Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 67 Table of contents

“What’s the matter?”

Seeing the servant who had clearly come running thinking something serious had happened, Dalton quickly gave orders.

“Call my brother immediately. Tell him it’s very urgent. And it would be good if you could call Dr. Mason as well.”

It was natural for Dawson to walk out almost at a run at Dalton’s urgent shout.

Thus, two alpha superiors, one pregnant omega superior, and one recessive omega hurriedly gathered in Valentine’s room.

So four trait bearers huddled together in Valentine’s room. They sat around on pastel-colored couches and armchairs with furrowed brows. No, among them, only Valentine still had a clear face with an expression of not understanding what was going on.

Among them sitting silently, sensing and analyzing the residual pheromones in the room, Dr. Mason finally opened his mouth.

“It’s certainly an unbearable pheromone.”

Dr. Mason was an omega. From the beginning, the Viscount had hired an omega doctor out of concern for the Viscountess and Valentine’s health. It was a choice made to better understand the health of omega trait bearers.

“And it’s been well over an hour since he left.”

Dalton said with a furrowed brow. His tone was exasperated, as if unable to tolerate referring to this terrible thing merely as an ‘unbearable pheromone’.

“Are you alright, Valentine?”

“Yes. I’m fine.”

Valentine quickly answered the Viscount’s question asked with an incredulous expression. He had been wearing a confused expression not understanding what was going on. He was experiencing the feeling of being the only fool.

“You’re all talking as if there’s a problem with my fiancé’s pheromones, right…?”

“It’s not just a problem.”

“Frankly, it’s quite astonishing that you’re enduring this without any issue.”

Dr. Mason nodded as he listened to the family members’ words. Then, as if he couldn’t bear it any longer, he said, “Excuse me, but I’ll open the windows,” and opened all the windows for ventilation before returning to his seat. After rubbing his chin and pondering for a while, he spoke again.

“Though I’ve never directly encountered such unusual pheromones before, thinking about his family and history, I can understand a little.”

Mason, who had clearly learned about the owner of the pheromones, spoke carefully.

The secretly maintained family history, the small number of heirs continuing the alpha superior trait, the generations of Grand Dukes said to possess special abilities…. Everyone listening knew he was talking about such things.

“Speaking as a specialist regarding the young master’s reaction…”

Mason’s opinion was covering the words of the Viscount and Dalton who had been looking at Valentine as if he were sick.

“I think I’ve seen such cases in specialized books researching trait bearers.”

“Cases like this?”

“Yes. I’d have to check again to be sure, but in cases of alphas and omegas with very good compatibility, this can happen. They perceive each other’s pheromones differently from third parties.”

Dr. Mason tapped his interlaced fingers as he recalled a paper he had read in his student days.

“To put it simply, while others might find the pheromones ordinary or unpleasant, to the alpha and omega pair themselves, they’re sweeter than anything else in the world.”

“Good heavens.”

“How can such a rare case be my son…!?”

“It is rare, but not non-existent. That’s why there are studied cases.”

“Such things may happen, but ‘pheromones like these’?”

Dalton’s expression said it was nonsensical that such fierce and unpleasant pheromones could be like this.

“Indeed. I suppose such cases do exist in life…”

Mason offered consolation to the two alpha superiors wearing such incredulous expressions. Though it was meant as consolation, it was unclear whether it was properly conveyed to the two shocked guardians.

“Especially since the young master said he found these pheromones pleasant from the beginning, it seems to fit that case.”

At Mason’s words, the three people bearing the Wiche name were simply plunged into confusion in the room where the strong pheromones still lingered.

‘What on earth is going on…?’

The same words floated above their heads as they faced an unexpected situation.

The day of confusion fades in the distance.

* * *

A sturdy black carriage emblazoned with the crest of a three-headed sea dragon embracing a sail was running down Rotney Street towards the bustling area. It was the very Dennox Grand Duke’s family carriage that had been frequently entering and exiting the Wiche Viscount’s mansion, as if advertising to the entire capital. Now intending to openly announce to everyone, Reynard had come to pick up Valentine in this same carriage today as well.

As a pleasant summer breeze blew, the deep green leaves of the massive trees lining the street shook with a cheerful sound. A pleasant breeze flowed in through the open carriage window as well.


It was a window deliberately opened to let out the pheromones of the two that had become suffocatingly thick. As intended, the fresh breeze carrying the scent of leaves entered the carriage, sweeping away the sticky air coolly.

“Part your lips a little more, Valentine.”

The alpha devouring the omega whispered. The movement of his whispering lips felt ticklish yet pleasant.

‘How did it end up like this again…’

Valentine thought as he shyly licked back the tongue licking his lips, his face held by the person sitting beside him. At the same time thinking that these lips were truly hot and passionate no matter when he tasted them.

Sadly, it was he himself who possessed such a body weak to temptation.

