Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 253 Table of contents
  1. Side Eugene



After seeing Meg off with Kron, I let out a sigh, thinking, “Ah dear, same as always.”


“What’s wrong, Licht? Still not getting anywhere?”

“…Well. But, it’s probably not the time yet.”


Apparently, Licht fell in love with Kron, at first sight, when he first came to this castle. He’s so easy to read, I just had to ask. And he answered without hesitation. Back then, he was still a child, and I thought it was a sweet first love. But it seems he was serious. He still feels the same, even now.


“And yet, you’re always confessing, even though you know it’s no use, aren’t you? Such a troublesome one.”

“Guh, Demon King-sama, please don’t say that…!”


And he even confesses to her. Or rather, he just can’t help but to say what’s on his mind. He says he can’t help himself, but I find his passion endearing. He’s apparently been rejected every time, but he never gives up. He has guts.

…Well, I’m sure it’s the right thing to do. If you watch them, it’s obvious that even Kron has feelings for Licht. But I understand why she rejects him. Because Licht is just a human. It can’t be helped, but… I can’t help but think that she should just be honest with her feelings.


“Well, I’ll leave that aside for now. The first thing I want to talk about is Meg.”


Putting aside their unchanging situation, we need to get to the main topic. Why did we even come here? When I said that, Ash and Licht’s expressions changed.


“…She seemed… incredibly emotionally unstable.”

“You’re right. You know why?”


Licht was the first to speak. He must have noticed it when they were talking just now. To think he noticed, in such a short time. He’s observant.


“Yes… kind of.”

“Then you’re right. Your hunch is probably correct.”


Meg’s the type to get anxious about all sorts of things, falling into a spiral of thoughts. That’s how she’s been since she was Megu, I’m sure it won’t change.

But the good thing about her is that she’s able to come to her own conclusions. Basically, she does worry, but she mostly solves it on her own. It’s also her bad habit to carry all the burden herself, but her ability to solve things is definitely a good thing.


But lately, she’s been getting overwhelmed by vague anxieties about the future. It’s understandable that she’d feel like she’s being left behind, because she’s growing slower than everyone else, and she’ll live longer than everyone else. Every time, she tells herself that she’s growing, in her own way, but that anxiety will never disappear. Because the thing she fears the most is… us, her comrades, leaving her behind one after another.


“This is happening far sooner than I’d expected…”


And because of an unavoidable circumstance, Meg’s incredibly emotionally unstable, even though she hasn’t noticed it at all.

I’m sure it’ll worsen in the future. The biggest hurdle in her life is approaching. And I feel like that hurdle’s almost here. And she has to overcome it, on her own.


“All we can do is watch over her carefully, for now. If we wait until she can’t take it anymore, it might be too late. Ash, Licht, tell her everything when we get back.”

“You’re right…”


But we can prepare for that. We have to be ready to support Meg at any time, so that we can help her even if just a little. It feels like it’s not too late yet, but we can’t keep saying that. We just have to believe that she’ll be able to muster the strength to overcome it.


“Could it be… this is related to…”


Licht, seeming to have an idea of what it is, asked this with a serious gaze. Yeah, that’s right.


“Yeah, it’s the reason you need to be as strong as us.”


The reason why he was brought to Demon Castle. The reason why he has to become strong.

He hasn’t complained at all and has diligently endured the training, the type that could kill you. That training from Ash and Kron? It’s definitely intense. I haven’t even heard him complain, you really are something, Licht. I’m glad you’re the one we entrusted with this.

Licht simply muttered, “I understand,” and then, gulping, a look of determination appeared in his eyes.


“Well, that’s all for this topic. You can ask Ash about the details later, when we get back. Now, let’s move on! Technically, this next topic’s the reason we came here, for Meg.”


It’s not like I wouldn’t tell them, if they asked. But time is limited. There are other things we need to discuss. I left the rest to Ash, saying they can ask him about it at night. The two of them are making strange expressions, but I don’t care.


“You never change. I’m used to it, though.”

“I was just getting ready to brace myself… well, whatever.”


