Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 40 Table of contents


Your thing is really thick! No, your that…!

It was a part he couldn’t even say in his mind.

He certainly seemed to have an incredible body part that was unlikely to be of average size, but such an explicit conversation from the morning was too much. This was a level Valentin couldn’t handle.

“Really! I’m really okay, Reynard. So please let go of this blanket.”

“Why are you doing this?”

For the clueless one, there was no choice but to bring down the hammer of truth.

“Because I’m embarrassed! Embarrassed!! I have no intention of showing my butt in such a bright place, so hurry up and let go of this…!”


A dumb answer came out to Valentin’s words that he shouted earnestly through gritted teeth.

Only then did he seem to understand why Valentin had been tenaciously pulling the sheet as if a drowning person was barely holding onto a rope, and he let go of his hand’s strength in vain. Valentin, who had been continuously applying force without knowing he would do that, fell backwards with a thud.


“Valentin, are you okay?”


“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

Reynard hurriedly sat Valentin up again. Then he neatly wrapped the omega’s body tightly with the sheet again without any gaps. Valentin looked at him and swallowed a hollow laugh inwardly.

‘No, he’s not a wrapping expert or anything….’

There’s no need to wrap him up this much….

Reynard, who had been looking at Valentin mumbling and muttering unable to speak, bent his waist and kissed his clear forehead.

It was as if he was leaving a kiss on the white cocoon on the bed.

“Is it okay if you don’t sleep more?”

“Yes…. Let alone sleep… By the way, what time is it now?”

He was about to say that sleep had already been startled and fled long ago because of him, but he came to his senses again.

‘Right. Our house…!’

Another unauthorized overnight stay in two days!

How could he be so foolish and rogue-like…!

This time, he was confident that it wouldn’t end with just being dragged in by the ear and getting nagged for over an hour. Thinking of his family members who would be fuming, it felt like blood was draining from his whole body.

“It seems to be around 11 o’clock.”

Not knowing whether he knew or not about Valentin’s look, Reynard glanced at the clock hanging far away on the wall and answered nonchalantly.

Why is this bastard’s bedroom so wide like a stadium again….

‘What’s the point of having the clock so far away from the bed….’

He lamented while searching for the barely visible clock.

‘No, this isn’t the time to leisurely have such thoughts!’

Valentin shook his head and tried to bring his mind back. And he made an effort to move his body and sit up, still wrapped in the sheet.

Literally like a cocoon caterpillar, he was sitting round with his back turned sullenly. Reynard couldn’t stand the sight and wrapped his long arm around Valentin’s waist and pulled him in. And he showered kisses on the protruding vertebrae on the back of his neck, the only exposed skin.

The alpha’s hands and arms hugged the omega even tighter.

“Let’s have a meal before you go.”

At the words spoken while kissing the back of his neck, a sigh escaped from Valentin’s mouth with a “phew”.



A sharp voice flowed out with a question to the firm rejection. Valentin was startled by the cold voice and shrank his body.

* * *


He had to explain in detail why it wasn’t possible when he said no. Where did he throw away his manners towards omegas…? Valentin sighed and opened his mouth with difficulty. It was his turn to tell his own misery to him who couldn’t understand if he spoke indirectly.

“…I’ll get scolded….”


Does this person not know because he was raised too autonomously at home…? Well, it’s an era where the upbringing methods for alphas and omegas are completely different.

“I’ll get scolded by my parents.”

“You’ll get scolded?”

“Because it’s not a household that quietly lets unauthorized overnight stays slide….”

A more specific reason flowed out with a deeper sigh.


Hearing a voice that sounded like he had gained realization, it must have been a reason he really hadn’t thought of.

‘Well, that’s why he kidnapped an omega twice like this.’

Kidnapped, my ass. Although there was some pressure-like persuasion applied, it was Valentin who happily followed along and was somehow pushing the responsibility onto Reynard.

“It’s also because it hasn’t been long since I became an adult, so they still tend to manage me a bit….”



Somehow the conversation hadn’t been connecting since earlier. They looked at each other in the misaligned conversation.

Where did the conversation that went back and forth without any hesitation or gap yesterday go? Did it turn to ashes and disappear with the morning sunshine?

“It hasn’t been long since you became an adult?”

“What? You didn’t know?”

Two fools sitting face to face on the bed.

If someone were to draw them as a picture now, that would be the title.

“Valentin, how old are you?”

“I’m 20 years old.”

“20 years old!?”

Upon hearing Valentin’s age, Reynard’s eyebrows rose on both sides and his handsome face rarely stiffened with surprise.

‘He’s so surprised… Did he really not know?’

Since he knew the fact that Valentin had been abroad, he thought Reynard knew about him to some extent, but it seemed that wasn’t the case.

“Did he skip that part while reading….”

Reynard muttered while holding his forehead.


“No, it’s nothing.”

Suspiciously, he quickly concluded his words.

Starting with a one-night stand too hastily from their first meeting, they clearly lacked knowledge about each other. Of course, this was the second time now, but that’s not what’s important… Oh, my head.

‘What the hell is this situation?’

Valentin took his arm out of the cocoon sheet and held his forehead just like him.

The title of ‘Two Fools Sitting Face to Face on the Bed’ had now changed to ‘Two Fools Agonizing on the Bed’.

“Come to think of it, how old are you?”

Unlike in his previous life, he had forgotten since it wasn’t a culture that emphasized age so much, but seeing him so surprised, it seemed the difference was considerable.

“…I’m thirty.”


“Te… te… 10 years apart…!”

As Valentin’s face was also painted with shock like that, this time the picture title was changed to ‘Two Screamers on the Bed’.

“I have been very rude to you and the Viscount Wiche family. I will hurry and take you back.”

Saying that, he got up.

Judging by the mumbles like “Oh my god,” “Such a mistake…” coming from the owner of the giant-like firm naked body walking, he really didn’t know the age. Well, even thinking about it himself, it was hard to believe that a 20-year-old omega who had just become an adult would seduce an alpha at a ball and have a relationship.

‘Did he think I was at an age where I wouldn’t receive much interference from my parents?’

Valentin could only shrug his shoulders while looking at his flustered back.

‘It’s not a very deep relationship anyway.’

What was going to happen had happened, and his shock or age difference wasn’t very important to Valentin.

It was just two adults who happened to meet and enjoy themselves, that’s all.

They weren’t going to be deeply involved with each other in the future anyway.

Clearing his mind like that and finishing organizing his thoughts, Valentin got up to prepare to return home.

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