I Have Returned, but I Cannot Lay down My Gun
Chapter 108 Table of contents

[General Discussion] Tried Following Yujin's Plays (+Review)

<West Point Attempt Count 57 - Clear Rank: Omega>

<Artemis First Mission Attempt Count 43 - Clear Rank: Omega>

<Nuclear Power Plant 36 Attempts - Clear Rank: Omega>




<Certified Screenshot from PVE Specialist Team>

Of course, I didn’t attempt this alone; I teamed up with members of the Cerberus crew, lol.

Anyway, I can confidently say this was the most challenging time of my life. The difficulty was set to “Very Hard” for everything, so even the slightest sound, like a rustle, could get you spotted if you were unlucky.

I know this is getting long, but let me just add that the average number of attempts was around 46, ㅠㅠ. I think it’s time to step down from the strategy team label.

If I were to rank the difficulty, it’d be something like this: West Point >>>>= Artemis First Mission >>>> the rest.

I won’t drag this out any longer, so here’s a quick three-line summary, followed by brief descriptions of each mission:

  1. Don’t do it.

  2. Don’t even think about trying this in a public game.

  3. Just think of it as learning how to progress through the missions.


Let’s start with West Point.

I’m sure a lot of people tried this after seeing Yujin's public lobby video where she recruited three players. Given that fewer than one in a thousand people succeeded, you can imagine how difficult it is.

Let’s skip the details and check out Yujin’s mission play order.

<Diagram of Yujin and three other users' movement paths>

Unlike most players who use the river to rescue a few essential personnel and then escape, Yujin’s party started their operation from the south.

At the beginning, you’re given two sniper rifles and a sniper drone, and you really need to use these well to infiltrate without getting detected by the platoon stationed along the northeastern riverbank.

Many public game parties probably got wiped out early on because they were spotted, but it seems that if you take out the lookout on the high-rise near the entrance and then take out two patrol teams within 15 seconds, you can avoid detection.

If you manage to get past this, you’ll find a fork in the path about 400 meters ahead.

To the right is a hotel that the Russian forces have converted into an HQ, and to the left are government offices and a sports field. There are about a dozen armored infantry vehicles and nearly 200 enemies, so you’ll need fire support here.

You can’t shoot the patrols near the hotel because the sound will be heard inside, so you have to eliminate them with melee attacks.

After that, you can designate bombing coordinates, which is probably the easiest part since most will be using pre-set coordinates for guidance. There’s no need to follow Yujin’s exact FM protocol, lol. The real challenge comes next.

After the bombing, the segment that heavily relies on physical skill begins. Alpha Team has to clear out the surviving enemies from the bombing, while Beta Team takes out all the enemies inside the hotel. Yujin made it look easy, but without a basic understanding of CQB (Close Quarters Battle), you’ll probably die without even realizing what hit you.




I’m sure some people managed to clear up to the northwestern hub, but I guarantee they got stuck at the next part.

It’s not for any complicated reason—you have to deal with a convoy of 2S25 Sprut-SD self-propelled anti-tank guns before you can reach the personnel you need to rescue. However, the coordinates Yujin mentioned, EF 851341, won’t work, so 100% of people either give up here or try to bypass it.

The reason for this is pretty simple: whether you arrived late or early, the real-time position of the Sprut-SDs doesn’t match the coordinates Yujin gave, lol. In other words, you need to guide the fire support in real-time.

And you’ve probably already used both cluster bombs by this point, so all you’ve got left are Hellfire missiles, which aren’t enough to take out all five self-propelled guns in one go if you miss even slightly.

You might be better off studying how to mark coordinates separately… Anyway, it seems Yujin calculated the coordinates in real-time to guide the fire support, which is just insane, lol.

Getting as close as possible and manually guiding the laser might be your best bet.

The last part is actually the simplest in this mission; just go around the building, take out all the enemies, and rescue the hostages.

By this point, if you’ve followed everything correctly, the enemy numbers should have dropped to around 30-40%, and the HQ should be in ruins, making the fights significantly easier than before. Of course, if even one person went down before getting here, the Clear Rank Omega is out of reach, so be careful, lol.

If you follow this, you too can be one of the 10,000 people who hold a Clear Rank Omega badge in this game.

How about walking around in the insane top-tier game, Dark Zone, with a Clear Rank Omega patch on your shoulder? Give it a try, you can do it.

Anyway, next up is Artemis.




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"…Did they leave? Are they gone?"


"Guys! Charge Yujin's stream room───!!!"

