Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 83 Table of contents

“He seems to have a lot on his mind before the wedding.”

Reynard said to Shane, feigning calmness.

In fact, it wasn’t something that could be simply called “concerns”. If one had seen Valentin’s unresolved frustration and conflicted gaze, and his sorrowfully downturned eyebrows… Then no one would be able to dismiss those things with the simple word “concerns”. But Reynard had no other words to express it.

‘It seems my fiancé wants to reconsider the marriage.’

A seriousness that couldn’t be casually expressed by shrugging and saying it seems he doesn’t want to get married. And that weight.

It wasn’t something he could say to others even if his tongue fell out.

Not only was it a private matter, and also a matter of pride, but that wasn’t the real reason Reynard couldn’t speak.

A kind of superstitious intuition that the moment he actually uttered those words, it would approach as a more concrete reality. Such an irrational and vague thing had crossed his mind.

It’s ridiculous. Until now, Reynard had never been swayed by emotions or unclear intuitions rather than reason. That solid life was being completely overturned since meeting Valentin.

It was as if a huge iron plow had overturned all the soil and made it soft. The solid rocky ground that had been the foundation of life had become weak, loose, and soft soil by an irresistible touch. Ever since meeting Valentin, he had felt like he was standing incompletely on such soft ground. Reynard felt a strange feeling. Could one person change him this much?

‘This thing called love…’

The feeling of all life being overturned and all nerves and life’s center being focused on that person.

It was the same even thinking apart from the pheromone issue.

He felt like he would never feel this way again no matter who he met for the rest of his life. No one else could make him this anxious. This feeling of his heart being captivated like this would be unprecedented before and after.

But to say the wedding is being called off.

Such a thing absolutely must not happen. He could not let go of the love he had discovered with such difficulty, even if he died. Though immature and imperfect, this was undoubtedly “love”.

He wanted to turn Valentin’s heart, which seemed consumed by depression and anxiety, and possess it completely. A desire and earnestness to become of the same mind boiled up.

Shane, not knowing what his superior was thinking during that short time, just answered calmly as well.

“That’s how marriage is.”

“What would you know, never having been married?”

It was natural for the listening superior to retort bitingly to words spoken with a shrug as if he had gone through all of life’s ups and downs. Isn’t it laughable to lecture after just a few mediocre romances? In Reynard’s eyes, it only looked like he didn’t want to miss the chance to show off to his superior who was unusually sharing his concerns.

“Even if I haven’t experienced it, there are things I know from hearing about it.”

You just insulted all the world’s sages and books, sir. Are you dismissing indirect experience now? Shane added, arguing. Even while saying that, his unseemly appearance of deliberately taking another step to the side, afraid his superior might hit him, was unsightly.

The personal conversation somewhat broke down the hierarchical relationship. Shane began to speak more comfortably to Reynard, like in their boyhood days together.

“There’s a reason men call marriage the grave of life.”

“You like graves, huh.”

“It means that as you gain a spouse and family to take care of, you lose freedom… something like that.”

So many philosophers have said so. Shane added with another shrug and a smirk.

“There’s also something called marriage blues.”

When he mentioned the depression-like state of people about to get married, Reynard clicked his tongue as if exasperated.

“Anyway, it’s a process many people go through, I mean.”


A sound of assent came out immediately at those words. Seeing Reynard seem to agree, Shane got excited and spoke even more at length.

“It will get better after the wedding ceremony.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. So please treat him as well as possible.”

“I’m already treating him well.”

Shane was dumbfounded. For such a self-centered person to… It was time to bring down the hammer of truth.

“Colonel, you’re too blunt. And self-centered.”


At the question asked as if it was the first he’d heard of it, Shane raised his eyes full of rebelliousness. It was too hostile and disrespectful for a gaze toward a superior, but it represented his surging feelings.

“Think about His Grace the Duke.”

“My father?”

“Yes. You’re exactly that blunt.”

