Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 76 Table of contents

“Calm down, Reynard.”

Valentin said, gently rubbing his arm that was holding him.

Moreover, this anger wasn’t just guessed from his expression. This time, pheromones containing unpleasant emotions were slowly seeping out.

It was unlike him, who had been giving loving pheromones for Valentin until just now. A stinging feeling was mixing with the sweet and affectionate chemicals. But it didn’t contain threats or fear as his family had said. It was just expressing an unpleasant mood.

‘Still, he communicates with pheromones in front of me…’

He’s someone who said he had lived without communicating through pheromones at all until now. In fact, seeing the reactions of others like his father and uncle, it seemed true that he had lived without emitting any pheromones, whether emotional or otherwise.

Valentin found him somewhat pitiful and admirable, and raised his right hand to stroke the man’s cheek. The pheromone-related situations he must have gone through until now just made Valentin feel sorry for him.

‘When he said he didn’t want to get married… I really have no answer.’

He lightly kissed the cheek of the alpha who was getting angry for his sake.

Reynard’s eyes widened slightly at the kiss Valentin initiated, then he promptly returned a simple kiss and asked again.

“It doesn’t seem like you knew you’d run into him.”

Reynard’s words turned the arrow back to Evener Luwin, today’s uninvited guest.

It was as he guessed. Well… If he had just heard the conversation Valentin had with Madame before leaving the dress shop, he could have inferred it right away.

[Madame. I trust you, but you need to control your staff a bit.]

It was a firm statement from Valentin, who usually dislikes saying unpleasant things to others.

No matter how you look at it, it wasn’t a chance encounter.

Evener, who came in with a relaxed expression, certain that Valentin would be here. Moreover, thinking about his words, it was impossible to erase the thought that he knew something and deliberately timed his visit.

‘Expressions don’t lie.’

Since becoming aware of his reincarnation, he had unintentionally become sensitive to people’s expressions and reactions.

Unlike Evener who knew everything, Madame clearly knew nothing. That bewildered and flustered expression… Valentin didn’t think the expression Madame Delacroix had when Evener suddenly barged in while she was attending to his clothes was an act or a lie. If that was acting, Madame should have been on the stage of the National Theater, not in a dress shop.

“I guess the third prince and Evener have planted many informants.”

The downfall of Viscount Wiche’s family in the original story.

As explained in a few sentences in the original novel, Viscount Wiche’s family couldn’t have fallen just from rumors and slander. There must be many of their forces somewhere spying, inciting, and using unknown methods. He had been thinking for a long time that their forces were neither small nor simple.

The throne and power, any plans and ambitions to overthrow forces blocking their way… Third Prince Clifton undoubtedly had the brains to make such plans, the power to execute them, and enough people on his side. And Evener, who planned today, must be in cahoots with them.

“It seemed like he came knowing I would be there at that time and place.”

Of course, it’s all just circumstantial evidence. Valentin added.

“The dress shop’s standards are terrible.”

The hands holding Valentin tightened. His anger towards Madame Delacroix, who had let in the uninvited guest, and the unnamed informant who must have passed on the information and guided him there, was visibly rising again.

“I need to take some measures immediately.”

“Don’t do that, Reynard.”

Valentin still tried to dissuade him with a worried face. Reynard raised one eyebrow crookedly. His expression showed that he greatly disliked those words.

‘My omega is too kind.’

Reynard was lost in thought.

Had there ever been a time in his life when he didn’t return the malice he received at least twofold? Being born at the apex of the pyramid, there weren’t many annoying ones who acted carelessly, but there were some who confronted him without knowing their place. There are always those with swollen livers everywhere. Reynard had never simply ignored such active challenges or attacks. This was completely different from when he showed magnanimity by ignoring those who just barked at him or acted a bit rudely in front of him. It was the same principle as always achieving a “complete victory” in battle.

Reynard left no mercy for his enemies. Mercy only breeds future troubles from those with swollen livers. Those showing aggression needed to be completely crushed and blocked so they could never rise again.

By this principle, the end of those who confronted him was always perfect annihilation. This was his “complete victory”. Eliminating all those trying to climb up and leaving no sprouts was how he had lived.

That was the fate of those who emitted the ominous smell of negativity around Reynard and his surroundings. And the same went for those who sided with them.

But his kind fiancé’s thoughts seemed completely different. Valentin looked up at Reynard with earnest eyes and pleaded again.

“You said you want to protect me, right? Then please don’t do anything. I beg you.”

Valentin shook his head, placing his hand on his angry fiancé’s face.

“He’s the lover of the third prince, who is most likely to become the next emperor. People think of Evener Luwin as almost equivalent to Prince Clifton’s fiancé.”

“So his name is Evener Luwin?”

He repeated as if he would never forget it. Did I unnecessarily keep telling him…? Surely Evener Luwin’s obituary won’t appear in tomorrow’s newspaper…? Feeling the pressure as if he was about to write the name in his mental death note, Valentin shook his head again.

“That’s not what I mean. They are people standing at the peak of current social power, how could a mere dress shop owner have chased them out immediately? Please forgive Madame.”

