Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 47 Table of contents

It was frustrating that he couldn’t explain properly, but he had no intention of spitting in his own face by saying unnecessary things.

Being attracted to someone rationally and sleeping with them wasn’t a crime or something to be ashamed of. But it wasn’t something to brag about either, going around saying, “Hey everyone! I’ve lost my virginity and come back!” This was strictly a private matter, so he had the right not to tell anyone. It wouldn’t be pleasant for the listener either.

‘Anyway, it was more effective than expected?’

It was such a big and important matter that even Clifton couldn’t believe it, and Valentine had resolved it. To have come up with such an incredible plan and carried it out. He felt proud of himself. Somehow, his chin lifted and his chest swelled with pride.

‘I had expected the worst-case scenario of rumors spreading so much that I couldn’t show my face, but that was needless worry.’

Surely, the sun was finally shining on his life.

He had thought his life had been on a downward spiral ever since he became aware of his past life at 15. But this incident made him realize how beautiful life could be. Thinking that returning to the capital as an adult must have been a turning point in his life, he silently thanked his father for ordering him to return at the right time.

‘Thank you, Dad…!’

Somehow, everything seemed to be going well these days.

“You look happy.”

Of course, it would be even better if it weren’t for this annoying bad connection sitting next to him and constantly talking.

“No, I’m not.”

“You really looked happy, until just now?”

Valentine swallowed the words that it would have been better without him.

That shameless face, not knowing that he himself was ruining the mood…. Somehow, it seemed like alphas were born with shamelessness as a default setting.

“Yes, please mind your own business.”

Valentine said mechanically, looking at Cecilia performing, no longer able to maintain even minimal politeness. The patience living in his already small heart had been completely exhausted over the past five years, and now there was none left to draw from.

‘Especially for you, it’s not just dried up, but completely annihilated.’

Valentine pouted as if to say that he no longer had any patience to waste on the likes of him.


An unfitting laugh escaped from beside him.

“Why are you laughing?”

Am I funny to you, you jerk?

“It’s the first time I’ve seen you angry like this, but it’s not bad at all.”

I’m not getting angry for your enjoyment…? The natural flirting gave him goosebumps.

“…Just look ahead.”


He had decided not to hold back, but the difference in status was still too great to ignore. But if he didn’t engage in conversation, that would be the end of it. Valentine vowed that he really wouldn’t talk to the 3rd Prince anymore, and returned to his previous posture. That strange posture where he compressed his whole body and leaned to the opposite side of him. It might look a bit ridiculous, but it couldn’t be helped. The best way to deal with a madman was not to deal with him at all.

He was worried that Clifton might speak to him again, but surprisingly, the 3rd Prince Clifton didn’t speak to him again until the end of the concert.

He closed his eyes and savored the keyboard as if he were truly enjoying the concert with all his heart, and when Cecilia performed in a chamber music trio, he tapped his fingers while appreciating the music.

‘Yes, I admit I’m paying too much attention to him.’

Contrary to his resolve to ignore him, Valentine was now paying too much attention to Clifton.

But this wasn’t simply a matter of ‘being concerned.’ Like a herbivore being wary of a carnivore, this was being alert to keenly detect the enemy’s movements.

‘I’m really concerned about what that guy might do next.’

After somehow gaining freedom and somehow achieving escape, he absolutely refused to be dragged back in.


After the concert, it was time for the main charity fundraising.

The concert guests moved to the reception room and began to mingle in small groups, tasting the drinks and light refreshments prepared by Countess Osborne. Ladies with ladies, young people with young people, businessmen with businessmen.

At first glance, the guests seemed to be gathered without a common denominator, but upon closer inspection, they had something in common with each other. Valentine turned his eyes and examined them closely. Like businessmen and capitalists, there were noticeably many people from politically neutral families. The full-fledged succession battle had not yet begun. But it was clear that this was a place worth visiting for the 3rd Prince Clifton, who had been subtly trying to gather forces recently.

“Congratulations, Cecil. It was a wonderful concert.”

Valentine congratulated Cecilia, who had just finished greeting her parents’ important guests, hugging her lightly and starting to give specific feedback.

“The solo was great, but the trio with the violin and cello was really excellent.”

Cecilia winked with one eye and said in her characteristic confident tone, raising her nose high:

“It’s too good to be considered a charity concert, isn’t it?”