<[JumpInMyBox has donated 1,000 won!]>


Meanwhile, in the lingering heat of September,

Harmony’s cheeky and playful raid on Yujin’s stream began.

"Yes! Welcome, everyone! It’s 7 PM on Saturday, the time when everyone feels the most free, and the match has just started! More than 30,000 people have already gathered in this gigantic stadium map that can accommodate up to 80,000 people at once. With sixteen simultaneous broadcast sessions, you could say that nearly 500,000 people have gathered today to watch this match."

"Exactly. And many of you may have overlooked it, but this is just the qualifying rank. Last year, the Asia Qualifier drew about 5 million viewers from Korea alone, so I expect the numbers to be at least as high, if not higher, this year."


Stadium Map.

It’s not just a game anymore—it’s a new form of live broadcasting where viewers can participate more vividly, thanks to the large-scale expansion of virtual reality. Although this feature was only introduced a year ago, nearly half of the seats are already filled.

Since it’s possible to watch eSports matches without having to buy expensive tickets, this feature is highly praised and is being adopted by various virtual reality games, not just Dark Zone.

However, no other place was as active as Dark Zone.

The booming voices of the commentators echoed through the space.

And just as the viewers heard the commentators’ voices, the commentators could see the cheers of the approximately 30,000 spectators in the stands. As mentioned earlier, the stadium wasn’t even half full, but there were sixteen sessions running simultaneously.

Packing 500,000 people into a single stadium was no different from putting massive strain on the servers.

Their commentary continued without pause.

"This map is an industrial complex in Russia near a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. The main killzone gimmick involves highly concentrated radioactive dust mixed with rain and wind. Aside from the numerous Easter eggs, there isn’t much that stands out about this map."

"In other words, the map generates fewer variables, making individual physical skills very prominent. This place, where victory or defeat is determined purely by skill and individual judgment, can be said to best embody the essence of AP soloing."

"Exactly. So, let’s start introducing the players!"

One of the unique features of the stadium broadcast that begins on weekends is that the 100 users participating in a session get to showcase themselves in front of thousands of people before the game starts.

Short interviews began, focusing more on new players than on existing pros. As each interview started, a superplay clip from the player’s qualifying rank was replayed above their head.

There was no better opportunity to showcase oneself and one’s skills.

Each player got about 15 seconds, and twenty of the hundred players briefly introduced themselves over five minutes. Only one in five was selected, but since lower-ranked users get more matches, the odds of not being picked for an interview weren’t that high.

Of course, focusing on new players meant there were a few exceptions.

"Yes! Thank you for your enthusiasm, KimchiNoodleSoup. Now, let’s move on to our last player interview. The next player is… Ah! This is a big one! The next player is the rising blue chip of AP!"

"Haha, I think I know who it is without even being told. Could it be that person no one wants to face in close combat these days?"

Nods of agreement.

With that, the caster loudly called out the main star.

"Nightmare of pro gamers, Apex Predator! The final interviewee is Yujin! Please welcome her with a big round of applause!"

And at that moment,

Suddenly, a crowd of 35,000 people surged into the broadcast room.

As the extreme traffic caused the voices of not only the 30,000 people in the stadium but also the commentators to start breaking up, the room, now filled with twice the number of people as any other, buzzed with overwhelming energy.

"Ah, sudden─, an! Expecta───"... How… did this happen? Did other broadcast rooms crash?"

"It doesn’t seem that way. I think for some reason, everyone is flocking to this room. I apologize to Yujin, but we need to find out what’s going on. Once again, we apologize."

At the same time, he looked down at Yujin’s expression—not one of anger, disbelief, or confusion. Instead, she just wore a faint, bitter smile as she gazed at the stadium stands.

Curious as to what was happening, he began looking for someone to interview, but there was no need.

First, a dozen or so people.

Then a hundred.

A thousand, then ten thousand.

Within seconds, 30,000 people simultaneously raised their fists and swung them rhythmically in the air, chanting one name in unison.

The pro gamers who had been watching her stream were left speechless, awkwardly glancing around.

"Yujin! Yujin! Yujin! Yujin! Yujin! Yujin! Yujin! Yujin! Yujin! Yujin!"

And at the very front of it all,

A single green cat with various tags like Streamer, Queen of Trash Games, 5-Year Veteran Streamer, Treasure of Icarus, and Mallet Brother, attached to her Icarus nickname.

Harmony was jumping up and down, looking at Yujin.

"Yujin-sensei───! We’re here!"

"…Ah, seriously."

I hope I’m not the reason this happened.

Even though she was receiving cheers from tens of thousands, Yujin’s mind was filled with such thoughts.

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