One Day, My Dad Showed Up
Chapter 67 Table of contents

“…… ah.”

I let out a short groan.

What should I do? I was watching, but it wasn’t on purpose. I didn’t even know where I was going…

An overwhelming sense of bewilderment intruded into all my thoughts and logic.

My cognitive abilities, which had been working fine, started making an unpleasant noise as they broke down, and my mind became a desolate wasteland.

Beyond that, I heard Eciel calling my name in surprise.

“…… Claire. Claire?”

It was only after hearing that voice that I realized.

Without knowing it, I had been taking steps toward where Artair had disappeared.

I barely managed to open my mouth.

“Eciel, so… I….”

If I were my usual self, I would have been able to speak properly.

I would have been able to explain what had happened, why I was doing this, and what I planned to do next…

But right now, I couldn’t string any words together.

Of course.

Something happened that even I didn’t understand.

I just… felt an empty-headed need to follow that boy, and it filled my mind, moving me.

That was all.

I was about to run out without answering when a calm voice held me back.

“There’s no need for that, Lucy.”

Lucrezia Yere Sisana.

She whispered flatly and indifferently behind my stiffened back.

“He’s not someone who will stay here for long anyway. Even if you go after him, it won’t change anything.”

“…… I know.”

“If you know, leave it to the knights and servants. That’s not your job.”


“You know that, right?”

Technically, she was right.

What I was about to do wasn’t exactly my responsibility.

So… going after a runaway boy, persuading him, and bringing him back.

That wasn’t the duty of the Young Duke of Chelsiers. It wasn’t the responsibility of the Judge Astariol either.

There was no reason for a child named <Claire Lucy Disandos> to do that.

But if I did nothing just because there was no reason or responsibility to do so…

‘Then nothing will change.’

I learned this while reconciling with Eciel.

Sometimes, to get to know someone, you needed to approach them first.

There were moments when you needed to put in more effort than the other person to understand them.

When facing others, there would inevitably be times when you had to bend and twist your own way of life and values.

Otherwise, you would be isolated.

Instead of explaining this, I turned to Callen.

“Your Highness, may I leave for a moment?”

It was a vague and awkward request, missing logic, reason, and coherence, making my throat feel sore as I spoke.

But Callen wasn’t the type to point out others’ flaws.

The gentle young Crown Prince nodded in confusion.

And that was enough permission for me.


A soft breeze murmured. The wind I had stirred spread quickly through the garden.

Dozens, hundreds of strands of wind swept through the vast palace courtyard, bringing with them all sorts of information.

Moving servants, swaying flowers, glistening wings of a butterfly, water droplets splashing from the fountain.

Among all these things, Artair was there.

‘Found him.’

I was about to dash out when I suddenly made eye contact with my sister.

She didn’t shake her head.

She didn’t stop me, didn’t get angry, didn’t find it strange.

She just… silently whispered.

It’s okay. Go, Claire.

The quiet whisper gnawed away the words of Lady Sisana that had been wrapped around my ankles.

The Crown Prince’s permission, my sister’s support, Lady Sisana’s ambiguous gaze.

Leaving all that behind, I ran without hesitation.

I had to go to Artair.

Right now, immediately!


* * *


The wind conveyed Artair’s trail vividly.

Was it too burdensome to run while bearing the intersecting discouragement and humiliation? Sometimes, there were clear signs of the young boy having fallen hard.

Turning here, getting hurt a bit further, collapsing miserably. Not knowing the way, wandering aimlessly.

I wasn’t in great shape either.

As I ran, my breath became labored, and my mind accumulated countless pieces of information from the wind, one after another.

Both my mind and body were reaching their limits.

But Artair, with his numb hands, got up again. He… didn’t give up.

So, I didn’t give up either.

Running like that, I saw him.

At the end of an unpaved path, staring fiercely at a small gate leading to who knew where with his blue eyes.

Those eyes turned towards me again.

Gasping for breath, I spoke as if in surrender.

“I’m sorry.”

As always, it was an awkward and strange start.

Artair’s eyes blinked once.

“… what?”