“You’re only self-praising to me, right…?”

“Who’s worrying about whom?”

They looked at each other and giggled.

“I left the bouquet and gift at the entrance when I came in earlier, so open them when you have time.”

Valentine brought up things he couldn’t say before the concert.

“It’s unusual for you to mention gifts. Did you put something special in?”

“It’s not special, but it’s something you’ve always wanted.”

“Oh my!”

Cecilia rarely screamed with delight.

“Am I finally getting a proper painting by Valentine Wiche?”

She, who claimed to be Valentine’s number one fan outside of his family, jumped up and down with joy, which didn’t suit her.

During his studies in Sorrenche, Cecilia was always curious about how Valentine was doing in her letters. Seeing the letter with the sentence “What’s the sky like there?” written, Valentine would occasionally include drawings in his replies. So that Cecilia, who had never been to Sorrenche, could examine the cities, towns, and nature in detail along with him. She genuinely loved these drawings he would include with his letters, drawn on small pieces of paper.

Sometimes these drawings were just sketches, or simple pictures using pastels. Seeing her always sincerely admire even these simple drawings, he had promised to give her a proper painting someday.

It was fortunate that when he heard about Cecilia’s upcoming charity concert, it coincided with the time he had decided to live a diligent life. As soon as Valentine opened the door to his studio, he began painting for his friend as he had promised.

“It took longer to complete than I thought, so it’s not completely dry as I had planned. I told the servant to be careful, but it’s best if you collect it right after the guests leave.”

“I understand, Valentine. I’m really looking forward to it.”

“Keep it in a dry place and let it dry well. The characteristic oil paint smell might still linger, so put it somewhere with good ventilation.”

“No problem.”

Cecilia hit Valentine’s arm affectionately, as if to say, “You don’t think I lack even that basic knowledge, do you?”

“It seems you’re having an interesting conversation.”

Good heavens. Again!

Valentine’s face crumpled invisibly as the voice that had been bothering him since earlier started to sound right behind him. He had clearly seen him talking to Baron, who ran large-scale plantations in the colonies, until just a moment ago, and it was unclear when he had come here. He had been reassured seeing them engaged in what seemed to be quite an intense conversation, but it appeared he still hadn’t given up on talking to Valentine.

‘I had no idea he was such a persistent person.’

Cecilia’s expression was one of “What’s wrong with him?”, but there was no time to explain in detail as the owner of the voice was close by.

“You two are still sticking together, I see.”

Valentine barely composed his face and turned around to formally greet Clifton. He had greeted him earlier, but now there were many eyes watching, so he greeted him formally again.

“Your Highness, the 3rd Prince.”

“It’s an honor to see you, Your Highness.”

“Lord Wiche, and Lady Osborne.”

Clifton received their greetings and called them familiarly.

As if to say, “I’m at the top, but I’m a kind person who personally knows all of your names.” But to Valentine, these things just seemed like him creating an image in social circles.

“I enjoyed today’s concert very much. The rumor that Lady’s skills are on par with the members of the Royal Orchestra was true.”

“Thank you.”

It was nothing but flattery.

Valentine secretly scoffed as he listened to Clifton’s compliments.

Of course, Cecilia’s skills were excellent, but they were not comparable to those of the Royal Orchestra members who had graduated from the Academy, which was overflowing with talented students, and who were desperately pursuing music for their livelihood. There was also an age difference, and everyone present knew the clear fact that she wasn’t a once-in-a-century genius who could overcome all of that.

‘As expected, someone born at the top is clumsy at flattery.’

Valentine inwardly sneered at this unexpected weakness he had discovered at an unwanted moment, and unwantedly.

It was surprising that Clifton had deliberately come pretending to be leisurely like this. It was a gathering of many big shots. Instead of wasting time talking to Valentine like this, Valentine had expected him to focus more on gathering forces.

Valentine tilted his head, recalling the situation just before when he had been endlessly surrounded by people as soon as he moved to the reception room with the other guests.

“What were you talking about?”

He deliberately intervened, pretending to be oblivious.

Cecilia, who obviously didn’t understand the situation and wasn’t particularly interested in the subtle relationships between others, answered Clifton’s question nonchalantly.

“We were talking about Lord Wiche’s painting, Your Highness.”

“Is that so? I heard that the Lord paints when he was young, but I didn’t know he still does.”

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