He wasn’t even thinking about the humiliation he suffered, but was worried that Reynard’s anger might spread elsewhere. His mercy was even descending on the dress shop owner who wasn’t particularly related. Hearing those words, Reynard had a pure question.

“Aren’t you bothered at all?”

It was certainly a type he had never seen before, not only around Reynard but also in Eldon’s social circles full of arrogant and confident great nobles. His omega was this kind and tender.

Valentin, who had paused with his mouth open for a moment at Reynard’s question, shook his head with a bitter smile. His gaze was already falling lower, like his heart.

“It’s not that I’m not bothered. I just…”

How could one not be bothered after suffering such humiliation? What Valentin feared was not that.

“I just… I don’t want to be at the center of controversy anymore. I want to live quietly.”


“That’s my wish.”

He never wanted to stand at the center of controversy again. The pain, the shame of feeling torn apart and stripped naked, executed in front of people…

It was the fear and trauma of someone who knew that such things were the beginning of all ruin.

Valentin wanted to avoid becoming the center of rumors, regardless of the current situation.

Reynard closed his mouth at Valentin’s firm answer.

How much does he know about me? Does he know exactly about the rumors that circulated in social circles a few years ago? Valentin was sure he did, seeing his stern face trying not to hurt him anymore by holding back his words.

Wanting to change the atmosphere, he playfully turned the topic.

“And I’ve already said everything I wanted to say.”

“Said everything?”

“The things I’ve wanted to say to Evener Luwin until now.”

Valentin shrugged.

And seeing that, Reynard propped his chin on one hand and stared intently at his omega. Yes, let’s hear what our softie said in front of his nemesis to speak so proudly, puffing out his chest like a victorious neighborhood boss.

Valentin swallowed hard, looking at his fiancé who had become an extremely attentive listener.

I guess it’s time for an explanation…? He cleared his throat and organized his thoughts.

In reality, he had regretted spitting out venomous words to Evener afterwards, but it had already happened. So now, the priority was to restrain his angry fiancé by saying that he had already done all the revenge, so you don’t need to do anything.

“Um… you might know, but when I was young, there was talk of engagement with Prince Clifton. So Evener, who was the Prince’s lover, doesn’t have good feelings towards me.”

It was a bit awkward to explain in front of his fiancé whom he would marry in a month, but he carefully mentioned that name. He tried to speak as lightly as possible, shrugging his shoulders.

“Who would be pleased? When their lover is getting engaged to another omega. So I tried to understand.”

It wasn’t a made-up story, but a part he genuinely understood. Who would feel good about such a foreign element? Moreover, with pressure from the older generation, it must have been even harder for Evener Luwin. Neither Empress Beatrice nor Duke Hedderfield officially recognized him. It’s painful to realize one’s powerlessness over something you can’t resolve yourself.


“Can you imagine?”


Right… I didn’t expect you to.

There wasn’t a shred of understanding visible in the heart of the alpha holding him tightly. The feeling of a firm stubbornness inevitably squeezing out, not wanting to understand the circumstances of someone like him. Somehow, he seems like a person lacking a lot in empathy… There’s no choice but for me to live well wedged in. Valentin secretly sighed.

Looking at Reynard’s narrowed eyes, Valentin began to explain more earnestly. It was time to quickly pass over the unfavorable and unpleasant parts and hurry on to the next story.

“I mean, I would have been the same. It’s not just that I pity Evener Luwin. It’s not like he didn’t actually have malice towards me.”

If Evener Luwin had just been sad among the older generation people who didn’t recognize him like that, couldn’t Valentin have become a good friend to Evener? But Evener didn’t do that. He put on the face of a kind and benevolent victim and hid his malice from others.

He subtly instigated rumors behind the scenes and actively bullied Valentin by subtly inciting those around him. Before becoming aware of his past life, it was truly a dogfight between two omega boys. More precisely, it was a dogfight between Evener’s followers and Valentin. He never came forward himself.

He acted like a victim in front of his friends, and only poured poison into Valentin’s ears when people couldn’t see his face.

Phew, to think I had to see that alone every day. Valentin stuck out his tongue, remembering Evener who only showed his true nature when they were alone. How ingenious and exceptional his acting was. Someone like that should be on the stage of the National Theater…

“I understand, but I have no intention of accepting it.”


“The situation is completely different now. I have no feelings for Prince Clifton at all, and I firmly rejected the engagement five years ago. Yet, for him to still follow me around and act like this is beyond understanding.”

Valentin explained rapidly like a machine gun.

“So this time, I said everything I wanted to say.”

“In what way?”

“I don’t give a fuck about your lover, so please just stop.”

As he spoke, that emotion and feeling from earlier came rushing back, and he felt annoyed. He gritted his teeth and spat it out with that annoyance, and seeing this, Reynard started laughing loudly. What he thought was cursing just looked mild and soft in his eyes.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen you curse.”

“I had to say it like that because I was so annoyed. I don’t know why he’s still suffering from paranoia over something from so long ago.”

In fact, it wasn’t just paranoia. Empress Beatrice had actually been ignoring Evener’s existence and actively trying to proceed with the engagement to Valentin until quite recently. Valentin shuddered, thinking of that invitation. When things were about to go wrong, they really went wrong… But such external forces weren’t his own opinion, were they? Evener had found the wrong target.

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