Unable to elaborate further, I dropped my head. My vision was spinning.

‘This has never happened before.’

Running non-stop until I found Artair might have been somewhat bearable.

The real issue was with my mind.

While running, I spread the wind all around, reconstructing the vast garden in my mind, filtering through an overwhelming amount of information.

A splitting headache surged.

As the ground in front of me wavered like waves, a soft sigh accompanied by a boy’s hand reached out.

“Excuse me, Young Duke Chelsiers.”

His hand gently grasped my wrist.

Supporting my arm, he softly pulled me down to sit.

With no strength left in my body, I collapsed into a sitting position as he guided me.

“First, try to breathe slowly. Inhale, exhale, consciously.”

Following his words, I forced air into my lungs.

Maybe it was just my imagination.

Sitting didn’t change much, but it was definitely easier to breathe than when I was standing.

A strange sense of incongruity swirled in my hazy mind with my labored breaths.

After catching my breath and cooling my head for a moment, I realized.

‘It wasn’t a mistake.’

I had felt this sensation before.

Back then, it was a source of immense pressure, but now it helped me breathe, so I didn’t notice it immediately.

Artair was still gently holding my wrist.

From his hand, a thin, soft force circulated, spreading throughout my body.

Calming my sporadic agitation and supporting my faltering breaths.

It wasn’t divine power or authority, but a force that achieved what humans deemed impossible.


‘… no one told me this boy had such talent.’

As my headache subsided, my thoughts returned to normal.

Fitting together various hypotheses and logic, I couldn’t hold back my curiosity and suddenly asked.

“Are you a mage?”

Artair’s eyes twitched.

The gentle power soothing my body from my wrist scattered.

His hand, which had been gently holding my wrist, trembled as he let go.

I reached out this time.

As I grabbed and pulled him close, his wide blue eyes came right in front of me.

I whispered quietly but quickly.

“I didn’t know you were a mage.”

And that was impossible.

The Young Duke of Chelsiers had already learned the personal information of all the families and their members participating in the conference.

So, this child’s family…

“Your family probably hid the fact that you’re a mage. Because of that, you haven’t received proper magical education.”


“I don’t know much about magic either. But I do know one thing.”

Despite asserting his desire to leave in front of the Crown Prince, now, no words came from his mouth.

Only his delicate eyes trembled endlessly.

Watching those eyes, I concluded.

“Being able to manipulate another’s body with magic at ten years old without proper education is an incredible talent.”

A slight light flickered in his blue eyes.

Hope that brightly illuminated a trampled and cracked heart. The soul of the already fractured child shone brightly with radiant light.

Seeing that soft light revived my objective and clear reason.

‘… why did I come this far after him?’

Let’s set aside his magical talent. I only realized that after coming here.

No matter how shocking Lady Sisana’s words were, it didn’t warrant such a rash action in front of the Crown Prince.

I had clearly vowed to avoid getting involved with such a problematic child.

So why…?

Why did I do this?

I couldn’t understand myself. The confusion and misunderstanding sharpened my words slightly.

“If you hate following your father’s orders so much that you ran away even in front of the Crown Prince, go to the Magic Tower. They will gladly open their doors for you.”

Perhaps my cold words were too strong and harsh.

Like a candle extinguished by a gust of cold wind, the hope in his eyes suddenly faded.

Behind his deep, dark pupils, distorted defiance and contempt spread further, increasing the cracks.

The words I had stored up suddenly evaporated from my mind.

Logic, reason, and rationality.

The elements I considered my greatest characteristics gradually disappeared from me.

Disappearing, disappearing, disappearing… leaving only a part of me I didn’t know.

Just like before.

“What do you know?”

The boy’s low retort was crushed under his gritted teeth.

“Your father is Astariol, the Duke of Chelsiers, who persuaded His Majesty the Emperor to eventually reinstate your mother.”


“How would someone with a father like that understand?”

It was a statement loaded with many meanings.

A pointed and sharp ice spike, following his cold voice.

“Your father spent fifteen years fighting the Temple and Duke Sisana for your mother, but not every father cares that much for his wife.”

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