I decided to change the subject, ignoring the two of them muttering. Just give up.




“A fighting tournament? Between Special-grade guilds?”

“Yeah. Well, technically there’s also a High-grade guild. But it won’t be a problem, in terms of ability. And Licht, how about you also participate? We can make a Demon Castle group and have two or three other representatives too.”

“Eh, me?”


Licht, whose name was suddenly mentioned, asked, looking dumbfounded. Well, of course he’d be like that. It was so out of the blue.


“That’s fine, but why are we even discussing this?”


Ash’s question was also valid. Actually, even I haven’t grasped the details. For now, I’ll tell them what I know.


“To put it simply, it’s to revitalize the city.”

“Revitalize the city?”

“Yeah. The one who approached me was… Mara, the head of Schutor.”

“Schutor? The former Special-grade guild, Nemo. Mara… so that High Elf woman.”


As expected of the Demon King. He remembers, even though it’s a High-grade guild. Well, he did go to the High Elf Village. No, he rampaged. It’s only natural that he’d remember.


“I also haven’t heard the details. But she said she wanted to hold an event to revitalize Sainsley. So I casually suggested a fighting tournament, and she seemed eager.”


I suggested it without thinking. I just remembered how we used to hold one within Ortus. Those were fun. We set a limit on how much you could bet, to just the cost of a meal, but even that was fun. And that tournament is what made it known just how abnormally strong Gil is… Well, good times.


“So it’s for the city. Was Sainsley such a desolate place?”

“Oh, Licht, you haven’t been there, have you? It’s not really desolate, it’s more like… it has bad public order.”


Ash quickly added this for Licht, who was tilting his head. It’s true, that country’s full of troublemakers. That’s why Nemo, a guild that reeked of danger, was able to gather so many skilled members. The people there have no morals, or rather, because of that, they’re strong.


Seeing Mara quickly rebuilding the guild and turning it into a High-grade guild in such a place fills me with more fear than respect. As expected of a High Elf. Even though she’s a calm and collected beauty, you shouldn’t judge a High Elf by their appearance. Never.


“Well, it seems she’s thinking about various things to deal with that. And she asked for the help of the Special-grade guilds.”

“Hmm, I’m sure Ortus will cooperate, but I wonder about Stella and Annulus. They won’t move unless there’s something in it for them, wouldn’t you agree?”


Ash’s concern is valid. But of course she’s already considered that. That Mara! When I said that, Ash averted his eyes and muttered, “You’re right.” I’m glad he understood so quickly.


“So basically, she wants to give a presentation… um, have the representatives of each guild gather and explain what kind of event it will be and what the benefits are. And since she’ll be explaining everything then, I haven’t heard the details. Because it would be a waste of time.”

“So first we have a joint meeting? And we need to figure out the location and contact them? And then if that’s decided, the fighting tournament will be held?”

“That’s right, Licht. That’s why we want you to participate in the meeting too. As a representative of Demon Castle.”

“Can’t I go!?”


Well, it’s true that you’re the real representative of Demon Castle, Ash… but that’s not going to work. Honestly, this useless Demon King. I sighed and poked him on the forehead.


“…With you around, everyone will shrink back and we won’t be able to discuss anything. And besides, Kron won’t allow it.”



Stop pushing back against my finger, you’ll break it. And no matter how much you glare at me, it’s not my decision whether you can go.


“Anyway, that’s all I have to say. You can decide whether or not to participate in the fighting tournament after you’ve heard Mara’s explanation. But come to the joint meeting, okay?”



The date and location will be decided later, and so it was settled. Licht still seems a bit unsure, but… it’s fine. I’m sure he’ll participate. There’s no doubt about it, once he’s heard “that” from Ash.

And you know, opportunities to fight against strong opponents are rare in this peaceful era. You train with the same opponents all the time, so fighting other strong people is a valuable experience. He needs to be stronger than anyone.

Winning the tournament. That’s the bare minimum. This’ll also be a test. No matter what the intention behind this tournament is, we need to seize this opportunity. …I’m looking forward to it, Licht.

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