Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 90 Table of contents

Moreover, when briefly briefed about several place options and asked to decide where he wanted to go, Valentin immediately chose this place, so preparations proceeded quickly.

“I was just regretting that we should have chosen a destination with a shorter travel distance.”

“What? No way. I really wanted to go to this place specifically.”

“Alright, alright.”

Valentin, pouting his lips slightly as if whining, comfortably leaned his back against Reynard’s chest and shoulders, snuggling in. It looked very natural.

Valentin had the natural physical affection characteristic of someone who grew up being much loved.

Like a child who throws himself trustingly, certain the guardian will catch him. Whenever Reynard embraced him, Valentin always naturally relaxed and leaned into him. Adjusting his body to curl up in a more comfortable position on the large body.

Reynard smiled seeing him subtly adjusting his position now too, wiggling his hips to sit more comfortably together. It was cute enough to make him want to bite him.

Lifting his gaze from watching the wiggling hips, Reynard noticed the wooden box Valentin had carefully placed on the shelf. The wooden case with luxurious leather handles and locks looked sturdy yet lightweight. It was a type Reynard hadn’t seen before.

“Come to think of it, what’s that bag you were packing separately earlier?”

While the servants had packed all the luggage bags, there were bags that only the two of them had packed personally. For Reynard, it was a leather bag containing emergency medicine and a thermometer, and for Valentin, it was that wooden case.

‘What on earth is in there that he’s taking such precious care of it?’

It was something Valentin had handled carefully himself, especially so no one else would touch it. Reynard was now feeling something like jealousy towards an inanimate object.

“Art supplies.”

The answer was so simple and unremarkable, it was deflating.

“Art supplies?”

“Yes. Art supplies are essential for going to Île Saint-Phiel!”

It was unclear since when that had become essential. Though it’s not like there would be an entry ban without art supplies, that proud face with nose in the air… Reynard asked carefully with a slightly dubious expression.

“…You do know this is our honeymoon, right?”

“Of course!”

Seeing his face nodding with a bright smile… Well. If you’re happy, what does it matter. Reynard nodded back.

“I haven’t been able to paint for a long time.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I was too busy preparing.”

Valentin shuddered and stuck out his tongue, seemingly recalling the wedding preparation process.

“They say when you see Île Saint-Phiel at sunset from afar, you simply can’t resist picking up a brush. The philosopher Lonte said that. It’s said he told his wife Dorothea, who painted as a hobby.”

“Lonte… How unexpected.”

“Right? I thought so too when I first heard it. It doesn’t sound like something someone who advocated criticism while speaking of reason all his life would say, does it?”

“Indeed. If you’ve read his Metaphysical Prolegomena even once, it’s absolutely unimaginable.”

“That book is a sleeping pill…”

Valentin said with a disgusted face.

“But for that representative of reason and cold logic to say such romantic words to his wife… How wonderful is that? Ever since I saw those words in a book, I’ve wanted to go there someday. I wanted to stand in the same place they did when he said those words and paint a picture myself.”

Reynard took in all of Valentin’s chattering words as his eyes sparkled.

“Come to think of it, you seemed to be talking about painting with the First Princess.”

It was something that happened at the reception party.

He had seen the scene upon returning after greeting various great nobles and general-rank officers who were still seeking him out here and there.

Valentin returning from dancing on the floor with the First Princess. Reynard recalled their joyful faces and the conversations they were sharing about painting.

“What did you two talk about?”

If it hadn’t been the First Princess, if it had been another superior alpha, he would never have allowed them to dance with Valentin. Reynard felt his insides boil a little recalling that thought again. He didn’t even want to let alphas within a 10-meter radius of Valentin.

“It was nothing much. She asked me to paint a picture for her.”

Valentin recalled his conversation with the Princess.

[I heard about you from Lady Cecilia Osborne, Lord Wiche. Oh, what a mistake. I’m sorry. Lord Valentin Dennox.]

The Princess was more cheerful and hearty than expected.

[No need to apologize, Your Highness. I’m still unfamiliar with my surname that changed 2 hours ago.]

Valentin also replied with a gentle smile.

[Actually, I thought about calling you Duchess-to-be, but your partner, the Duke’s heir, is someone who calls himself the Marquis of Valkyries, having received the title of marquis from birth. I thought you might prefer to be called the Marquis’ husband. {* When the spouse of a duke/marquis/earl is a male omega, they are called Lord, like the eldest son.}]

That was correct. As the Princess said, Reynard was someone who preferred to be called ‘Marquis’, the lord of the Valkyries territory, rather than ‘His Grace the Duke’s heir’.

