My Ex-Girlfriend Was Appointed as a Knight Comman…
Chapter 40 Table of contents

Christine met Theodora’s gaze, her expression hardening.

"Is that a question coming from concern as the Commander for one of your knights?" Christine's voice was cold.

Theodora bit her lip, fully aware of the chill in Christine's tone. Would she answer if Theodora invoked her authority as the Commander? No, that would only worsen the situation. Theodora didn't want to use her rank in a way that would escalate things further. Instead, she spoke from her heart.

"...No," she said softly.

"I’m just... worried about him. About Maxim... Maxim Appart, the person."

Christine looked at Theodora.

She was a mess. Her right leg was broken, bandages covered her body, and she was wrapped in countless cuts and bruises. Christine sighed inwardly.

"Let’s head back to your room for now."

"Deputy Commander," Theodora began.

"We’ll talk in your room," Christine said, cutting her off. She picked up Theodora's discarded crutches and handed them to her.

"You’re in no condition to be wandering the halls like this."

Theodora took the crutches and stood, limping heavily as she disappeared into the shadows of the hallway. Christine lingered for a moment, watching her leave before following after her.

When Christine arrived at Theodora’s room, Theodora was already seated on her bed, staring down at her hands. She looked nothing like the strong, confident woman she usually was.

Christine observed her closely—Theodora seemed much smaller now, illuminated only by the dim light from the hallway. Theodora looked frail and lonely, far removed from her usual stoic self.

"I thought you might know," Theodora said, her voice thick with emotion. "What’s happening to Maxim?"

Christine lit the lantern in the room, the brass light casting a soft glow.

"You’ve been with him for so long...," Theodora continued, her voice breaking as she spoke. Christine narrowed her eyes, sensing the weight of Theodora’s words.

"It sounds like you think I know the details of your relationship with him, Commander."

Theodora let out a weak chuckle, nodding.

"Maxim must have told you. He’s not the type to hide things from those close to him."

Christine sighed deeply.

"I know. That’s why I’m even more confused by your behavior. You’ve already parted ways. Why are you so concerned?"

Theodora bit her lower lip hard, as if to protest Christine’s words. It was as though she was begging Christine not to speak so casually about her and Maxim's relationship. But Christine didn’t relent. Theodora hesitated several times, then finally spoke again, her voice trembling.

"...I want to know."

Theodora took a deep breath.

"Even so, I need to know. I... I still..."

Christine couldn’t bear to hear her continue. She cut her off.

"I don’t know the full story myself," Christine said.

"...Alright," Theodora replied, nodding.

"I’ll tell you what I do know."

A sharp pang hit Christine's chest. Maybe all of this was somehow connected to her original sin. She carefully chose her words, Maxim’s warning echoing in her mind.

"Right now, Senior isn’t in a condition where he can use his aura."

Theodora’s eyes widened in shock.

"Can’t use... his aura?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"His body is in terrible shape," Christine said, dodging the full explanation.

Theodora looked at her as if she needed more clarification.

"Is it really just because of his physical condition?" Theodora pressed.

Christine shook her head.

"There’s more to it."

"So Maxim didn’t want you to tell me?" Theodora asked, her voice trembling even more.

Christine remained silent. There was no easy way to explain this. It wasn’t just about hiding the truth; this wasn’t something that could be easily resolved. Christine locked eyes with Theodora, the two women’s gazes filled with vastly different emotions.

Maxim’s face flashed in Christine’s mind—his request to keep this a secret. Christine wasn’t sure if she had the right to speak for him. In moments like this, she wished none of this had ever involved her. She saw Theodora’s hollow face, devoid of its usual vitality.

A storm of words whirled in Christine’s mind, but only one escaped her lips. This was as far as she could go. She had reached her limit.

"A curse."

Christine’s voice was low but firm. Theodora’s gray eyes widened in shock.

"A curse? Deputy Commander, what are you saying?" Theodora asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"It’s exactly what it sounds like, Commander. A curse. One that threatens his life every time he uses aura or mana."

Christine felt like she was biting down on a blade as she spoke those words. Theodora, stunned, sat frozen before starting to question Christine in a trembling voice. Her entire body was shaking, gripped by fear.

"Who... why...!"

"I don’t know more than that," Christine lied. She anticipated Theodora would press her further, but to her surprise, Theodora lowered her head as if lost in thought. The rest was something Theodora would have to figure out on her own. Christine stood up.

"Why... when did this happen..." Theodora muttered, clutching her head in confusion. Christine could offer no more explanations. As Christine turned to leave, Theodora reached out and grabbed her arm.

Theodora’s mind raced with memories. She recalled the first time she met Maxim, their sparring session during the selection trials, and the rainy day when she had forced him to use his aura, pushing him away coldly. She remembered stripping him of his deputy commander title and forcing him into dangerous situations out of anger.

In the desolate zone, she had banished him to the harshest terrain in her fury. It may have been tough for her, but for Maxim, who couldn’t use his aura, it had been a death sentence. And then, at the bottom of the cliff...

During the battle with the Death Worm, she had done nothing but watch as Maxim protected her, pushing himself to the limit and using his aura to defeat the creature.

How many times had she pushed Maxim to the brink?

How many times had her emotions nearly gotten him killed?

"Why... why did Maxim hide the fact that he was cursed from me?" Theodora asked, her voice cracking.

Christine watched Theodora crumble, the life drained from her eyes. She gave no answer. It was a question Christine could never respond to, and she had no intention of saying more.

"Senior must have had his reasons."

Christine turned to leave. Theodora, dazed, watched her open the door and exit. The door closed with a soft click, ignoring Theodora’s outstretched hand. She reached after it, only to collapse forward.


The chair tipped over with a loud noise. Theodora could no longer think straight. The shocking revelations were too overwhelming for her to process.

