Seoul Object Story
Chapter 109 Table of contents

When she opened her eyes, what she saw was a large full moon, a small red moon, and a blue moon.

Three moons floated gently in the sky.

Lying beneath the dark sky, dotted with twinkling stars.

"I was sure I had died..."

The blonde girl muttered to herself in a slightly hoarse voice.

Aside from some mild discomfort, her body seemed fine.

The wound on her chest, which felt like it had been pierced by a sharp blade right through her heart, had vanished.

Two things bothered her, though: the faint taste of blood lingering in her mouth, and the rough, gravelly texture beneath her back that caused a bit of pain.

Someone was tightly holding her hand. She turned her head and saw the black-clad agent sitting beside her.

His face was marked with worry and concern.

Seeing his face, the girl felt a wave of relief spreading through her heart.

The girl and the man looked at each other in silence, but neither spoke.

After a moment of peaceful silence, the black-clad agent scooped the girl into his arms and stood up.

He slowly walked over the crunching gravel.

The girl buried her face into the agent’s chest and softly spoke.

"I’m sorry, sir."

"It’s okay."

With a slightly constrained voice, the girl continued.

"What do we do now? I followed the heart’s guidance, but it wasn’t enough."

"There’s bound to be a way. Let’s go see someone who might be able to help."

"Ah, no... You don’t mean that guy in the yellow suit...?"

A man in a bright yellow suit flashed across her mind.

"Yes, that guy will surely be able to help us."

Although the blonde girl remembered the yellow-suited detective as someone difficult to trust, she decided to go along with the man’s suggestion.

After all, the agent’s advice had never steered her wrong before.

Hiding her face in the agent's chest, the blonde girl smiled softly.

It’s the end of the world.

The Mini Reaper Garden had descended into chaos.

As I lay in the garden, snacking on some cookies, I began to notice strange things.

Massive blue hats, as big as their tiny bodies.

It seemed the Golden Reapers had picked up on the Blue Reapers' fashion sense.

No matter where I looked, there was always at least one Golden Reaper walking around with a large, water-made hat perched on their head.

One Golden Reaper strutted around the garden proudly in its hat, while others looked on enviously.

When the envious ones stared for too long, the hatted Reaper would happily place their hat on another’s head, grinning widely.

The Reaper who received the hat would strike a pose, thinking they looked cool, while others around them clapped in admiration.

Since the hat was a magical creation made by a Blue Reaper, it would dissolve back into water after about an hour, but even so, the Golden Reapers seemed to enjoy it thoroughly.

Although there were still plenty of Golden Reapers, like me, who found wearing anything uncomfortable, I could sense that their number was shrinking as more and more seemed to embrace wearing things.

At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if they started wearing clothes or shoes next.

I’d have to explain to the Blue Reaper soon just how inconvenient clothes really are. If I didn’t, these bad habits might spread among the Golden Reapers!

As I watched the Golden Reapers happily playing with their witch hats, I munched on a soft cake, enjoying the sight.

That’s when I noticed something—a massive witch’s hat, far too large for a Mini Reaper, drifted into my field of vision.

Floating through the air, it eventually landed right in front of me.

The Blue Reaper approached slowly and looked up at me expectantly.

What’s this?

The Blue Reaper’s eyes sparkled as they continued to stare at me with a hopeful expression.

Could they want me to wear this?

We stared at each other for a few seconds, and when I didn’t move, the Blue Reaper began writing glowing words in the air.

"I made a big hat!"

Alright, alright. You did a good job.

I patted the Blue Reaper’s head, conveying my approval.

The Blue Reaper beamed with happiness but soon tilted their head and asked:

"Won’t you try it on?"


I didn’t want to because it seemed uncomfortable.

When I glanced down, I saw the Blue Reaper’s face, almost on the verge of tears.

Since they didn’t have any physical immunity and were the weakest of the lot, I couldn’t help but oblige.

I picked up the oversized hat and placed it on my head.

