church."

"…Is that so? Then speak quickly."

My heart was pounding, burning with an intensity that was hard to endure. Was it because of the mantra the teacher taught me? I didn’t know. My thoughts felt jumbled, hard to piece together coherently.

"What’s taking so long? Speak up."

There was only one clear thought in my mind—a desperate urge to release this overwhelming, almost suffocating, emotion building inside me.

"You must be well aware, Pope, that you are a demon. No one knows it better than you."

My voice echoed through the grand hall, and the believers gasped in shock. It was a bombshell, an accusation no one had expected.

"W-What is this, Watcher? What are you saying…?"

"The Pope is a demon? How could that be?"

The believers shook their heads in disbelief. Of course, they didn’t want to believe it. These were people who hated and abhorred demons. The idea that someone as esteemed as the Pope could be a demon was too outlandish for them to accept.

"Anastasia, did you read some bizarre conspiracy theory on the internet? This isn’t worth addressing."

The demon, though outwardly calm, was undoubtedly rattled. The person who had silently tolerated its existence had suddenly taken a drastic, unexpected turn. Despite the uncomfortable coexistence we had shared, I knew enough to be certain: the demon was caught off guard.

"Let’s not dwell on this nonsense. Go inside and rest, and we can discuss this later."

"No, I cannot do that."

In fact, the very fact that there was pushback instead of outright denial was a positive sign. If the Pope had truly been innocent, the outraged believers would have torn me apart on the spot for such blasphemy. The fact that he only passively denied the accusation showed both the decline of his influence and the respect my name carried.

Perhaps realizing that I wouldn’t back down, the demon sighed.

"Ah, it seems my dear daughter is going through a rebellious phase. It’s a father’s duty to set her right."

"Don’t you dare call yourself my father. It’s revolting."

"Stubborn child. Then tell me, what makes me a demon? I live in the heart of the Holy See, surrounded by divine power. No demon could survive in such a place."

Seeing the demon smile smugly, I couldn’t help but smile as well. My teacher was right. Attacking recklessly would only result in the demon confidently demanding proof. But now it was time to present the evidence we had prepared.

"Yes, you are a human. To anyone, you would seem like a human. That’s undeniable."

"Haha, that’s right, my daughter. I’m human. So, stop this nonsense and return to your duties. Don’t you feel sorry for the believers?"

"If that’s true, then you should have no problem drinking this, right?"

"…What is that?"

"Holy water."


A demon cannot be destroyed unless the one who knows its true name does the deed. Even if you kill it, it will only come back. However, the reason clergy are considered natural enemies of demons is because of divine power—the very essence that makes a demon instinctively recoil upon contact.

On the surface, it seemed impossible for a demon to survive in a place like the Holy See, where divine power constantly lingers in the air.

"What are you saying, my daughter? Holy water is for sprinkling, not for drinking. It would be a waste to use such a precious substance in such a manner."

"A demon cannot survive in a place infused with divine power. That much is true. But a demon-possessed human is different."

This was something neither demons nor humans had ever attempted before, so no one knew this truth. A demon inhabiting a human body—a demon possessing a human—was barely affected by the ambient divine power. The demon, hidden within the human vessel, filtered out most of the divine power, allowing it to roam freely within the church. The demon before me was the first to discover this.

What demon or demon-possessed being would willingly walk into the Holy See, where divine power permeated every corner?

If it weren’t for the fact that this demon had coincidentally possessed the Pope, this knowledge might have remained undiscovered.

"A human body absorbs most of the divine power. That’s how you’ve been able to walk around freely in my father’s body, hidden inside."


"So drink it. Normally, holy water is sprinkled, but drinking it won’t harm you—if you’re not a demon, that is."


A strange tension spread among the believers. Could it be true? The Watcher is so certain…

Holy water is precious, but it’s not irreplaceable. Couldn’t the Pope drink it just this once?

"Hmph, enough. I won’t waste such a valuable substance on your games."

"Are you sure about that? If you don’t drink it, you’re essentially proving that you’re a demon."


The demon, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, tried to find a way out, but Anastasia didn’t let the opportunity slip by.

If you leave now, you’ll only confirm that you’re a demon. That was the ultimatum.

"…Hah. I can’t understand what you’re thinking. Have you lost all desire to save your father?"

"Surely not, Your Holiness. That’s impossible…"

"Fine, I’ll admit it. I am a demon."

The Pope—or rather, the demon possessing the Pope—laughed loudly as it faced the stunned believers, as if mocking the foolish creatures who had been deceived for so long.

"But what will you do now? Your divine power has no effect on me. Thanks to you fools failing to discover me for over ten years, I’ve grown accustomed to this wretched divine power!"

"…In that case, I’ll just have to subdue you with a stronger force."

I took a deep breath, as if to wash away the fear in my heart. I couldn’t falter now. With the Pope’s authority diminished and everyone reeling from the shock, there was only one person who could lead the believers now.

Seeing that its true identity had been exposed and that there was no point in hiding anymore, the demon seemed intent on killing everyone in the church. The demon, which had supposedly grown immune to the divine power, now stood menacingly in the Pope’s form.

The sight of it caused the believers’ resolve to waver.

"A-A demon… in the Holy See…!"

"O, oh God…"

I looked around.

The choir, the inquisitors, the nuns, and even the orphaned children who had just learned to use divine power—all were paralyzed with shock and despair at the sight of a demon immune to their divine power.

In my mind, I imagined hearing my teacher’s voice.

—First and foremost, remember never to show signs of panic. You must appear as a reliable leader.

"Brothers and sisters, we have allowed someone who does not follow God’s will to sit in the highest seat."

I spoke firmly, as I had been taught, ensuring that all eyes were on me.

"But please remember this one thing: No matter how difficult the times, God is always watching over us. I can guarantee that."

"Everyone, gather around the Watcher! Quickly! There’s no time to sit idly!"

—Even if thunder and lightning, storms and earthquakes come, maintain your composure to instill confidence in those around you.

The ground shook as if an earthquake had struck, and the grand hall began to crumble with thunderous noise. Yet, no matter what happened, I could not afford to show fear.

"…Father, I have always loved you."

As the ceiling of the grand hall collapsed, small stones began to rain down. To Anastasia, it felt as if the stone rain was signaling her final farewell to her father.

"But unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way to save you. Perhaps that is within God’s domain."

—You must present yourself as a flawless leader, one completely unlike the Pope.

The falling stones began to cascade over the people like a tidal wave.


"Ah, what’s happening…?"

But the tidal wave was stopped by a golden barrier. Like a seawall holding back a flood, the golden divine power surrounded and protected the people.

—Just focus on defending against the attack. We’ll handle the rest.

"…That’s something I cannot accept, Teacher."

If I relied on someone else’s help, the church’s reputation would be ruined.

"What are you doing? I’ll block all the attacks, so go and exorcise that demon immediately!"

"B-But… The divine power isn’t working…"

"Hah, is that all your faith amounts to?"

"Y-You’re being too harsh! Our faith in God is unshakable!"

"Then why are you sitting there, unable to do anything about the demon that has mocked and scorned us? Get up and sew shut the mouth of that vile creature with the divine power that it dares to laugh at!"


"Now, go and show that insolent demon the strength of our faith!"

The small flame that had been growing within Anastasia’s heart suddenly burst forth, consuming her emotions entirely. And in that moment, like a fire meeting a bomb, it began to influence those around her.

"Go! Show that impudent demon what our faith is capable of!"

It was as if something was breaking, shattering under the pressure.

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