Every breath she took felt cold against her skin as she lay on the floor like a trapped animal, muttering the same words over and over.

"Why, why, why, why...."

But there was no one there to answer her.

Though it wasn’t too late in the night, the outside had grown dark. Maxim lay on his bed, unable to move, as he mulled over everything.

Even now, the curse was burrowing deeper into his body, waiting to consume him.

Maxim placed a hand over his heart. His pulse was steady, but beneath that, he felt another, irregular rhythm—slow, but persistent. The curse crept forward, bit by bit.

What awaited him at the end of it?

Maxim sighed heavily, his face darkened with uncertainty.

Would it be a painful death or a fate worse than death—being left broken and crippled?

In the end, you chose the most foolish path, didn’t you?

A voice mocked him in his mind. This time, Maxim calmly accepted the taunt.

You’re nothing but a hypocrite, driven by self-satisfaction.

"It doesn’t matter," Maxim muttered to himself.

Even knowing that she’ll find out everything? You can’t seem to stop causing harm to others, just to ease your own guilt.

"I still managed to protect her."

Theodora had made it back safely. No matter what happened next, Maxim wouldn’t regret the choice he had made that day.

"There’s nothing more important than that."

Knock, knock.

There was a knock at the door. Visiting hours were almost over, and Maxim was surprised to hear someone arriving this late.

"Hey, Maxim."

"How’re you feeling?"

Maxim glanced toward the door and smiled wryly at the two figures walking in—Roberto and Paola, both carrying something in their hands.

"Visiting this late? You’re being a nuisance," Maxim said.

"Come on, don’t act like you’re not happy to see us," Paola laughed, dragging a chair over and sitting down next to Maxim’s bed.

"How’s your condition?" Roberto asked, lifting Maxim’s shirt slightly to check his wounds. Maxim smacked his hand away in a panic.

"Are you a pervert? Why are you lifting my clothes out of nowhere?"

Maxim’s heart raced, fearing Roberto might see the scars. Sweat trickled down his back.

"I’m just trying to check your condition," Roberto grumbled.

"I’m fine. Get off me," Maxim said, pushing Roberto away.

Roberto chuckled and sat down in the chair next to Paola.

"You look pretty healthy to me. Maybe you won’t even need that vacation."

"With you saying that, I think my condition’s about to get worse again."

Roberto shrugged, rummaging through the bag he had brought. Maxim raised an eyebrow when he saw what Roberto pulled out.

"A bottle of alcohol? Are you out of your mind?"

"It was Paola’s idea, so blame him if you’re going to complain," Roberto said, pointing at Paola with the bottle.

Maxim scowled at Paola. Paola chuckled awkwardly, scratching his beard.

"Well, yeah, I suggested it, but Roberto agreed. I couldn’t have brought it without his help."

"Fine, fine. I’ll drink it," Roberto said, thrusting the bottle toward Maxim. Maxim felt his head spin slightly as he took the bottle.

"We’ll get in trouble for this later," Maxim warned.

"Who cares?" Roberto said, biting off the cork with his teeth.

Maxim shook his head in disbelief as Roberto casually downed a few gulps from the bottle.

"Don’t worry, I won’t get in trouble. I’m a patient," Maxim said, placing the bottle down.

"Well, we’ll see if the Margrave lets you off just because you’re bedridden."

Maxim smirked, watching Paola unscrew his own bottle and take a long drink.

"Ah, that hits the spot."

"You two didn’t come here to visit me; you just wanted to drink."

Maxim chuckled at the pair, whose antics briefly cleared the storm in his mind.

They didn’t talk about anything important. Paola asked briefly about what had happened between Maxim and Theodora during the incident, and Roberto mostly stayed quiet.

"Oh, by the way, Maxim," Paola said, pointing at Roberto with his bottle.

"This guy didn’t join the search party when you went missing."

"Come on, it’s not like I didn’t want to go," Roberto said, flustered, waving his bottle. Drops of alcohol splashed onto Maxim’s bed.

"Hey! Watch it!"

"Whoops, sorry."

Maxim sighed.

"Well, I came back alive, so it’s fine. Though it was still your fault."

"True. Guess we’ll have something to tease him about for a while, huh, Maxim?"

Roberto continued trying to defend himself as Paola and Maxim teased him.

When their conversation ended, Paola stuffed the empty bottles into his bag and stood up. As the smell of alcohol filled the room, Maxim wondered how he’d explain this to the medic the next morning.

"It’s fine. Just tell them it’s the smell of disinfectant," Paola joked.

"Are you actually drunk, Paola?"

Paola laughed heartily as he staggered out the door. Roberto stretched and got up as well.

"Oh, by the way, Maxim... about the search party thing—"

"Forget it. Just get ready for tomorrow’s debriefing."

Roberto scratched his neck awkwardly, offering a sheepish smile.

"Take care of yourself," he said, then followed Paola out, closing the door behind him.

Later that night, Paola stumbled into his room, drunk, with Roberto escorting him inside. After ensuring Paola was settled, Roberto wandered the desolate zone aimlessly.

"That old man can really drink," he muttered.

Roberto inhaled the cool night air, looking up at the sky. Gone was the playful demeanor; his eyes were cold and detached, the expression of a stoic knight.

Reaching into his uniform, Roberto pulled out a small notebook.

"As expected," he murmured.

He took out a pen and scribbled a quick note in the empty space.

Maxim Appart’s curse is progressing as planned. No deviations in the scheme so far.

He slipped the notebook back into his pocket, glancing back toward the hospital where Maxim was staying.

"...I’m sorry, Maxim. But there’s still so much you don’t know."

Roberto smirked faintly, turning back to walk through the night of the desolate zone.

It was the night before the return of the Black Crow Knights.



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