Even if he wanted to make excuses that he craved pheromones because of the pregnancy, as soon as he started receiving his affectionate gaze, his cheeks would unknowingly turn pink. When that handsome and charming face embraced him and started kissing him, his heart would race and his face would flush. Rather than stopping it, joining in holding his face and sharing messy kisses seemed like a set order.

Before getting in the carriage, that morning.

Valentine skillfully tied a wide silk necktie like a scarf at the collar of his shirt as he looked in the mirror. Instead of wearing a thick and voluminous cravat, he wore a simplified style that had recently become fashionable from Sorencia or Blanche. Somehow the simple style felt more stylish, and he smiled as he folded the collar back into place.

Just yesterday, he had been preparing in advance as he had promised to visit the tailor with Reynard. As soon as Dawson came to announce Reynard’s arrival, he quickly got up from his seat. He moved his steps towards where Reynard was waiting for him.

As soon as he saw him standing in the reception room wearing his naval work uniform, as if he had come from work, he was certain. That everything he had predicted yesterday was correct.

Completely odorless.

As Valentine entered the reception room with several people, Reynard showed no pheromones at all. He was completely different from yesterday when he showed pheromones upon entering his bedroom. It was certainly intentional.

‘As I thought, he only releases pheromones when we’re alone.’

He realized it yesterday when four people gathered in Valentine’s room to discuss his pheromones. Except for Dawson who was always with Valentine like a limb, he had never once released pheromones in the presence of others until now. Aside from a brief moment at the ball, he had always shown pheromones only when they were alone. So today, he decided to test if his thoughts were correct as soon as he met Reynard.

And now, as soon as they were alone in the carriage, Reynard began giving Valentine his pheromones.

This confirmed the hypothesis perfectly.

‘This is the behavior of someone who recognizes that their pheromones are different from others.’

Of course, there was no time to ponder more on the hypothesis. As always, his pheromones excited the heart, so it was a natural progression to blush pink and start kissing, as it had always been.

‘He never lets an opportunity pass in this area.’

He was someone who would initiate skinship whenever the chance arose. And he was always the fool who got helplessly caught up in it. Valentine narrowed his eyes as he looked at Reynard’s head, kissing his neck.

‘Just how many omegas have you seduced?’

It was an expression like looking at a playboy or con artist. He was so good at seducing him that whenever he came to his senses, he was always excitedly entangled according to Reynard’s pace. Moreover, the crown and hair right before his eyes, even the whorl, were so handsome that it was even more absurd. It seemed like even the health of the hair roots would be perfect if he plucked one out…

“What’s with that disrespectful gaze, Valentine.”

And there was no way he wouldn’t notice such a gaze from Valentine. Saying that’s not how you look at your fiancé, Reynard gently bit the tip of Valentine’s perfectly shaped nose, not enough to hurt.


“That’s punishment for looking at your fiancé like a con artist.”

“It hurts!”

“You’re exaggerating, I didn’t even bite hard enough to hurt.”

Infuriated by Reynard’s additional words, Valentine bit his neck with the thought of making him experience it too.

“It tickles.”

Even as his neck, which was no different from a vital point, was bitten, Reynard chuckled and laughed. Valentine felt utterly defeated by Reynard’s hand patting him in his arms as if he had just seen a child’s adorable antics. Their weight classes were already different, so nothing he did was threatening. He was certainly treating the teeth meant for punishment and revenge as mere aegyo or caress.

“I wasn’t trying to tickle…!”

Feeling frustrated, he stopped his attack and pulled back to look at Reynard’s face, but his anger only subsided because of that handsome face.

‘Unless I go blind, I’m already doomed…’

Valentine swallowed his tears inwardly, blaming his own tendency to be dazzled. How dare I blame anyone else…. All of this now is a disaster I brought upon myself.

Should I say it’s fortunate that it’s a partner I’m somewhat attracted to, even though it’s a marriage that wasn’t in my life plans….

Feeling sulky and embarrassed for no reason, Valentine hid his face by burying his nose in Reynard’s neck again. Feeling awkward, he bit the same spot again. Though it wasn’t a fruit that would release juice, somehow it felt like more satisfying pheromones were coming out more strongly from near the bitten pheromone gland. This is an unexpected effect…? Having made an unexpected discovery, Valentine bit more into the thick, sturdy tree trunk-like neck and took a deep breath. And of course, the alpha became even more excited receiving this unintended caress.

“Valentine… do it more.”


Reynard’s kisses were sprinkled on the forehead and temples visible through the lovely hair. His large hand became sticky again.

“Ah… my clothes are getting disheveled.”

Valentine said, grabbing the mischievous hand trying to wedge between his clothes again while kissing.

“…I see. It would be a big problem if someone found out.”

Reynard removed his hand with a smooth smile. But his lips were still gently rubbing Valentine’s pink cheeks.

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