Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 111 Table of contents

Meanwhile, at the same time.

Three alphas gathered in Viscount Brandon Wiche’s office under the name of family after dinner.

“…Thus, we have doubled the number of private soldiers at the Grand Duke’s residence, Lution House, in the capital. We are thoroughly fortifying security.”

“17 spies…”

“And for 5 years. I can’t believe it.”

Shock spread across the Viscount’s and Dalton’s faces as they heard the information Reynard conveyed.

“I’ve brought all the specific details recorded here.”

Reynard handed over a stack of papers. The Viscount took it and hurriedly flipped through it with a rustling sound, scanning it with his eyes.

“Currently, 12 individuals have voluntarily left and infiltrated other places unrelated to the Wiche family, and we have dealt with the remaining 5. I apologize for acting without informing you in advance, given the urgency of the matter.”

“…No. We should have known earlier on our end.”

“I thought we were ensuring perfect security, but for this to happen…”

“It’s not like we can know what every employee is thinking in their minds, can we?”

A business isn’t an organization that focuses on mental training like the military. We can’t peer into the minds of all the people who work together as a means of livelihood and profit. Although confidentiality clauses are specified in employment contracts, that alone can’t prevent or track everything.

“Do you know about the mastermind?”

At the Viscount’s question asked with a cautious face, Reynard’s mouth clamped shut.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t trust these people who had now become family. However, it was a matter that could potentially be accused of treason if mishandled. He had been handling it on his own until now to avoid involving the Wiche family in such matters. He was concerned about any harm that might come from even the slightest wrong entanglement.

No, to be precise, he was afraid of seeing Valentin hurt and suffering because of it.

His delicate omega was already a person overflowing with affection for family. He had been suffering from inexplicable nightmares until recently, and Reynard couldn’t disclose something with his own hands that might cause him more worry.

“…It’s an extremely dangerous matter.”


“Therefore, I can’t directly tell you who the mastermind is, but I can only ask you to trust me regarding this issue.”

The Viscount’s eyes flashed like a hawk’s as he heard those words.

He was someone who could understand sufficiently from just these few words. There were few in the empire who a powerful figure would need to be wary of and act cautiously around.

“My organization has already approached and infiltrated various branches of their side, and I’ve confirmed that the mastermind has taken the bait.”

“Bait, you say?”

“That person has been constantly looking for their source of funding. From long ago until now.”

He also revealed the mastermind’s objective. Now the Wiche family alphas will be careful not to let any security holes open up in that area of their business.

“And they’ve eagerly swallowed the bait I’ve laid, thinking it’s a goose that lays golden eggs. A scenario for their self-destruction is prepared, so you needn’t worry.”


Deep concern settled on the Viscount’s face as he heard this. He had perfectly realized exactly who the mastermind was and who Reynard was planning to destroy.

It’s a more tremendous matter than expected. When this issue is fully brought to the surface, the empire will be properly shaken.

It was natural for the face of a father who loves his son to be filled with worry.

The thought ‘Haven’t we married him to too dangerous a person…?’ flashed by, but Brandon Wiche immediately shook it off.

Five years. They said five years.

They had been treated as prey for a hungry lion for quite a long time.

Assuming Valentin had remained engaged to the 3rd Prince would truly have been the worst case scenario. If things had flowed according to his scenario, the Wiche family would have just become a source of funds, handing over their wealth.

Or what if he had married someone else or remained unmarried? Even then, they couldn’t deal with a lion. In this empire, how many people, how many families could stand up to them?

Considering various scenarios, it really was the best and right choice.

“Indeed… Only a dragon can face a lion.”

He spoke metaphorically using family crests, indicating that it wasn’t a matter a rose could dare to interfere with.

“As you know, it’s important from now on to make it appear that the Wiche family has no connection to this matter.”

“Yes. We should rather focus our efforts in that direction.”

“We’ll be mindful of it.”

