Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 262 Table of contents
  1. Influence




“Oh, Meg-chan! What are you doing here? Helping out?”

“Yes! Today I’m working at Ran-chan’s shop!”


The store opened, and the first customer was one of the regulars. Ran-chan’s shop has a good selection, from reasonable items to luxury goods, so we get customers from all walks of life. And this lady always buys reasonably priced clothes. It’s information from Ran-chan, of course, but I actually knew her because she often comes to the guild’s snack corner.


“I was thinking of coming tomorrow, but I’m glad I came today. Having Meg-chan here… Today’s a very good day.”

“Ehehe, thank you! I’m happy too!”


I also like this lady, who always gives me compliments with a kind, beaming smile. She’s incredibly calm and gentle, it’s so soothing. We smiled at each other.


“Nnfufu, you’re in luck, ma’am~”

“Ran-chan, you should have told me sooner. Ah, but if you had, the shop would be crowded.”

“Exactly! Everyone would come for Meg-chan, wouldn’t they? I’m happy about that, but it would be a shame to have Meg-chan overwhelmed, right?”

“That’s true. But I’m sure people will gather just from seeing Meg-chan in front of the store.”


The lady and Ran-chan started chatting. Eh, do I have that much influence? Ran-chan’s shop was already popular. I don’t think it’ll change that much just because I’m here. But maybe the people who know me will stop by.


“She doesn’t seem to be aware of it herself, but~”

“My, my. Meg-chan, you’re more popular than you think.”

“R-Really? I think everyone’s just being kind because I’m still a child.”


That’s right, it’s because I’m still a child. Children are precious, and everyone in Ortus is kind to me, so I think they feel like they need to take care of me. I wonder if it’ll change when I grow up and become independent?


“So humble…”

“Really. It’s because you’re such a good girl, Meg-chan, that everyone loves you. At least, I love you because you’re polite, always smiling, and working hard.”

“Ah, um, thank you…!”


She’s praising me so directly, I can’t help but blush. Really? But what she said, it’s what I try to be, so I’m happy that she acknowledged it. Ehehe.

That’s right, I’m happy. Because, you know? I’m a beautiful girl, aren’t I? No, I’m not trying to brag! Objectively speaking! I still think, “Wow, you’re cute,” when I look in the mirror. But it’s inevitable. I mean, if you’re born to the Demon King, who’s as beautiful as a sculpture, and a High Elf mother who’s said to have been incredibly beautiful, then wouldn’t it be like that? I’ve never met my mother, but High Elves are known for their beauty. It’s like it’s guaranteed.


So I know I have good looks. That I’m blessed. But that’s why, you know? I don’t want to be seen as someone who can only rely on their looks. Being allowed to do as I please just because I’m cute, being told I don’t have to do anything, that’s like being a doll, and that’s not “me”. I want to do my best at everything I can, and if it can help those I love, then even more so. Or rather, I feel like that’s all I have.


……Well? I do have a history of overdoing it, becoming a corporate slave and dying from overwork, though.

But don’t worry, I won’t repeat the mistakes of the past. I’ve finally come to understand the limits of this body and what’s too much. And I have guardians who stop me before I even realize I’m pushing myself too hard. So of course I won’t overdo it, but I want to be “me” and keep trying my best at everything.


As a result of my enthusiastic efforts to get customers to come inside, the shop is now packed. Ah, wait a minute… I’ve been inside since Ran-chan told me to stop and I’ve been doing things like giving presentations about the clothes and answering questions, but even so, customers keep coming. It’s so busy!


“It seems like the rumor that Meg-chan’s here has spread~. It’s even more effective than I expected…”


Ran-chan and the other employees are also pleasantly surprised. Right now, we’re limiting the number of people allowed in the store. And it seems like a lot of them are here to see me, but they’re all properly buying things. There’s no one who just came to see me without any intention of buying anything, but…


“Buying something’s like a tip to see Meg-chan. We welcome window shopping, though…”


It’s troublesome that some people are being rude, just saying, “I’ll take this,” without even looking at the merchandise. They are buying, so we can’t really kick them out. It’s a frustrating situation. I mean, am I not getting in the way?