The Princess perceived the other’s wishes and gladly accommodated them. She was a bright person who made others feel good.

[That’s right. I’m more used to that too.]

The title of ‘Duchess-to-be’ was still unfamiliar. No, he wasn’t sure if it would become familiar even as time passed. Valentin nodded slightly at the Princess’ words.

Amidst the brightly smiling and chattering people, the Princess naturally led Valentin, whom she was escorting, and offered him a drink. It was just when he was thirsty after coming down from the dance floor. When Valentin picked up some lemonade, the Princess naturally continued the conversation.

[I heard you paint such wonderful pictures.]

It seems the chatterbox Cecilia had been going around boasting about Valentin again. Oh my, that show-off… Valentin smiled awkwardly at his friend’s gratitude and silliness.

[Lady Osborne’s exaggeration is something to behold.]

Valentin put on his usual modesty. It was partly habitual speech, and partly to prevent any potential requests in advance…

[Paint a picture for me too.]

…but it was proven completely ineffective by the words First Princess Ellison had just thrown out. Valentin felt sweat about to flow from his forehead.

Lord Shane Willgrave’s advice to ‘Please refrain from anything that might appear to be a political move!’ was passing through his mind. Sending a gift to the Princess. This was undoubtedly exactly the kind of thing that would appear to be a political move as he had mentioned.

Trying not to lose the smile that seemed painted on as the Duchess of Haddington had taught, Valentin barely opened his mouth. The slightly strained voice had to be his imagination.

[…I’m not sure if my paintings, ahem, are of a level worthy to give to Your Highness the Princess.]

Seeming to realize he was trying to refuse indirectly, the Princess smiled, raising both corners of her mouth, and patted Valentin’s forearm. Their eyes of similar height met exactly at the same level.

[I’d like to say it doesn’t matter what it is if it’s a painting by the Duchess-to-be, but that’s not true.]

The Princess winked playfully.

[Don’t be nervous, my lord. That’s not what I meant at all.]


Quickly erasing the playfulness from her face and smiling as if to reassure him.

[I was very impressed by your thoughts on a world without discrimination.]

The Princess brought up the conversation they had shared while waltzing earlier.

[Rather than any particular knowledge or ideology, it’s a pure, philanthropic and humanistic thought of loving all human beings… That was very impressive.]

[…Is that so.]

[I want to see and own a painting of how such a person sees the world. That’s what I meant by asking for a painting.]

Valentin felt somewhat overwhelmed and at a loss for words. He was impressed by the Princess’ sharpness in grasping a person even through just a few simple exchanges of conversation, and also felt like he connected with her somehow. The way of looking at the world, as she said.

[So don’t feel burdened. You can even erase the signature and send it secretly. Of course, I’ll pay properly and generously for it. I also have no intention of revealing whose gift the painting is.]

The Princess winked at Valentin as she tucked her sun-red hair, which had fallen slightly from dancing, behind her ear. The gesture implying secrecy was full of wit. Valentin couldn’t help but smile at that expression too.

“That’s the conversation we had.”

Valentin finished his summarized explanation to Reynard.

Reynard’s face, after hearing the somewhat long story, was full of relief. It was worth digging through his memories one by one of the conversation with the Princess to reassure his husband who seemed to have fire in his eyes about something.

“She was wonderful. The First Princess, I mean.”

It was the first time he had had so much conversation with her. Most of the royalty Valentin encountered in his youth had been under Empress Beatrice. Mainly the Second Prince and Third Prince, the Empress’ children. So he had rarely faced the Princess.

“She’s not a bad person.”

Reynard’s expression, which had been trying to be reassured by Valentin’s praise of the Princess, turned sulky again. His tone was also becoming brusque.

“…Are you jealous right now?”

Valentin narrowed his eyes and examined Reynard’s expression.

‘Is this person really jealous…?’

After spending every day together for nearly a month, things were starting to become visible now. Even to the eyes of Valentin, the owner of a dim-witted life who lived with Napoleon’s words “Isn’t this the mountain?” like a motto above his head, his partner’s psychology was beginning to be understood.


Reynard cleared his throat and looked out the window. It had been the same scenery for over an hour already. Seeing him very intently looking at the summer green and horizon with nothing particularly special, Valentin was exasperated.

“I married you, Reynard.”

“He’s a superior alpha too.”

What’s with the sudden alpha talk again…

“And his close associates have been pushing for Valentin to be his partner for a long time.”


Valentin felt dazed as if a ridiculous bell had rung in his head. It was the first time he’d heard of this.

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