The alphas of Wiche Castle, confronted with dangerous information they had been completely unaware of, didn’t stand on pride. They expressed their willingness to actively follow the opinion of their son-in-law or nephew’s husband. The Wiche family, who clearly prioritize practicality and calculation. They knew exactly what was most important.

As the crucial conversation concluded, Viscount Wiche rose from his seat. He poured brandy with a heavy fruit aroma into crystal glasses from a prepared mobile tray and personally handed them to Reynard and Dalton.

After they had been lost in their own thoughts for a moment, Reynard opened his mouth again to broach the subject. This was actually what he really wanted to talk about today.

“…And this is a different matter, but there’s something I’d like to ask.”

He had only moistened his lips with the brandy he had received. He hadn’t drunk alcohol since Valentin became pregnant.

“Do you happen to know why Valentin is excessively concerned about the social circles or others’ gazes?”

Perhaps relieved by the fact of returning to his family, Valentin hadn’t had nightmares since his transfer to the capital was confirmed.

It was truly strange. Was the doctor’s words that everything stemmed from a disease of the mind the key? Reynard could hardly believe the nightmares had disappeared along with Valentin finding a small smile.

Although he had found peace during the past few days, Reynard couldn’t be at ease. It was an unpredictable situation – when he might suffer from nightmares again, become afraid, and lock his door.

Knowing even a little about the cause might be the way to solve the problem. With that in mind, he brought up this matter indirectly. To know the cause and remove it from Valentin’s life. To ensure that such things never happen again.


The Viscount and Dalton let out a sigh with expressions suggesting they knew something.

The brothers’ faces turned serious, as if trying to pinpoint somewhere in the past.

“Indeed… it’s since then, isn’t it?”

“Yes. That day when he suddenly asked to withdraw from the engagement.”

“Yes. I remember it clearly because of the Wessex railway project.”

“How old was Valentin then…?”

“It was 5 years ago, so he must have been 15.”

The brothers, who seemed to know something, exchanged conversation between themselves.

The new family member, alternately looking at the two and listening intently, felt a bit frustrated. Is this a situation of being subtly left out…? Just as he was about to open his mouth to say he wanted to know too, Dalton stepped forward and began to explain.

“Five years ago from now. Valentin suddenly changed one day.”

Dalton looked straight into Reynard’s eyes with a serious face.

“Changed, you say?”

“Literally. He just changed. No one knows why it happened, and he himself kept his mouth tightly shut.”

“He really changed overnight.”

“He transformed as if he had received some kind of revelation.”

“You mean like a person had been replaced?”

At Reynard’s question, Viscount Wiche and Dalton shook their heads, indicating that wasn’t quite it. The platinum blonde hair of the two, who closely resembled Valentin, swayed gently on their heads.

“It’s not quite that.”

“It’s more like he suddenly matured…”

“His thoughts matured as if he had become an adult all at once.”

The brothers’ faces became strange as they recalled that time. The expression of those who haven’t fully understood something unknown. Their eyes still held questions and curiosity.

“One morning, he suddenly declared he would decline the engagement he had been maintaining with His Highness the 3rd Prince, and he began to fear the gaze of social circles. No, rather than fear, perhaps it’s more accurate to say he wanted to avoid and distance himself from them… And he immediately requested to study abroad.”

“You’re saying all of this happened at once?”

“Yes. He really changed like someone who had gained some kind of enlightenment. Although it was sudden, it wasn’t a negative change. And because he completely sealed his lips and remained silent about that issue, the family didn’t pry or dig into it. But the timing is certainly then.”

Dalton nodded and affirmed.

“Then you don’t know the exact cause?”

“No. We only remember the timing and situation, but we’re also ignorant of the cause.”

Huh… An empty sigh escaped unknowingly.

Reynard put down the crystal glass he had been holding and rubbed his brow. He had a headache. Even the place he thought was the only solution turned out to be an empty basket.

“…Perhaps… is what you’re asking now related to Valentin becoming a bit gaunt?”

Just as Reynard was about to open his mouth at Dalton’s careful question,

Knock knock.

“My beloved everyone!”

YengLi’s Corner

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