“Ran-chan, I’m sorry… Should I just go back?”


I honestly don’t understand why they’re so eager to see me, but I know this situation is my fault. I think I’ve contributed to the shop, but this is more than I hoped for, and it’s sad that they’re not appreciating the shop for what it is. Of course, there are also a lot of people who are here because they’re fans of the shop! It’s just that, well… it can’t be helped if there are some with bad manners.


“Don’t be silly! You don’t have to apologize at all, Meg-chan! It’s my fault for not anticipating this. But you’re right, it’s dangerous with this much crowding, maybe you should head back for now, to take a break.”


She repeatedly told me this wasn’t because I was being a nuisance. That she’s actually happy I attracted this many customers. Ran-chan really knows my personality. Because I do get depressed, honestly. Sniff. But I can tell she means it. So I can’t get depressed now.


“Sorry for leaving while you’re so busy. I’ll come back later.”

“Fufu, you really are a good girl. Yes, go rest. I’ll be waiting.”


The shop’s still busy, so I shouldn’t take up her time! I slipped out of the shop through the back door because Ran-chan understood that. Ha-fu~, fresh air!

But it really was stifling with all those people, and the employees are probably exhausted, so I’ll bring them something when I go back. As an apology! I made that resolution, looking back at the shop. I wonder what they’d like.




I’d walked a short distance from the shop when I heard that voice from behind. Ah, I could tell by the tone that this wasn’t good.

I get called out like this, every now and then. I’m still a child, but because I’m part of Ortus, they tend to think I’m an easy target. These kinds of people are basically the type who want to use me or kidnap me. People with bad intentions. I braced myself, thinking about what kind of people they were, and turned around to look at them so I can respond immediately.


“Ahhh, she’s so cute, so cute… Shall we take her home to live with us? Right, let’s do that.”


Ah, it’s the “pervert” type, I see. A chill ran through my whole body. I think I can handle it, but I can’t help but feel disgusted and scared. I couldn’t help but grimace.

Ugh, this city’s such a nice city. The people who live here, the people who often visit, they’re all so kind. How everyone patiently lined up at the shop, even though it was so crowded, is a good example. There wasn’t a single person who was irritated. Even those with bad manners didn’t have any ill intent.

So these people must be from outside the city. Three of them. What are they trying to do, three adults against a child? I feel dejected. Well, I guess it can’t be helped. The world isn’t full of good people. Haa.


“Rai-chan, Ryoku-kun.”

『Got it! I should shock them, right!?』

『Okay! So I just catch them?』


I immediately called out to my spirits. Gil-san and the others have repeatedly told me not to hesitate at times like these. If it turns out to be a misunderstanding, it’s their fault for making me think that way. If it bothers me, I can always apologize later. They said to always act first without hesitation. Hesitation can put you in danger. And that they’d take responsibility, so I don’t need to hold back.

But I hesitate to actually hurt them, so my limit is knocking them unconscious and restraining them. Am I being naive? I know, but it can’t be helped!


『Here I go! Bzzt!』


Rai-chan attacked the three adults with a light electric shock. After seeing that, I tossed a small seed to Ryoku-kun.


『My turn! Round and round. Okay, all done, Meg-sama!』


The seed sprouted, and the vine quickly grew. Ryoku-kun controlled it and restrained the three adults, who were now paralyzed. What an excellent combination!


“Thank you, you two! You saved me!”


My spirits are so capable. They finished the job just from a little bit of my imagination. A yellow mini-rabbit, the lightning spirit, Rai-chan, and a small green frog, the vine spirit, Ryoku-kun. My naming sense? What’s wrong with it?


After safely capturing the three suspicious people, the shadow at my feet swayed. It looks like Papa, my guardian, has arrived. Phew.

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