Rebirth Of The Scum Girl (Female Dominant)
Chapter 59 Table of contents


Just like in Shen Meng’s memory, the Empress’s illness was getting worse. Liang Jue, mindful of the child in his belly, didn’t dare to wander around. He stayed at home, handling the chaotic affairs in the mansion and the estate, and making some small clothes for the baby who would be born in half a year.

During this time, Shen Meng continued to attend court as usual, but she definitely wouldn’t see the Empress these days.

Although reluctant to relinquish power, the Empress still knew that major state affairs couldn’t be delayed. Currently, the court was temporarily managed by the eldest princess.

The eldest princess had long coveted this position. Once she obtained this power, her suppressed nature couldn’t be restrained. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she immediately dealt with many supporters of the third and second princesses.

If not for the need to balance the court, some influential families wouldn’t have been shaken by her so easily. She would have certainly removed all the thorns in her side.

For a while, except for the eldest princess’s faction, there was unease in the court. Although Liang Jue was in the palace, it didn’t mean he didn’t care about the changes in the court.

In fact, with a mother who was a senior official and some distant relation to the Emperor Dowager, he was more informed about certain matters than Shen Meng.

One day, after Shen Meng finished court, she dined with him. He poked at the food with his chopsticks, feeling no appetite.

Seeing this, Shen Meng served him a small bowl of soup. “Have some hot soup; you shouldn’t go hungry.”

“It’s not because of that.” Liang Jue took the bowl of soup, looking hesitant.

“Just say what’s on your mind; there’s no need to keep it to yourself.” Shen Meng understood his concerns and added, “Even if it’s unpleasant to hear, I’d rather know. I don’t want you to keep anything from me.”

Liang Jue bit his lip. “I’m not trying to hide anything from you, but things in court are chaotic right now, and I’m just a bit worried.”

Shen Meng’s background wasn’t low, but the resources of the Shen family were limited. Given her current strained relationship with her mother, the latter wouldn’t support her in court. In the court, one’s position depended on both background and luck.

If luck wasn’t on her side, it was possible to stagnate in a position for more than a decade. Shen Meng’s position wasn’t low now, but at this critical moment, he was worried that she might choose sides too early.

Shen Meng set down her chopsticks and said, “What is my husband worried about? Just speak your mind.”

Liang Jue glanced at the servant standing beside him and said, “You may leave us for now.”

Once they were alone in the room, Liang Jue lowered his voice and said, “I heard from my mother that the Empress vomited blood a few days ago. It seems her health is deteriorating. Wife wants to choose the Third Princess as her candidate.”

Shen Meng didn’t respond directly but instead asked him, “Why would my husband guess that I would choose the Third Princess?”

Liang Jue was quite clever; otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to keep Shen Li under control even when she neglected her in her previous life. She knew this from her past life, but she still couldn’t understand how he could guess her thoughts.

“Because the Third Princess is ambitious, and it’s suitable.” The more he interacted with Shen Meng, the better he understood her. Despite her usual silence, she wasn’t a gentle and kind person.

Compared to the other two princesses, the Third Princess was more ruthless and ambitious, and her position was lower.

Such a person was better at hiding their intentions and could take advice. Importantly, they were more likely to help Shen Meng achieve her goals.

After all, the other two princesses had powerful families to rely on, making it harder for Shen Meng, a later arrival, to gain their trust.

So, while the Third Princess might seem disadvantaged on the surface and not the best choice, for Shen Meng, choosing her would be more suitable if she wanted to take a risk.

Liang Jue’s guess was actually correct; she did choose the Third Princess in her previous life without knowing the circumstances.

Shen Meng chuckled softly. “My husband does understand me. But if I choose the Third Princess, what then?”

Liang Jue pursed his lips, feeling a bit parched. He took a sip of the creamy soup, and when his lips were slightly tinted with color, he continued, “The Third Princess is not good.”

