Rebirth Of The Scum Girl (Female Dominant)
Chapter 61 Table of contents

When the news of the eldest princess’s failed palace coup reached Shen Meng’s residence, nobody could afford to worry too much because at that moment, Liang Jue’s first child was about to be born.

The household was filled with young attendants, and when the mistress’s husband was giving birth, they were all in a flurry, completely at a loss.

It was the close attendant serving Liang Jue, Zhu Sheng, who quickly calmed down: “Hurry, go and fetch the midwife, and send someone to inform the mistress as well.”

The risk for men giving birth wasn’t particularly high, but there wasn’t a single man who didn’t hope his wife could be by his side. For Liang Jue, no one made him feel more reassured than Shen Meng.

When Liang Jue first started having contractions, Zhu Sheng sent someone to inform Shen Meng. However, the servant who went to find Shen Meng didn’t bring back any good news to the household because at that moment, the eldest princess was attempting to seize power, and the Golden Luang Palace was surrounded by the Imperial Guards.

The servant hurried back to the residence, not daring to speak loudly, and only said to Zhu Sheng who had instructed him: “It seems there’s trouble in the palace. When I went, the palace gates were sealed, and there were Imperial Guards everywhere. I saw people being interrogated and detained, so I hurried back.”

Zhu Sheng’s face sank, but he still spoke gently to the servant: “You’ve done well. Go collect your reward first. Don’t speak of this matter to anyone else, absolutely no one.”

Liang Jue was extremely meticulous in his thoughts. He feared that if this servant leaked the news to others or if anyone in the household showed any signs, the master might notice, and both he and the child would be in trouble.

This news was forcibly suppressed for a short while. As Liang Jue truly began to give birth, there was still no sign of Shen Meng.

A pregnant man’s mind was extremely sensitive, and even though he knew mentally that many wives wouldn’t be present to give birth with their husbands, he still asked those around him, “Where is my wife?”

Shen Meng valued this child so much, and she had expressed her desire to witness the birth of the child. Surely she would want to be by his side.

The close attendants serving by his side almost dared not meet his expectant gaze, while Zhu Sheng reminded him, “Today is not the mistress’s rest day. Perhaps she’s been delayed by something, so she hasn’t had a chance to rush back yet.”

In the court, if a family’s head was giving birth, the leave would definitely be approved smoothly. When his own father gave birth to him, his mother specifically took leave to come back and see him.

However, in this court, there were also many women who were unwilling to return home. Perhaps he wasn’t as important in his wife’s heart as he thought. Liang Jue didn’t know what was going on, but suddenly, he felt an overwhelming sense of negativity. His expression was desolate, as if he couldn’t even muster the energy to give birth anymore.

This feeling was strange, as if in a past life, his child was also unwelcome. Not only was the child not valued, but the father of this child was also seen as a disgrace, and then the child was easily lost. After that, as the husband, he was also despised for not being able to bear children, and was divorced by that person.

Seeing that the amniotic fluid had broken, the midwives started to get anxious, “Master, you need to exert some effort, the child is waiting!”

Zhu Sheng beside him also anxiously shouted, “Madam is still waiting for you. She’s been eagerly anticipating this child. Can you bear to make her so sad?”

Zhu Sheng genuinely cared for the Shen family. They were unaware of the exact situation in the palace. If something happened to Shen Meng, this child would be her only bloodline. If she returned safely and the master lost the child due to absent-mindedness, they as servants wouldn’t be able to give a good account.

Liang Jue, who had been immersed in a depressing atmosphere, suddenly woke up, ‘Right, there’s still the child! This child, the one that I and wife have been longing for, she’s still healthy now, completely different from those blurry images I’ve been seeing! She’s I and Shen Meng’s treasure. I has to ensure she’s safely born into this world.’

Liang Jue’s body had been well taken care of by Shen Meng during this period, and with his determination to have a child, the childbirth went smoothly, almost effortlessly.

The midwife responsible for delivering the baby used silver scissors to cut the umbilical cord connecting father and daughter, tied a neat knot, and encountered a big problem—the newborn didn’t make a sound, and they weren’t sure if she was mute.

He glanced at his exhausted master lying in a pool of blood and slapped the baby’s buttocks hard, causing her to immediately start crying loudly.

The loud cry echoed throughout the delivery room, and the midwife breathed a sigh of relief, smiling, “Congratulations, Master, it’s a little girl.”

Liang Jue, who had just given birth to the child, was still a little dazed, as if he couldn’t believe his first child was born so easily and effortlessly into this world. He extended his arms to the midwife, “Bring her to me, let me see her.”

