Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 62 Table of contents

It was a huge misunderstanding.

From the beginning, he had fallen in love at first sight but was blinded by the impurity of his scheme. Because of that, he failed to properly recognize it and was mistaken.

That love can come anytime, anywhere, and even in an unexpected brief moment. 

That anyone can fall deeply in love at first sight.

Let’s follow again the overlapping time of worries of the naive and foolish Valentine, who was unaware of all this.


The first day of a week filled with pain and worry was like this.


Valentine embraced the jar that Dawson had brought specifically for vomiting, which he normally wouldn’t have given a second glance, and poured out the biscuits and orange juice he had just eaten. The Viscountess and Dalton exchanged worried looks as they patted and stroked his pitiful back.

“Sister-in-law, at this rate the baby will die.”

From when Valentine was a baby, Dalton had raised him wrapped tightly in his arms like a young little brother, sometimes like a child – as if he would fly away in the wind, float away in the rainy season, whether it snowed or rained. Hearing the omega nephew’s desperate vomiting sounds, Dalton spoke in an anguished voice.

“Although no one has died from morning sickness… it’s certainly too severe.”

“I heard from the doctor that there’s medicine for pregnant women suffering without alpha pheromones…”

“I know, but it’s a bit strong…”

“And it doesn’t work for some people…” The Viscountess added, letting out a deep sigh. The eyes of the mother and uncle overflowed with pity as they watched Valentine vomit as if he would spew out all his internal organs.

“I was fine without Brandon, but this is certainly severe.”

The Viscountess’s words recalling her own pregnancy long ago were no comfort to Valentine. Usually these things are said to take after the birth mother, so why am I like this…!? Not knowing who he took after to suffer such terrible morning sickness made him feel even more pitiful.

“We have to do something, this won’t do. I’ll go request medicine from Mason right away.”

Dalton, deciding this couldn’t go on, hurried out of the room to call the family doctor.

And so the first day of the week passed with the jar.

Second day.

The medicine Dalton brought from the doctor was closer to a very sour juice than medicine. It was truly fortunate that Valentine recovered somewhat from morning sickness and stomach pain after drinking that strange liquid on the border between green and brown. He was finally able to chew and swallow proper food.

When he became able to have light meals thanks to the strong medicine, Valentine joined his family for dinner. It felt like it had been a long time.

‘How long has it been since I’ve had proper food…’

He breathed only through his mouth, trying not to breathe through his nose as much as possible. As he was slowly picking at a salad of thinly sliced radishes, the Viscountess’s sigh caught Valentine’s attention.

“The Grand Duke’s family sent gifts again today.”

“They came yesterday too, and again today?”

The relay of gifts, which they thought had ended on the day of the proposal, was continuing daily.

“Yes. And they came in a carriage with the Grand Duke’s family crest emblazoned most prominently. The aide came to deliver it.”

The Viscountess explained what had happened that morning when she was in the front yard with the maids and gardeners to tend the garden. The crest of the Dennox Grand Duke’s family emblazoned on the huge carriage was so large and elaborate that everyone who happened to be out working in the garden was surprised to see it… She said it gave the impression that the sea dragon in the crest seemed to be alive and moving.

‘Was there something even more incredible than that carriage from before?’

It seemed they might have come with flags flying. Valentine recalled Reynard’s smiling face as he listened to the story. That look with just one corner of his mouth raised meaningfully…

This blatant gift offensive was undoubtedly his intention.

“It looks like rumors will spread throughout the capital…”

The Viscount rubbed his brow as if he had a headache, and Valentine lowered his head in embarrassment and difficulty.

And so the second day of the week passed.


Third day.

…and so I will be away from the capital for a few days.

I hope you stay safe during that time, and send a piece of my love.

Then, with my hand on my heart, farewell.

Yours, Reynard.

Valentine sighed as he read the last part of the letter he had sent over and over.

It was Reynard’s first letter to Valentine.

The handkerchief enclosed with the letter was full of his kind and affectionate pheromones. It was direct evidence of the word “love” he had written in the letter. Though he had never said the words “I love you” out loud, the pheromones firmly spoke of affection. Though the nature of that affection was still extremely ambiguous, the simple fact of “affection” remained unchanged.

‘Whether it’s because of pheromones or whatever, it’s true that this person likes me.’

Valentine buried his face in the handkerchief soaked with his pheromones and took a deep breath. His body, inhaling the pheromones of the child’s father, relaxed more comfortably.

And so this day passed as well.


Fourth day.

Valentine was anxiously pacing the mansion lobby, waiting for the Viscount who had rushed to the imperial palace upon receiving a telegram from the Emperor.

“It should be time for him to return…”

It was the time when the sun was setting in the distance.

Clop clop.

Finally, the sound of hooves and carriage wheels rolling on the well-paved stone road began to be heard from afar. His heart raced.

“Young master, it’s dangerous.”

He ignored the footman’s warning not to get too close in case he might get hurt by the running horses. Valentine quickly ran down the mansion entrance stairs towards the carriage.

“Father! Father!”


Viscount Wiche, who got out of the carriage, approached his son who had come out hurriedly to greet him without properly putting on his outer clothes. And he took off his thin frock coat and draped it over his shoulders.

“Why did you come out when you’re not feeling well?”

Though he didn’t say it loudly because of the servants’ eyes and ears, it was a scolding out of concern for coming out in light clothing when he wasn’t alone. Since an omega’s premarital pregnancy wasn’t something to boast about, only a small number of people including family members knew about Valentine’s pregnancy yet. That concern was his way of expressing it indirectly.

“What did His Majesty say?”

His patience had already worn thin from waiting. Valentine grabbed his father’s arm and asked desperately.

The Viscount, making a pained sound as he looked into his son’s eyes, raised his hand to stroke his round head.

“I’d like to say there’s nothing to worry about, but… he put pressure on us openly.”

As Valentine had feared, it seemed his father had indeed been summoned to the imperial palace regarding his marriage. The hope that it might be about some other business matter, not his marriage, crumbled.

“But don’t worry. If you don’t want it, we absolutely won’t proceed with it.”

Valentine read fatigue in the Viscount’s face as he smiled and spoke to his son while entering the mansion lobby.

So he could only trudge up the stairs with his churning stomach at his father’s soothing words to go back to his room and rest soon. Everything around felt like it was pressing in on Valentine.

And so the fourth day of the week passed.


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