The Blue Reaper’s face lit up with a big smile.

Once I had it on, I realized how absurdly large and uncomfortable it was.

The brim was so wide it could have doubled as a blanket.

I wanted to take it off immediately, but the Golden Reapers gathered around, laughing and playing, hanging off the wide brim of the hat like ornaments.

The Blue Reaper skipped around happily, enjoying the spectacle.

Seeing how much joy it brought the Mini Reapers, I decided to endure the discomfort for the next hour until the hat returned to water.

"It looks great!"

"So cute!"

"It suits you perfectly!"

The Blue Reaper who had made the hat climbed onto my lap and showered me with endless compliments.

Even though it was coming from a Mini Reaper who was always fond of me, the barrage of praise felt oddly excessive.

Could it be that they’re trying to brainwash me into wearing clothes?

Deep within Trinity’s Third Research Facility lay a twisted, eerie underground lab.

Only those granted permission by the director of the Third Division could enter.

More specifically, only those whom the director considered "evolved" humanity could access the lab.

The heavy scent of oil that permeated the entire Third Research Facility was almost suffocating in this underground lab, so thick it seemed to cling to every surface.

The flickering fluorescent lights cast a sinister atmosphere, making the lab feel like the lair of a mad scientist.

Rows of large glass tubes lined the walls, each grotesquely twisted, resembling transparent sarcophagi that held dead creatures inside.

Though some still moved, they could hardly be called living.

Some floated in murky liquid, exuding an eerie stillness, while others clung to the glass, casting grotesque shadows.

The researchers wandering among these glass tubes weren’t normal either.

Their limbs were twisted, and their translucent skin allowed the organs beneath to be visible.

In this warped, deranged space stood the director of the Third Research Facility, his brow furrowed and his expression fierce.

"Another failure. What should have been a success has failed again."

The director’s growling voice sounded as though he were ready to tear into the people standing in front of him, who wore the uniforms of the Trinity security force.

"It was bound to fail," said one of the security officers. "You’ve underestimated the Gray Reaper far too much. Why do you dismiss them so easily?"

"I had my reasons. The very existence of the Gray Reaper was proof of my victory. But after this continued failure, it seems I was wrong in my judgment."

With a calm expression, the director gave a new order.

"I now acknowledge that the Gray Reaper is the biggest variable. From now on, they are our top priority."

The security officer smirked, clearly impressed by the decision.


"The plan to deal with the Gray Reaper is simple. We’ll transfer them to the Third Research Facility and handle them on home ground. Until then, make sure you thoroughly review all data related to the Gray Reaper."

A female researcher, who had been quietly observing, spoke up.

"Then we’ll plan to temporarily transfer them through the Object Association. I’ll arrange for the necessary paperwork, Director."

The security officer grinned from ear to ear.

"Finally, we’ll get to face the Gray Reaper in battle. No matter how formidable the Object is, we’ll have no trouble handling them here in the Third Research Facility."

"That’s it for the meeting."

With the director’s final words, the meeting concluded.

As the room emptied, in one corner, a small purple hermit crab was sleeping inside a glass tank.

Late at night, after the sun had disappeared beyond the horizon, the blonde girl and the black-clad agent arrived at a detective's office.

"Mister, I’m a little nervous. Will this really be okay?"

"You can trust him. He’s reliable, miss."

Knock, knock.

After knocking on the office door, a man dressed in a yellow suit burst out from inside.

"Welcome, my friends! I’ve been expecting you. The others are here, ready to welcome you."

Behind the yellow-suited detective, three other staff members from the office could be seen.

All three were women.

One was polishing a large hammer.

Another had two golden horns protruding from her head.

And the last was a girl who didn’t seem older than ten.

The blonde girl, noticing the young girl who looked about her age, poked the agent's back.

"Mister, are you sure this is okay?"

A detective office that employed elementary school children?

Something felt off, and the blonde girl couldn’t shake her suspicion.

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