The midwife happily brought the swaddled infant over, “The little mistress is born so beautiful, she looks just like the Master. Would you like to hold her?”

“No need, just let me see her.” There wasn’t a father who wouldn’t like others to praise his own child. Liang Jue’s lips curved slightly as he gently gazed at the newborn life that had just arrived in the world.

She didn’t look particularly good, all red and wrinkled, tightly closing her eyes. Her hands and feet were tiny, appearing just a bit larger than nothing. She was so small, so fragile. He really wanted to hold her, to kiss her. But he didn’t have the strength right now, afraid of dropping this little baby.

Zhu Sheng also came over to help the midwife clean the dirt off Liang Jue’s body, and he also praised, “The little girl indeed looks good. These eyebrows, these lips, and the nose, look, they all resemble Madam.”

This praise hit Liang Jue’s heart. His smile was much brighter and sincere, “Yes, I also think she looks like her mother.”

This was his and Shen Meng’s bloodline. His selfish desire was for his daughter to resemble Shen Meng more, so that when Shen Meng wasn’t at home, looking at his daughter would make him feel as if Shen Meng was still there.

After the midwife took the child out of the room, he asked Zhu Sheng, “Has someone told Madam about this news? She loves this child so much, she’ll definitely be very happy.”

Realizing there was no need for him to worry, considering his current state—disheveled, sweaty, and ugly—he didn’t want Shen Meng to see him like this.

Zhu Sheng smiled, “Look at me, I was so happy I forgot. I’ll go tell Madam right away.”

He agreed and decided to let the servant who had previously gathered information go check. If the Imperial Guards were still surrounding the palace, he wouldn’t inform the mistress yet. If Shen Meng returned safely, they would keep the dangerous events secret for now. After all, just after giving birth, Liang Jue couldn’t afford to get too excited.

After Zhu Sheng anxiously waited for a day and a half, feeling a headache for not coming up with a good excuse, the servant responsible for reporting rushed around the courtyard, shouting loudly, “Madam has returned!”

Now there was no need to worry about the midwife’s mood. Zhu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief and peeked out of the door. Sure enough, a young woman dressed in peacock-patterned official robes was walking down the corridor. Although her face showed no warmth, it was indeed the familiar face.

The heavy burden in his heart finally lifted. Zhu Sheng pushed open the door and was about to inform the master, who was already starting to suspect something.

But before he took two steps, he saw Liang Jue’s figure. Upon hearing the servant’s voice, Liang Jue hurriedly greeted him.

In theory, after the child was born, he should have become a more mature father. But these past few days, Liang Jue’s heart had been empty. He knew the servants were hiding something from him, and he vaguely guessed who it was related to. However, he firmly believed that Shen Meng would be safe. Although afraid, he preferred not to ask, just wanting Shen Meng to come back quietly and safely.

Fortunately, by God’s mercy, Shen Meng indeed returned safely.

Liang Jue was so excited that when he rushed towards Shen Meng, he missed a step and fell straight to the ground.

Shen Meng hurried forward and firmly caught her husband, scolding him lightly, “You’re already a father, why are you still so restless?”

She scolded him, but her tone was gentle. However, when Liang Jue looked up with teary eyes, she was startled.

His eyes were red, like a pitiful rabbit. His bright eyes were filled with glistening tears, on the verge of falling, evoking sympathy.

She sighed helplessly and hugged her husband tighter, “You’re all grown up now, so many people are watching, yet you’re not ashamed.”

Although she said so, her tone was soft, with a smiling gaze, showing no blame. After all, she was at fault for not being there for Liang Jue during the childbirth.

After comforting her husband, she asked about the child they had been longing for, “Where’s the child? Will you take me to see her?”

Liang Jue regained his composure and nodded heavily, holding Shen Meng’s hand tightly, leading her to the bedroom, “Come with me, our daughter is still asleep.”

The baby was a heavy sleeper. When they entered, she hadn’t been disturbed at all and slept soundly.

Seeing the baby in the cradle, who bore some resemblance to them, Shen Meng felt relieved. If her child’s fate could change, then so could hers.

With this in mind, she asked Liang Jue gently, “Do you trust me?”

Liang Jue answered without hesitation, “Of course.”

“In the days to come, you and the child may face some hardships. If you’re unwilling…”

Before Shen Meng could finish, Liang Jue covered her mouth, “There’s nothing I’m unwilling to do. Isn’t it right for a family to be together?”

This relationship was something he had fought for. No matter how tough it got, it couldn’t be as tough as Shen Meng not liking him or caring about him.

Shen Meng smiled genuinely, “I underestimated it, you’re right, as always.”

A family should always be together.

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