Training Addict Magician in a Growth-Focused Story
Chapter 53 Table of contents

"Everyone, prepare for battle!"

Tris urgently called out to all the adventurers, even those who had been resting. The thunderbirds were that much of a threat. Five massive monsters with golden wings approached, their every flap resonating with a sound like rolling thunder.

The thunderbirds circled above the carriages, casting immense shadows below. Instinctively, Tris glanced toward the young magician.

Leon had just stepped out of the carriage and was calmly watching the five thunderbirds. Suddenly, the monsters swerved in mid-air, abruptly turning around and fleeing back in the direction they had come from.

The adventurers, who had already drawn their weapons, stood dumbfounded. Was this the work of that young magician again?

Though it was fortunate that the thunderbirds had retreated, Tris’s expression remained grim.

He turned to one of the adventurers beside him.

“Has there ever been a case where thunderbirds have come down this low?”

“None that I’ve ever heard of.”

After a moment of hesitation, Tris approached the young magician and explained the situation frankly.

When Leon first cast a detection spell toward the thunderbirds, he noticed an electric attribute of magic flowing around their wings. As he pondered how best to bring them down, he made eye contact with one of the thunderbirds. More precisely, the thunderbird locked eyes with Kito, who was perched on Leon’s head.

The next thing he knew, the thunderbird turned tail and bolted, fleeing as if in a panic.

Leon was at a loss for words. It was a relief that the thunderbird had retreated, but he couldn’t help feeling somewhat baffled.

At that moment, Tris approached Leon, explaining that it was highly unusual for so many monsters to gather in one place. He suggested that someone might be deliberately driving the monsters toward them.

At Tris’s request, Leon rose into the air and cast a wide-area detection spell. He flew around, searching several areas, but found nothing particularly out of the ordinary.

"Kito," Leon called out.

"What is it?"

"Do you sense anything off?"

"Hmm... let me see."

Kito closed her eyes and seemed to concentrate, as if trying to detect something.

Suddenly, one of the thunderbirds that had fled earlier returned. The creature flapped its wings frantically, letting out a series of distressed cries before turning and flying off again.

“It says humans disturbed their nest and led them this way.”


“Yes, though I can’t pinpoint anyone suspicious with my senses…”

Leon furrowed his brow in frustration. Who could possibly escape even Kito’s sharp perception? He suspected that whoever was behind this was guiding the monsters toward the caravan with a specific goal in mind.

‘Could it be a rival merchant group?’

But if someone had managed to evade both Leon’s and Kito’s detection, it could only be a magician.

‘A magician, huh…’

The first thing that came to mind was the dark magicians of the Tenelon School. But how could they have known Leon was traveling to the Empire? Besides, they were likely preoccupied with their own issues, such as dealing with the witch.

If they were involved, Leon would have detected some trace of their magic. And the chances of someone being strong enough to fool Kito’s senses were slim.

Leon’s gaze instinctively turned toward Erika, who quickly noticed his glance and locked eyes with him.

“Do you need something?” she asked, her blue eyes reflecting a strange urgency.

‘I still can’t be sure.’

Leon turned his head away, signaling that it was nothing. He then relayed to Tris that while it was likely someone’s doing, he wasn’t yet able to identify the culprit. However, inwardly, Leon’s caution had only deepened.

In the world of adventurers, complacency bred foolishness. Especially since, among magicians, Leon was still considered a fledgling.

After that, the monster attacks decreased drastically. However, this only heightened Leon’s unease. It felt as if whoever was behind the attacks had realized they’d been discovered and was now lying low.

Once the group crossed the mountain range, they were greeted by a vast plateau. The caravans, as if by prior arrangement, met with some nomads to trade for supplies.

“Is there anything that catches your eye?” one of the merchants asked Leon.

The merchant, though cautious, spoke with a friendly tone. It made sense—thanks to Leon, the caravan's journey had been much more comfortable.

