Rebirth Of The Scum Girl (Female Dominant)
Chapter 31 Table of contents

The man sitting in the high seat slightly turned his head, finally willing to spare a glance from the cat he was holding in his arms to the person kneeling below.

His voice was gentle and charming, but for the vast majority, this charm was unbearable.

He asked with interest, “Are you sure it’s not the person he’s looking for? Didn’t you say earlier that it had been investigated and confirmed to be someone from the Shen family?”

The black-clad woman kneeling and reporting spoke with a hoarse voice, “It has been confirmed that it’s Shen Meng, her biological father only had one child, and only Shen Meng returned that year.”

The Shen family had few female heirs in recent years, and Shen Meng didn’t have any cousins of similar age. The daughter born to her stepfather, Shen Li, also didn’t fit the conditions for rescuing Xue Ning. The result of their investigation was undoubtedly accurate.

The man leaned back to his original position somewhat disappointedly, “It’s really boring. It would’ve been so much better if they had found the wrong person.”

Although he knew the probability was low, the thought of the amusement he would derive from such a mistake amused him. The kneeling woman dared not easily respond to his remarks.

After a moment, the man asked again, “If that’s the case, why does Shen Meng seem unaffected by anything? She hasn’t hit her head, and there have been no signs of memory loss.”

The kneeling woman hesitated before replying, “Perhaps it’s to prevent Master Liang from feeling sad? Men generally don’t like such things, right?”

The man snorted, “Are you kidding me? Birds of a feather flock together. Can you tell me which of your eyes saw her deeply in love with her husband?”

To say that Shen Meng was trying to prevent her husband from feeling sad, he wouldn’t believe it even if he were beaten to death. Most women in this world are unfeeling.

This marriage was originally initiated by Liang Jue’s active pursuit, not something hard-earned. Few people would cherish it, especially since Shen Meng didn’t seem to have deep feelings for Liang Jue.

The woman hurriedly changed her tune, “Master is right, it’s just my ignorance that led to misunderstanding.”

These people below were as boring as quails, either blind to the obvious or cowardly like wooden stakes. The man waved his hand dismissively, “Forget it, you can go.”

There was still plenty of time; he wasn’t in a hurry.

After discussing past topics with Liang Jue, Shen Meng inexplicably sneezed several times in a row. She rubbed her slightly reddened nose, then accepted the warm tea handed to her by her husband.

In addition to the warm tea, Liang Jue also placed a peculiar-looking hot water bottle in her arms, “You should use this first. I’ve been telling you to wear more clothes these past few days, but you never listen.”

The life of the husband and wife wasn’t just a collection of trivial matters. Shen Meng had extra busy public affairs to attend to every day, and she often stayed up late reading books like Strange stories, often burning the midnight oil.

When Liang Jue got up at night, if he saw her dressed lightly, he would get up to help her put on a thick coat. However, there were times when he was in deep sleep and couldn’t attend to Shen Meng.

“Liang Jue is right, I’ll pay more attention next time.” Perhaps she was really cold, Shen Meng sneezed again and again, feeling a bit pitiful.

She casually drew a circle on the notebook with a vermilion pen because the notebook where things were recorded was openly placed in front of Liang Jue. Even if unintentional, he would inevitably see what was recorded on it.

The notebook mainly contained complex-looking diagrams, repeated symbols, and intersecting lines.

He tentatively asked Shen Meng, “Are these names of people written by you?”

In fact, based on the arrangement of these strange diagrams, he could vaguely guess what Shen Meng was referring to, but he had no way of understanding the specifics.

Sitting across from him, Shen Meng propped her chin on her hand and looked at him. When Liang Jue asked, she replied leisurely, “My husband really has a reputation for being intelligent. If you think so, then it is.”

Liang Jue looked at her somewhat disappointedly, his eyes appearing somewhat moist, and his tone sounded somewhat unwilling, “Can’t I be included?”

Shen Meng said word by word, “You can’t be included.”

There were some things that she could vaguely reveal to him, but in the current situation, she wouldn’t disclose all her secrets.

This Liang Jue was different from the one in the previous life. They hadn’t spent many years together; it would take a long period of adjustment before she could entrust enough secrets to him.

Although it sounded somewhat heartless, she didn’t trust Mother Shen, Shen Li, or Liang Jue in this life either.

From another perspective, she guarded a huge secret that was related to how she died in her previous life. Before when she found out, it become like a sword of death hanging above her head, ready to strike her fragile neck at any moment.

And for the time being, she didn’t plan to involve Liang Jue in it, for the sake of protection and disbelief.

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