Shen Meng hadn’t intended to discuss court matters with Liang Jue, but his remark piqued her interest. “You’ve never met the Third Princess, so how do you know she’s not good?”

“When I entered the palace to see the Emperor Dowager, I happened to meet the Third Princess a couple of times and heard some rumors about her.”

His memory drifted back to a sunny day five years ago when the Third Princess clashed with Consort Zhang, who was favored by the Empress at the time, causing a disturbance that startled Consort Zhang, who was pregnant with the imperial heir.

Plotting against the imperial bloodline was a grave crime. Although the child in Consort Zhang’s womb wasn’t fully formed and couldn’t compare to the already born princesses, it was still a matter of concern. So, Shen Meng feared the Third Princess!

In the palace, the Empress’s favor decides one’s status, and the Third Princess isn’t favored. At this time, fearing she might be implicated, she couldn’t wait to pin the blame on the old nanny who had raised her, even though the old nanny was loyal. She confessed and endured fifty beatings, nearly losing her life and falling ill thereafter.

That was not all; although the Third Princess comforted the old nanny verbally, she distanced herself. Later, when Consort Zhang, the favored consort, lost the Empress’s favor due to his arrogant behavior and his child didn’t survive, the Third Princess kicked her while she was down, just like she did to the old nanny, seeking revenge for her past grievances.

This incident was observed from a distance. The old nanny was beaten until she was bloodied and mangled, abandoned by her mistress, left with nothing.

The palace was ruthless, but if the Third Princess had even a shred of gratitude, the old nanny wouldn’t have lost her life so easily.

Commenting, “Her temperament is inferior to the current Empress’s but is still extraordinary and valuable. However, such rare goods must be valued accordingly.”

People are selfish, but as a good ruler, one can’t always act selfishly. The current Empress was known for being petty, and his daughters weren’t gentle either, unfit to be benevolent rulers.

The Third Princess was even worse; not only was she extremely selfish, but she also lacked any sense of responsibility. Such a person would take others’ efforts for granted and dispose of them mercilessly when they became inconvenient.

“Dealing with a tiger’s hide comes with risks,” Shen Meng remarked.

Liang Jue became more anxious; his child in the womb seemed to have caught his restlessness and kicked him disobediently.

He exclaimed softly, clutching his stomach.

Shen Meng hurriedly asked, “What’s wrong? Is your stomach hurting?”

Placing her hand on his abdomen to soothe it, he shook his head, “She kicked me, and it startled me.”

Shen Meng’s expression softened, “It’s good as long as everything is fine. If you feel uncomfortable, don’t force yourself.”

In the end, it was her own bloodline. Even in her past life when she didn’t like the child’s father at all, she was still deeply saddened when Liang Jue had no children. The pool of bright red blood left behind at that time was truly too glaring, too shocking, a sight she couldn’t forget in both her lifetimes.

Just seeing Liang Jue reminded her of that scene, so she avoided him and completely ignored him.

In this life, the child was still healthy, but she began to worry.

Seeing how much she cared about the child, Liang Jue felt joyful in his heart and secretly resolved, “Whatever wife wishes to do, I will support her, and I can bear any consequences.”

While changing Shen Meng’s mind would be good, if he couldn’t, he was willing to bear whatever happened with her.

Shen Meng shook her head, “My husband guessed half-right. I did indeed consider the Third Princess at first, but then I changed my mind.”

“Then whom did wife choose?” With the Empress critically ill, if she remained indecisive, regardless of who ascended the throne in the future, Shen Meng would find it difficult to gain favor.

Shen Meng said, “I choose Her Majesty.”

In her memory, the Empress’s remaining days were few. Although she briefly recovered, she soon passed away. However, if the major trajectory hadn’t changed in her previous life, the throne in this life wouldn’t have fallen into the hands of the Third Princess or the other two princesses.

Because this kingdom underwent a complete change in its fate, with a change in dynasty!

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