Leon inspected the goods laid out by the nomads. The caravan had already exchanged livestock for various food supplies—meat, cheese, milk—ensuring the adventurers would enjoy a plentiful meal after so long.

Aside from that, there were handcrafted items, none of which particularly interested Leon. However, one item did catch his eye: a robe with a unique pattern etched into it. Though it lacked any magical properties, it seemed useful as a disguise.

“Do you like this?”

“I’ll pay for it.”

“Oh no, please allow us to offer it as a token of our gratitude. It's a small gesture, but…”

The merchant turned to the nomads and asked, “Do you have anything similar?”

After a quick exchange of words, the nomads brought out more clothing: fur cloaks, tunics, hoods, hats, and gloves.

“Take them all.”

Before Leon could protest, the merchant cheerfully piled the items into his arms. Leon was caught off guard, but he appreciated the gesture of goodwill.

As they neared the Empire’s borders, the wind grew dry, and the surroundings became eerily quiet. But just as the silence intensified, so did Leon's sense of unease.

Unable to hold back any longer, Leon finally spoke to Erika.

“There seems to be a group trying to hinder our journey to the Empire. Do you have any idea who it might be?”


Erika hesitated, a serious expression crossing her face. Did she know something?

After a moment of contemplation, Erika cautiously looked around before speaking.

“There are… some people who don’t want me to return to the Empire.”

“I see.”

Leon had already guessed that Erika was hiding the fact that she was a magician, but now it seemed she was also being pursued.

“Do you know the details?”

For a while, Erika struggled to speak, clearly weighing her next words. Finally, with a determined look, she closed her eyes and spoke again.

“I have a request for you, Master Teo.”

“Go ahead.”

Leon answered calmly, fully aware that she had some other intention in approaching him.

“If I explain my situation in detail, will you promise to help me?”


Leon shook his head firmly.

“I can’t make any promises. But if it’s within my power, I’ll consider it.”

He understood her desperation but wasn’t about to make any blind commitments.

“Of course, that’s reasonable. I apologize for being too forward.”

Thankfully, Erika wasn’t trying to use her situation to manipulate him into a promise.

“I was once a noble with no connection to magic at all. I suppose I’m a fallen noble now.”

Noble families in the Empire with no ties to magic? Leon briefly thought of Rowen. Rowen’s family seemed to have magical ties, though.

“In the struggle between the Emperor and his opposition, my family was branded as traitors. We fled, and that’s when my master saved me. Even though the royal family had their own magicians, my master’s influence was so strong that even the Emperor didn’t dare touch us.”

Given her talents, reaching Apprentice 5th Rank in her early twenties, it wasn’t surprising that a magician had recognized her potential.

A magician too powerful for even the Emperor to confront…

Leon began to wonder what kind of person her master must have been.

“After my master passed away, the faction crumbled, and I fled to Basprion.”

Erika had lived a life on the run ever since the collapse of her safety net, twice over.

“Are the Emperor’s magicians still chasing you?”

“They likely are.”

“Would they pursue you this far just to torment you?”

“I’m not certain, but I recall the Second Prince, tasked with eliminating traitors, being particularly relentless. He was the one who came after me immediately after my master died.”

Leon pondered her story for a while before finally speaking.

“Crossing the border won’t solve your problems.”

“That’s why I was hoping to ask for your help.”

Erika looked at Leon, her eyes filled with desperation.

“Could you take me to the Sigrynell School?”

“The Sigrynell School?”

Leon raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to explain further.

“After my master’s death, the Sigrynell School fell into decline. And with the Second Prince stirring up trouble, the situation has worsened. But it’s still my last refuge. If I can return and regroup…”

Her voice carried a sincerity that Leon couldn’t ignore. He understood her plight, but he also sensed how complicated things could become.

He needed to think carefully.

Just as Leon was about to respond, Kito suddenly sent a strong mental signal.

It was a warning. A grave one.

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