Reynard’s mouth closed at the accurate comparison. He looked like he got the idea. There was also some displeasure in his expression.

“Please treat him affectionately to the best of your ability from the end of the wedding ceremony. It’s said to have a bigger effect when someone who wasn’t like that before does it.”


“And he’s not alone now, is he.”

Shane expressed it that way, unable to mention the word pregnancy in a space that wasn’t private, though no one else was there. And Reynard understood immediately.

“They do say they get depressed easily.”

As Reynard nodded in agreement, remembering the doctor’s words, Shane got more excited and ran his mouth.

“That’s exactly it. So please treat him as kindly as possible, and agree with him unconditionally. This is advice from my mother.”

The Marchioness Willgrave seems to have built up a lot against her husband, the Marquis Willgrave, throughout her pregnancy. Reynard took to heart the words to agree unconditionally.

He truly was inexperienced and ignorant, so even if Shane’s know-it-all manner was contemptible, he had no choice but to take note and engrave it in his heart.

He was planning to do so anyway. Wasn’t he lovely and adorable no matter what he did? His feelings would naturally overflow without having to be fabricated.

“If you love him to the best of your ability like that, won’t he soon be alright?”


“Give him certainty.”


The corridor was already nearing its end.

Reynard nodded as he met the murmuring sounds of people.

It was accurate advice. It was time for stability and certainty.

Along with the voices of people, a strong perfume smell that stung the nose grew stronger. It was time to deal with those tiresome Eldon aristocrats.

Reynard raised his chin and faced them.

His wedding with Valentin had to be perfect in every way.

Reynard’s back looked dignified as he went to greet the guests.


The marriage ceremony was conducted solemnly.

The Archbishop, who was usually difficult to even see, officiated personally. In the quiet space, a voice that was aged but powerful and wise echoed solemnly. He was elegantly expounding on marital love and being fruitful and multiplying.

After the Archbishop’s part ended, the recitation of marriage vows followed.

The two grooms who had been kneeling before the Archbishop on the huge altar of the cathedral stood up.

A sacred declaration flowed quietly through the large chapel from the mouths of the two holding right hands. It was a vow to love their spouse in the saint, be faithful to each other’s families, respect and keep faith.

Soon after, as the mass song of the boys’ choir rang out, Reynard quietly extended his hand between the bishop and young priests on the altar.

With careful hands, the fine veil covering Valentin’s face like mist was lifted.

Exclamations rang out among the aristocratic guests attending the nuptial mass at the sight of the groom’s angelically radiant face finally clearly revealed.

The oath kiss made quietly amidst the holy hymns was more reverent and beautiful than anything. The guests’ hearts ached watching the kiss and exchange of rings between the two most beautiful grooms in Eldon. The little girls of noble families would undoubtedly have trouble sleeping tonight, their hearts fluttering at this sight.

When all the solemn proceedings ended, the two held hands and walked down from the platform, marching between the guests. Between the huge pillars carved with sacred sculptures. The great nobles filling the spaces between them continually exclaimed in admiration as the two grooms slowly walked past them.

As boy and girl attendants followed behind, Reynard quietly whispered to Valentin.



Valentin answered softly as they walked down the virgin road covered with a red carpet.

“There’s something I want to say.”

“What is it?”

“That I love you.”

At those words, Valentin’s head snapped up.

Round eyes turned toward the face of the one walking arm-in-arm with him.

Their steps slowed as they marched between the guests. Reynard also adjusted his pace to match Valentin’s slowed steps.

At Reynard’s confession, Valentin’s small mind became like soup stirred wildly in a pot.

He had always felt affection in the gaze directed at him, in the gentle touch, in the attentive nod, in the pheromones full of tenderness, and in the arms that embraced him warmly. But it was the first time Reynard had directly put love into words.

Valentin’s eyes, looking at his newly wedded spouse, shook, and his head also shook gently from side to side. He couldn’t see any of the guests looking at them from both sides. His eyes were filled only with the person who had confessed love to him.

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