Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 30 Table of contents

Somehow feeling a lump in his throat, he opened his mouth and then closed it again.

After a small fake cough, he opened his mouth again and asked.

“Would you like to dance with me?”

It was the least he could do to show courtesy and interest in the omega who somehow captivated his gaze and kept giving him a tingling feeling.

That was as far as he, who had pheromones that no one could withstand, could go.

Judging by the way the omega acted like a rabbit, it was obvious to Reynard’s eyes that this omega, who seemed to have an excessively small heart, would be even more afraid and unable to bear it than other omegas.

So no matter how much interest he had in an omega for the first time in his life, this much was just right.

‘I’ll just ask for one dance and then bid farewell.’

It would be alright to show his pheromones once.

So that the omega wouldn’t sparkle his eyes while looking at him cutely and innocently anymore.

It was desirable to cut it off before the omega, not knowing anything, grew fantasies about him.

So that his own heart wouldn’t flutter at that needless interest. It seemed he could sufficiently do that with this omega, unlike with others.

This heart always had to be firm.

Before seeing someone enter and suffer from being unable to bear it. And so that he could live indifferently and calmly as he always had.

But the small omega began to shatter the things he had felt and established while living his life so far.

‘What is this…?’

Something happened that seemed to vehemently deny Reynard’s assertive thoughts that he had been repeating until just now. It wasn’t about lightly showing his pheromones while greeting. It wasn’t a shock from such subtle pheromones.

When he revealed his raw pheromones while dancing, a completely unexpected situation unfolded.

The omega, who was as cute as a rabbit, blushed and pleasantly inhaled his pheromones that were so strong that they made everyone fearful by standing at the very top.

As if these terrible pheromones were something sweet to the omega.

“Shall we go out for a moment to get some fresh air?”

“Your scent is really dizzying…”

Let alone the clumsy seductiveness that gently coaxed the alpha with words that had no fear, no, he was so surprised that he stupidly followed along where those clumsy small hands led.

The fool who mindlessly followed the flimsy seduction.

That was none other than himself.

Moreover, it was an unbelievable reaction for the omega to get pleasantly drunk on pheromones that no one else could withstand, but the omega was even actively begging for pheromones.

‘What the hell is this kid…?’

‘Where and how did something like this pop out?’

The surprise was surprising, but while entwining lips stickily and tasting the sweet pheromones mixed in that saliva, he felt the sense of conquest and possessiveness as an alpha, which he thought would never awaken in his lifetime, excessively spreading.

It was also the first time he properly felt an omega’s sexual pheromones revealing attraction toward him head-on.

“Do you like my scent too…?”

The omega whispered in his ear.

Reynard, who was just then kissing the nape of the omega’s neck, could keenly feel the omega’s pheromones spreading out more thickly from the pheromone gland on the neck at the same time as those words.

Although the omega acted pure and cute like a rabbit, if his appearance was considered separately, his pheromones were the same as his face that was splendid, aloof, and seductive.

It was a pheromone resembling the deep and splendid scent of a large white rose in May that bloomed under the brilliant sun, with large flowers and countless, splendid layers of petals, as if it were a queen. In particular, the omega’s pheromones containing sexual seduction were so thick that they made the alpha’s blood boil.

‘How can this be…?’

If even he was falling, there would be no alpha in this world who wouldn’t submit to the pheromones of the omega in front of his eyes.

So the youth of unknown identity was clearly a dominant omega.

Otherwise, even if he wasn’t trained in the field of omega sexual pheromones, with his innate top ability to withstand and control the pheromones of others, the omega wouldn’t have been able to make him lose his mind like this. If the omega were a recessive omega, no matter how much the alpha was attracted, the omega wouldn’t have been able to emit such captivating pheromones that had such a big impact on him.

Along with the shock that shattered stereotypes, the perfect arousal and thrill brought by the sweetness of those pheromones. And satisfaction.

The hunting instinct like the king of carnivores was triggered.

The lovely face and smile that captivated him at a glance.

And the captivating pheromones that melted the alpha as solid as a rock.

Above all, that face innocently smiling with satisfaction, flushed and with dazed eyes, while pressing his nose against the alpha’s pheromone gland on the neck… The small white body clinging with small hands. The loveliness that seemed impossible to endure without taking.

Everything was perfect.

‘I must have this.’

That one sentence completely captured the strong alpha’s mind.

* * *

Humans repeat the same mistakes…

* * *

Dalton finished his sermon under the guise of a meal and left.

