Rebirth Of The Scum Girl (Female Dominant)
Chapter 42 Table of contents

When Liang Jue was pulled down from the carriage, he hadn’t fully reacted yet.

By the time he fully realized what was happening, the carriage driver had already taken the carriage away under Shen Meng’s gesture. The distance from the Shen family mansion to the imperial city wasn’t particularly far, but it wasn’t close either.

Moreover, Liang Jue had no money on him when he came out, and the jade pendant he wore was a gift from Shen Meng; he couldn’t bear to use it as collateral, and it wasn’t easy to get credit.

“Why did you let the carriage driver go? What am I supposed to do now?”

Men were not allowed to interfere in politics in the harem, and there was no precedent in this dynasty for men to hold official positions. Shen Meng was willing to discuss court affairs with him and even enjoyed discussing them with him, which was enough for them.

In this dynasty, officials above the fifth rank (including the fifth rank) had to attend the morning court session. Shen Meng was currently a sixth-rank official, but as a court official, and being in an important department like the Hanlin Academy, she naturally had to participate in the morning court.

She had entered the gate at the appointed hour, dragging along someone she knew, and had Liang Jue settled in the imperial hospital.

She instructed a chief physician, “Please take care of my husband. If possible, go to the imperial kitchen and inquire about some snacks that can be distributed. I will come over after the morning court.”

Then, she reminded Shen Meng as usual not to wander around aimlessly, “The palace is not like our home; there are rules everywhere. If you don’t know the way, just stay here for a while and learn about the medicinal herbs.”

Liang Jue nodded, “Don’t worry, I’ve been to this palace before. You should hurry up. It wouldn’t be good if you’re late.”

Liang Jue’s background was much more prestigious than Shen Meng’s. Besides his relationship with his official mother, he also had some distant ties to the royal family. Although he hadn’t been to the palace as much as Shen Meng during this period, he had definitely visited more frequently when he was younger.

In Shen Meng’s mind, Liang Jue, as her legitimate husband, rarely caused her any worries. He had a steady temperament, so after briefly settling him, she hurriedly followed her colleagues from the Hanlin Academy to the court, clutching the jade tablet she needed to hold up during the court session.

Seeing her rushing like this, her usual colleagues couldn’t help but ask curiously, “You usually arrive so early. Why are you trailing behind today?”

Shen Meng smiled at them and quickened her pace into the Golden Luang Hall. When she stood in her position, she quietly answered the previous question, “There were some delays at home.”

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, the previously bustling Golden Luang Hall quieted down. The female officials serving the Empress at her side announced loudly, “The Empress has arrived.”

As the civil and military officials bowed in greeting on both sides, the Empress stepped onto the golden carpet and walked towards the radiant dragon throne.

After sitting down, she spoke with a loud voice, “Rise, everyone.”

The Golden Luang Hall was spacious, but the air was so quiet that even the sound of a falling needle could be heard clearly. With only the Empress’s voice present, naturally, everyone could hear what she was saying.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Once again, there was a chorus of voices and synchronized movements.

Shen Meng clasped the jade tablet in her hands and stood up along with the civil and military officials.

The female official standing next to the Empress raised her voice and shouted, “Any matters to report, otherwise the court is dismissed.”

The Empress’s time was very precious, so being able to attend court on time was already commendable.

At this time, which was in the middle of the harvest season and nearing the end of the year, the Minister of Revenue came forward to report on the livelihood data from various regions.

The Minister of Revenue had a somewhat leisurely disposition and was very affable and smooth in manner.

As usual, she started with a bit of flattery towards the Empress, “Under Your Majesty’s governance, most areas of our dynasty have had a good year with favorable weather conditions. Only a few small counties had poor harvests, but with the relief efforts of the court, the people can still lead normal lives without any issues.”

This is simply nonsense. There have been quite a few people starving to death in the common folk, either due to mismanagement or natural disasters. This year, the weather in the capital has indeed been good, but in other places, many have suffered from natural disasters.

Natural disasters are uncontrollable, and they cannot be accurately predicted. But the Empress doesn’t care about that. She only trusts the Minister of Revenue, whom she personally promoted. As for how the common people are struggling, she cannot understand, nor does she intend to.

After the Minister of Revenue finished speaking, it was the turn of the other five ministers or deputy ministers of departments to report on their respective responsibilities to the Empress. The Empress is not stupid and knows whether these ministers are trying to deceive her.

In certain matters, the Empress turns a blind eye. To be blunt, she could be a good Empress if she wanted to, but she’s just lazy.

Everyone is all smiles, which is fine as long as it doesn’t affect her interests or the interests of certain powerful figures. She’s happy to play dumb when it suits her.

Shen Meng lowered her head, showing no sign of respect on her face. She knows this Empress too well. The Empress is not foolish, but lacks capability. It her previous life, the princes fought incessantly, and the few princesses fought over the golden throne.

Except for a few princesses, who were willing to fight for the lofty golden throne, several others caused chaos in the court, even leading to minor rebellions, which were eventually quelled, but the country suffered greatly.

In the past life, she was one of the victims of these struggles.

As she recalled this, Shen Meng tightened her grip on the jade tablet in her hand. Just then, her mother, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Rites, stepped forward.

This morning court session was dragging on a bit. She briefly praised the Empress’s achievements, then complimented her immediate superior, the Minister of Rites, and, of course, didn’t forget to acknowledge the Prime Minister’s authority over everyone else.

After the flattery, she briefly summarized the achievements and contributions of the Ministry of Rites in the past year.

Then, shifting the topic, she mentioned the recent affairs of the Ganli Kingdom.

In essence, the message was as follows: “This small country is wealthy and has close ties with our dynasty. It’s not one of those remote countries solely seeking money and advantage.”

“In short, it’s not an easy matter. The prince from that country has come, and it’s obvious that he’s on a mission for a political marriage.”

“Now, the question is, among the Empress’s several princesses, who will be the bride for this political marriage?”

“A royal marriage alliance is usually a significant boost. If the prince marries into our dynasty, he will either become a concubine if the princess is already married, or if he becomes the legitimate spouse, the princess will lose her chance of inheriting the throne.”

Because of this dilemma, the courtiers who have their own preferences are quarreling fiercely. The grand Golden Luang Hall has become like a marketplace.

Finally, the Empress, fed up with their arguing, made a decision: “Enough, tomorrow I will let him in and see whom he chooses to marry!”

For some reason, Shen Meng suddenly had a foreboding feeling.

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