Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality!
Chapter 309 Table of contents

Chapter 309: Multiple Versions of Heavenly Court

Translator: yikaii Editor: yikaii

(TL Note: Here’s extra chapter 1/3)

Petrified Bone felt he had enough bad luck for one day.

He had just been screwed over by the long-dead Qin Haoran, owing a debt of one billion spirit stones and getting struck by lightning because he couldn’t repay it.

Afterward, he had to explain the situation about the Heavenly Court to the Sect Leader.

Now he had to explain it all over again.

He might as well write a memoir to avoid recalling these painful experiences repeatedly.

The other two deputy Sect Leaders looked at Petrified Bone with suspicion.

The commotion caused by the lightning was too loud; it was impossible not to notice.

Since when did Unity cultivators face lightning tribulations? Did Petrified Bone manage to break through?

With a dark expression, Petrified Bone recounted everything that happened in Ancient Locust Town, focusing not on Qin Haoran’s reincarnation as Qin Yanyan, but on the Heavenly Court Sect.

“The most powerful organization of ancient times, the Heavenly Court?”

“The first one to become an immortal was Bean Celestial?”

“Manipulating stars like soybeans, what an incredible feat of creation!”

The other two deputy Sect Leaders gasped. In just a few words, this Lu Yiyang had revealed many ancient secrets.

The first person to become an immortal—this was incredibly significant, the pioneer of the immortal path, the ancestor of immortals.

As the top echelon of the Nine Nether Sect, they knew far more secrets than the average Unity cultivator, yet even they didn’t know that the first immortal was Nonuple Immortal.

“Nonuple Immortal replaced Bean Celestial as the first immortal?”

“Ancient times were said to be full of heroes, powerful enough to dominate, yet such corruption was hidden behind the scenes!”

Seeing the two deputy Sect Leaders gradually absorb this information, the Sect Leader spoke slowly, “Actually, I know a bit about the Heavenly Court.”

“Please enlighten us, Sect Leader.” The two deputies were eager, sensing a rare opportunity to learn ancient secrets.

The Sect Leader, satisfied with their eagerness, began his explanation without further delay.

“I once came across an ancient immortal book written by Nonuple Immortal.”

“I had it translated, though only partially, and some parts were missing. But it was enough to understand the content.”

“The book mentioned the existence of the ‘Heavenly Court,’ stating that in ancient times, becoming an immortal was just the first step on the immortal path. Beyond immortals were sages, beyond sages were gods, and beyond gods were supreme gods, with countless realms.”

“Heavenly Court was the organization of the supreme god realm, governing all things.”

The two deputy Sect Leaders and Petrified Bone, hearing this for the first time, leaned forward, captivated by the ancient revelations.

“But this contradicts what Lu Yiyang said. Is he lying?” Petrified Bone frowned.

The Sect Leader waved his hand, “Let me continue. Later, I found another ancient immortal book, written by Ying Tian Immortal.”

“That book was titled ‘Prisoning Heaven,’ primarily describing the ancient Heavenly Court. It stated that immortals could be classified into Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal, Great Luo Golden Immortal, and Primordial Immortal. It also mentioned that the highest ruler of Heavenly Court was the Heavenly Emperor, residing in the Lingxiao Palace, with Two Sages and Three Pure Ones as the actual rulers.”

“The descriptions were so detailed that I initially thought it was a novel by Ying Tian Immortal.”

“Then I reconsidered. Ying Tian Immortal, an immortal, would not have the leisure to write novels. It was illogical.”

The three deputy Sect Leaders nodded in agreement, finding the Sect Leader’s reasoning sound.

“Later, I encountered yet another immortal book, also by Ying Tian Immortal, mentioning the Heavenly Court and classifying immortals into First-level Immortal, Second-level Immortal, Third-level Immortal, Fourth-level Immortal, and Fifth-level Immortal.”

“The plot was entirely different from ‘Imprisoning Heaven’!”

“How could there be such contradictions?”

The three deputy Sect Leaders were astonished. Had Ying Tian Immortal developed a split personality?

The Sect Leader shook his head. “Originally, I couldn’t understand the reason for these contradictions either. I consulted old scholars who study ancient times, but they couldn’t provide any answers. They only mentioned that there were many inconsistencies in ancient history that remain unexplained to this day.”

“But just now, upon learning about the existence of the Heavenly Court Sect, everything started to make sense.”

“What do you mean?”

The Sect Leader explained seriously, “There was indeed a Heavenly Court in ancient times, but it wasn’t as Nonuple Immortal and Ying Tian Immortal described with many levels of hierarchy. It was exactly as Lu Yiyang said, with Bean Celestial ruling over Heavenly Court and Nonuple Immortal usurping the throne.”

“Nonuple Immortal and Ying Tian Immortal deliberately fabricated history to cover up the truth and confuse future generations.”

They quickly imagined the scene of ancient times:

Bean Celestial was the first to become an immortal and established Heavenly Court, becoming the ruler of ancient times. Benevolent and kind-hearted, Bean Celestial did not prevent others from becoming immortals. Thus, Nonuple Immortal, Ying Tian Immortal, and others successively became immortals.

For fame and power, or other purposes, Nonuple Immortal and others rebelled against Heavenly Court, defeated Bean Celestial, and took over as the rulers of ancient times.

To legitimize their rule, Nonuple Immortal and others used the name of Heavenly Court but created a completely different version of it to mislead later generations.

“So that’s how it is!” The four of them collectively felt a thrill, believing they had glimpsed a hidden corner of ancient secrets.

“This means our Nine Nether Sect’s roots can be traced back to ancient times as well?”

The Nine Nether Sect had always claimed that the Nine Nether existed since ancient times, but there had never been any evidence. Now, with the testimony from the Heavenly Court Sect, the Nine Nether Sect could finally hold its head high.

“Lu Yiyang must have hidden some things from us. Nine truths, one lie. But most of what he said should be true. We can try to connect with them!”

“And now, with the righteous path increasing its suppression of us, the Heavenly Court Sect, as a top ancient power, has deep foundations that can help us withstand the attacks from the righteous path!”

They felt that establishing a connection with the Heavenly Court Sect would be beneficial and not harmful.

They tacitly agreed not to discuss the matter of Qin Haoran and Qin Yanyan. For the sake of Qin Haoran’s legacy, they couldn’t acknowledge Qin Yanyan as Qin Haoran’s reincarnation.

If they did, wouldn’t they have to hand over Qin Haoran’s legacy to the Heavenly Court Sect?

Even though they hadn’t yet managed to open Qin Haoran’s legacy, they knew that the inheritance of a half-step Tribulation Crossing stage powerhouse and a demonic Sect Leader would be incredibly rich.

They couldn’t let it fall into the hands of the Heavenly Court Sect!

Even if they believed Qin Yanyan was indeed Qin Haoran’s reincarnation.

“We should go to Yanjiang County and connect with them. We can also test their strength.” The Sect Leader concluded.

“But why a barbecue restaurant? Is there any significance to that?”

Petrified Bone analyzed seriously, “From a culinary history perspective, the first cooking technique mastered by humans was barbecue. The Heavenly Court Sect might be using this to subtly hint at their ancient history.”

“That makes sense!”

“Old Petrified is really insightful!”

The three praised Petrified Bone’s clear thinking, making him feel much better, reducing the pain from the lightning strike.

(Author’s Note: Chapter 142 and Chapter 162 mention Everlasting Fairy talking about the Heavenly Court.)

(End of the chapter)

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