Valentin drank a glass full of cold water while watching Dawson clean up the tableware.


Water droplets flowed out of the glass he had hurriedly downed, running down the delicate glass and falling to the floor. Valentin rubbed the water droplets that had messily fallen on the intricately patterned carpet with his slipper-clad foot. Then he stared intently as the moisture dispersed between the fibers and disappeared.

‘Get a grip, Valentin.’

After organizing his thoughts while drinking cold water in the seat Dalton had left, Valentin concluded that now was not the time to tremble in fear of Colonel Dennox.

Valentin walked leisurely to the console. And he reached out and pulled out Empress Beatrice’s invitation from among the invitations on the silver tray on top. It seemed his loyal personal butler Dawson had neatly put it back after Valentin had thrown it away in shock yesterday.

The sparrow of the family crest engraved with a seal on the thick, luxurious paper somehow looked fierce. It was as if it was glaring at him.

‘The side I need to pay attention to right now is not that side, but this side.’

Valentin stared blankly at Empress Beatrice’s invitation and fell into thought, repeatedly flicking the edge with his finger. The sharp edge of the paper sensitively scratched his fingertips.

‘I’ve already put the plan into action, and the desired result hasn’t come out yet.’

Valentin felt the need to firmly execute according to the original plan, now that he had already done something scary. The carriage had already left, and he had to wait calmly for the next carriage and catch it.

Since the deed was already done, Valentin was turning his own positive circuit, thinking that he should think about what’s ahead.

What was urgent now was nothing else. In preparation for the future downfall that he knew for sure, completely cutting off the possibility was the most important.

Come to think of it, Colonel Reynard Dennox had been kind to him, and the end was also plain. It could be seen from the fact that he was fully fed and sent home nicely.

‘If he thought I was impudent… If he really wanted to do something, he would have already taken action when we were together.’

He was a partner with no faults for one night. They both did their best in bed so that they could taste the peak of pleasure carefully, and the measures for returning home were perfect, of course, and the final greeting was clean. This much was a perfect ending.

‘Apart from being scared by Dalton’s words, I don’t think I need to worry about anything else.’

Valentin nodded to himself after coming to a conclusion on his own.

“Then shall we solve what’s right in front of us?”

He opened the envelope and read the invitation again.

Indeed, a bold action was needed to properly refuse.

In fact, the first stage of a bold and daring action had already been executed. Despite seeing the Empress Beatrice’s envoy from the imperial family, he only received the letter and sent it back… According to the principles, he should have replied to the invitation right there in front of the imperial envoy. Valentin inwardly applauded his father’s boldness.

‘There’s no doubt he hasn’t forgotten what I said before.’

After clearly hearing Valentin’s intentions 5 years ago, his father, Viscount Brandon Wiche, was doing his best.

‘First, the execution of the plan is finished, and by just sending back the envoy, the family’s position has been indirectly conveyed.’

So the second was also complete.

Here, he had to take bold actions in multiple layers and make good use of the operation on the day of the ball. If he had properly put it into action, he had to move on to the remaining stages.

After finishing his thoughts, Valentin went to the other room and sat at his desk.

“Will you write a reply?”


Dawson, who was just then cleaning up Valentin’s small study, immediately asked for an opinion and prepared stationery when he saw his master take a seat in front of the elaborate mahogany desk.

The highest quality stationery, with the geometric shape made of the family crest’s rose vine and key engraved in gold leaf, was quickly placed on the desk by Dawson’s hand.

The slow movement of dipping the pen in ink seemed to indicate pondering over the first sentence, but soon Valentin’s hand moved diligently. It was to include firmness in the implied meaning while writing the most polite sentences possible.


As soon as the pen returned to its place, Valentin raised his head and ordered Dawson, who was standing by his side.

“I’ll have to prepare.”

“Are you going out?”

“Yes. I’ll go to the palace, so please take care of it.”

Valentin said as he rolled up the letter nicely and folded it into an envelope.

“Yes, I understand.”

Dawson replied, handing Valentin the melted sealing wax so that he could seal the letter next to him. Valentin dropped the viscous red liquid on the brass spoon onto the envelope and stamped the family seal with a concise motion.

Although it was a fact that everyone in high society knew implicitly, it was certainly difficult for the person involved to directly face and refuse a marriage proposal that had not yet been officially formalized and was secretly going back and forth between the family and the imperial family.

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