Rebirth Of The Scum Girl (Female Dominant)
Chapter 56 Table of contents

When Shen Meng’s rest day arrived, Liang Jue eagerly packed everything and, for once, rose early, pulling Shen Meng along to the place where he had lived for a long time.

Naturally, the carriage was covered with thick blankets, and sharp edges were wrapped up to prevent him from accidentally hitting his still-flat belly.

Shen Meng had a book on her lap, but this time, she made room for Liang Jue, who needed to be careful due to his pregnancy.

In the carriage, the atmosphere between the two was very good, and the air seemed to be filled with a sweet floral scent, making them both feel relaxed.

However, this pleasant atmosphere only lasted until they arrived at the entrance of Liang’s mansion. When the carriage stopped at the gate, Liang Jue and Shen Meng were stopped by someone.

The gatekeeper looked like a newcomer. Although Liang Jue was angry, he managed to restrain himself and asked, “Do you know who I am?”

The gatekeeper replied, “I have seen you. I know you are the young master who got married from this mansion.”

“Since you know, how dare you to stop me?” There was never a saying in this dynasty that a son married off was like water thrown out. Especially for families like theirs who put a lot of effort into raising their sons.

Liang Jue never expected that he would one day be stopped outside his own home.

The gatekeeper politely said, “This is the command of Lady Liang Rong. She said that if the young master returned, you should not be allowed in.”

“My sister? Why would she do this?” Liang Jue felt absurd, and his voice turned colder. “I want to see my father and mother. Otherwise, call the steward out to see me first.”

The gatekeeper looked at Liang Jue with difficulty. “I am just following orders. Please understand, young master.”

At this moment, Shen Meng suggested, “It’s better to trouble you to go and inform them. Just say that Shen Meng and her husband have come to visit. If we can’t go in, at least give us a reason.”

“Alright, you wait here. I’ll go report first.” As a gatekeeper, she didn’t know much. But she wasn’t ignorant either. If she drove the visitors away so directly, the master might blame her later.

The gatekeeper ran quickly. Almost as soon as the gate closed, the steward opened the heavy vermilion gate from inside and let Liang Jue in. “Young master, you’re back. Please come in.”

With the steward’s permission, Shen Meng and Liang Jue easily entered the mansion. As the steward led the way, Liang Jue asked her, “What did the gatekeeper say earlier? Did my sister really order that I shouldn’t be allowed in when I returned?”

The steward arrived in time, and there was no sign of the previous gatekeeper following her. It was unlikely that the latter had called her. But if the other lied, the lie would be exposed as soon as it was probed, and the other should not have agreed to let them in after being asked.

The other party had no reason to spread such an inappropriate lie, so it must be true.

The steward confirmed, “It’s true, but Lady Liang Rong had her reasons. With your pregnancy, she thought your health was more important.”

“But why did she suddenly change her mind and allow me in? I have Liang family blood in me. What does that have to do with my pregnancy?”

The steward sighed and stopped walking. “Lady Liang Rong and the master are both inside. The answer to your question is inside as well. I won’t go in. Lady Shen, please accompany our young master.”

Shen Meng nodded, indicating that she would take care of Liang Jue. She pushed open the tightly closed door and indeed saw Liang Rong and Mother Liang standing there.

There was a strong medicinal smell in the air, not pleasant at all, but rather pungent. She covered her nose and mouth with her hand slightly, then looked at where the mother and daughter were standing. There was a simple screen placed there, and behind it was a bed.

From Shen Meng’s perspective, she could see a person on the bed, and this person’s face looked extremely haggard, almost like a desiccated husk. This person was none other than Mr. Liang, Liang Jue’s biological father, who loved Liang Jue very much.

Liang Jue quickly noticed the situation as well. He stepped forward, bypassed the screen, and knelt halfway in front of father Liang bed.

He breathed quickly, and even his voice trembled, “Father, what’s wrong with you?!”

Father Liang raised his hand and managed a smile to scold Liang Jue, “You’re about to be a father, but you’re still so easily startled. You really have no shame. Your father is embarrassed for you.”

His voice was low and gentle, lacking any harshness, but because he was so weak, his words sounded very poignant.

After addressing Liang Jue, he looked at Shen Meng, who had been standing there all along, and said softly, “Our little one is about to be a father too. I believe he will be a good father. He has troubled you a lot in ordinary times, but I still want to say that our child is a bit foolish. Once he decides on someone, it’s for a life time.”

He coughed several times, as if trying to cough up his internal organs. After coughing, he continued, “Back then, he was thin-skinned, and this old bone of mine had to swallow my pride to arrange this marriage for him. You’re very good, and I’ve heard about your previous defiance of the imperial decree; you’re someone who values loyalty and righteousness. So, I won’t say much. From now on, you must treat him better.”

“Father, please stop.” Tears swirled in Liang Jue’s eyes, and he couldn’t hold back. He reached out to touch his father’s emaciated face.

Shen Meng stepped back, giving the father and son enough time and space. Liang Rong also followed, advising, “Please don’t harm yourself. Don’t forget, you’re still carrying a child.”

Liang Jue nodded. “You don’t need to say these things. I already know.”

At this moment, he could somewhat understand his elder sister’s painstaking efforts. His sudden arrival caught the Liang family off guard, so they naturally revealed the truth to him.

When Shen Meng saw Liang Rong come out, she pulled her aside and asked, “You didn’t let us in earlier because you were worried Liang Jue would be distracted and might harm himself. But why did you suddenly change your mind?”

If it was just a whim, it would be too forced.

Liang Rong sighed. “You saw it just now. Father’s health is not good, and I thought seeing him once would be enough. If something were to happen to him, Liang Jue might resent me.”

As a woman, Liang Rong was undoubtedly more rational than Liang Jue. Shen Meng could understand her thoughts. If Liang Zhengjun had no serious issues but Liang Jue couldn’t see him before something happened, Liang Jue would surely harbor resentment and carry this burden for life.

Shen Meng sighed, as if recalling something, and asked Liang Rong, “How long has he been like this?”

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