Rebirth Of The Scum Girl (Female Dominant)
Chapter 70 Table of contents

Just like in the previous life, Meng Zhai successfully breached the imperial city and seized control of the realm after five years. However, although he obtained the Imperial Jade Seal, several rebel forces were not willing to surrender, instead choosing to establish their own territories.

After all, those in power were not willing to easily acknowledge an Empress of humble origins.

With her throne precarious, Meng Zhai dared not easily target the founding ministers who helped Shen Meng conquer the realm. Though it was said that with a new Empress comes new ministers, Meng Zhai had limited civilian officials under her command, with many officials from the previous dynasty still in use.

Of course, except for some unshakeable noble families, Meng Zhai removed most of the influential ministers who served the previous Empress. With the new dynasty established, the Empress had to establish her own set of rituals and laws, a heavy responsibility that naturally fell upon Shen Meng, the newly appointed chancellor.

Shen Meng had many responsibilities and couldn’t personally oversee everything. With memories from two lifetimes, she handpicked many officials and, while shouldering the role of Grand Tutor, also recruited many disciples, gradually solidifying her position in the court.

Of course, she never crossed the Empress’s bottom line, let alone openly intervene in the Empress’s harem affairs.

Even if the Empress wasn’t in a hurry, there would always be someone eager to send their beautiful sons into the palace to become Meng Zhai’s concubines.

Not all women could resist such temptations. Due to her status as a married woman and bearing a daughter and two sons, Meng Zhai treated him kindly. After her ascension, she conferred him as the Emperor.

However, the palace constantly received handsome and well-born men, causing the Empress to neglect the Emperor, who was of average appearance.

At first, the Emperor didn’t have a favorable impression of Shen Meng due to conflicts with his sister. However, for a man married to another, the most important thing was the future of his children.

With Shen Meng now highly regarded by the Empress and standing by the side of the eldest daughter born to him, the Emperor changed his attitude, striving to form an alliance with Shen Meng.

With the most threatening presence in the palace now on his side, Shen Meng’s influence in the court naturally grew day by day.

After six or seven years, as their first daughter was about to enter officialdom and after paving the way for her daughter, Shen Meng requested to retire from her official duties.

By this time, Meng Zhai’s throne was firmly established, but years of military campaigns had left her with many old wounds. While her reign was secure, her health had suffered.

Shen Meng, now holding a high position, had many disciples who entered the court, making her a crucial figure in both the court and the country. The Empress did have some reservations about her, but over the years, Shen Meng had made preparations for herself and had not been blinded by power, nor had she raised any opportunistic children.

As for the original Shen family, they had severed ties with her during the previous dynasty. Some of them, seeing Shen Meng’s success, had thought of reconnecting, but Shen Meng had taken precautions early on.

She had informed those in the Shen family of her plans beforehand. Although not publicly announced, anyone in the Shen family trying to climb using her name would only find themselves worse off in secret.

As for corruption, Shen Meng entrusted Liang Jue with managing the family’s wealth, which was already abundant. However, she still accepted certain items, not for any other reason but to feed the Empress’s growing paranoia.

The Empress wouldn’t like flawless courtiers; she had to have some flaws for her to feel at ease. Of course, she didn’t tamper with the items sent to her under various pretexts, nor did she compile any special lists. She just sealed the boxes and left them untouched, intending to present them as gifts to the Empress or the current eldest daughter before leaving.

After spending so many years in the capital, Liang Jue had almost given up hope of Shen Meng resigning from her official duties. He was always understanding of his wife. At the beginning, when the new dynasty was unstable, if Shen Meng, as a great hero of the new dynasty, didn’t have some power, who knows how she would have been treated.

For Shen Meng’s sake and for their small family, she had to stay in the capital, while he handled all the backend work, educating their daughter and managing everything at home.

After a few more years, Shen Meng’s power and reputation had reached a certain height. Even if it were him, he wouldn’t easily give up the prosperity of the capital.

But on this day, just as Liang Jue sent their second daughter to a private school, Shen Meng arrived.

As the head of the council of elders, Shen Meng was usually very busy and couldn’t return at this hour just after the morning court.

He greeted her and asked his wife, “Did something happen at court?”

Looking at him, Liang Jue seemed naturally favored by time. Despite experiencing so many setbacks in the previous life, he still retained his beauty. Perhaps it was because he now had a wife and children, his mental state was a thousand times better than in the previous life, and he looked even more spirited and gentle.

She smiled faintly, “As a wife, I resigned from my official duties today and plan to retire to the mountains with my husband.”

Liang Jue didn’t appear particularly surprised on his face. If the fan he dropped betrayed his excitement at this moment, it was because he had sold out his excitement.

He stood in place, quietly watching his wife, then asked her, “Why?”

Shen Meng asked him back, “Don’t you like it? If you find the capital convenient, we can stay here.”

A slight smile played on her lips. “Your wife has always kept her promises.”

Liang Jue took two steps forward, suddenly reached out, and embraced the woman’s waist. He buried his face in her chest, making his voice sound a bit muffled. “We agreed to leave the capital and retire.”

Shen Meng asked him, “What about the children, are you willing to leave them?”

“Shen Ping An is not young anymore, it’s time for her to settle down and start a family. Do you expect her to follow us forever?” In Liang Jue’s mind, Shen Meng as his wife always came first.

Although the children were important too, compared to years of determination, he would definitely choose to fulfill his own determination.

“What about Shen Yue? She’s at the age for studying, still young.” Shen Meng’s voice carried a hint of amusement.

“With you, a renowned chancellor, as her tutor, what else could she be dissatisfied with?”

The news came suddenly, but Liang Jue quickly planned everything after leaving.

He raised his head, looking up at her face. “You’re not lying to me, you really resigned?”

“Not lying to you.”

Liang Jue’s eyes instantly sparkled like stars. He began to plan, “We’ll take our accustomed bed with us.”


“We don’t need to bring too many servants, just ten or so.”


“We’ll buy a house with a big courtyard, plant lots of grapes…”


Shen Meng ruffled her husband’s hair, watching him gleefully like a child, her eyes gentle. She had said so many bad things before, but in this lifetime, she would make Liang Jue equally happy with good things.

The End

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