Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 272 Table of contents
  1. Side Zahariash



“A-A dream…!”


Waking up from that dream left me feeling a bit out of sorts. I haven’t seen it in a while, so I’d let my guard down. I was covered in sweat, so much so that it felt uncomfortable.


“A sign that… my sins will never disappear, huh…”


It was only a little over 200 years ago. It was the most intense, painful and difficult time of my life. Although, looking back on it now, it was only a short period of time.

It’s too late to regret it now. I’ve already decided to carry this burden, for the rest of my life. I’m used to having dreams about that time. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s a common occurrence.


But the dream I just had was a bit different from usual. It was a subtle change that I wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t paying attention.


“Whose hand was that…?”


That hand that gently touched my shoulder. Right before I was consumed by that out-of-control power, as I was about to change from my human form into my beast form, it felt like someone placed their hand on my shoulder. It must have been real, because I still remember that feeling, even now that I’m awake. I unconsciously put my hand on the part that had been touched.

It felt like I was being encouraged. Like I was being told that this suffering wouldn’t last forever. It was only for a moment, though.


“…My heart rate’s already calmed down. It usually takes a while, after having that dream.”


Mornings, after that nightmare, the terror from back then would return, and it would take a while for me to even get out of bed. It’s pathetic, but it can’t be helped. That doctor, Ludovic, he was introduced to me by Eugene. He said it’s called trauma, a kind of sickness of the heart, so it’s understandable. That it’s fine to take the time to calm down, that I shouldn’t force myself.


That’s why I always take my time, to pull myself together, but… I feel like I can get started right away, this time. It’s been a while since I’ve even had that nightmare, so maybe it’s because it’s been that long since then, but…


“I’m sure… that hand saved me…”


Still, it was just a dream. The fact that something different from usual happened means that my heart has changed. It would be good if I was finally able to accept what had happened and overcome it. But right now, I feel like giving thanks to the owner of that hand. I closed my eyes lightly and quietly spoke words of gratitude to that unknown person.




Yesterday was the first day of the joint meeting. It seems like things went smoothly. But it’s not over yet, they’re probably discussing the details of the tournament.

I’m not participating in the joint meeting, but I know that much, just from looking out the window, focusing my magic power on Stella, where they’re holding the meeting. Hmm, they’re all in their rooms because it’s still early morning. They’re a gathering of powerful people, and each is unique. It’s easy to search for them based on the quality of their magic power. It’s easy to grasp the general situation just from using my magic power to sense their emotions, because it’s not difficult to find them.

And Eugene, my other half, is at the meeting. His presence is easier to sense than anyone else. For a moment, I sensed anxiety, but it immediately subsided, so it’s probably fine.

Well, I can hear the details from Kron and Licht, when they get back. I wonder if those two talked. It might have been an old man meddling, but I made them go together because I thought it wouldn’t hurt to give them a little push.

……I pray it hasn’t made things worse. There’s nothing we can do, because it’s something only those two can solve. Honestly, Licht’s straightforward, so he’s fine, but I wish Kron would just be more honest with her feelings. The heart of a maiden is so hard to understand.


But I can understand Kron’s feelings. She’s hesitating because she knows she’ll get hurt if she takes that step. It can’t be helped. Kron’s a demi-human, but Licht’s a human. A human’s lifespan is terrifyingly short. In fact, Licht is already older than Kron, if you compare them as the same race. Time flies, those few years are like a blink of an eye. Kron must have been terrified, seeing Licht grow up day by day, right before her eyes.

Especially if those feelings are strong.

That’s why she should just confess. I wonder if she plans on keeping these feelings to herself, forever. …Well, feelings are complicated. All I can do is watch over her. Because it’s something only Kron can decide. And it’s the same for Licht. When to confess, that’s also a choice.


“Their opinions will probably change, when the time comes.”


There’s a right time for everything. I want to interfere, but I’ll be patient. The only thing I can do is give them time. And I’m not scared of Kron’s cold glare when I told them to go to the meeting together.

…I should probably get some work done. If I fall behind, they’ll just give me more to do.


“Demon King-sama.”

“Hmm. Torsch, huh?”


Just as I was about to head for my desk, I heard Torsch’s voice. She’s the mate of the former prime minister, Huedlihi. It’s been about ten years since Huedlihi passed away, and she’s diligently been fulfilling her duties.


“……Ah, you said you wanted to take the day off, right?”

“Yes, I deeply apologize for doing so when even Kron-sama and Licht-sama aren’t here.”


There’s a young child with her. A boy, just starting to learn how to speak, was looking at me, bewildered. He’s Huedlihi’s child, born late in his life. I’m sure he would have wanted to see his child grow more. But he was prepared for it, from the moment he had a child. I can still recall, as if it were yesterday, him doting on his child, with no regrets.


“What are you saying? You scheduled that time off a while back, right? It’s fine. Spend time with your child.”

“Thank you very much.”


The child’s still young. Even though there’s a nursery school, it’s incredibly important for parents and children to interact. So that they can nurture their hearts, I make sure everyone takes these kinds of breaks.


“Roderich, right?”

“! Yesh…”


I called out to the child, watching their backs as they were about to leave. A name that shares something in common with Huedlihi. I couldn’t help but smile.


“Listen to your mother and have a wonderful time.”


“Demon King-sama… thank you very much.”


His face, which had been tense, suddenly brightened. What a good child. I pray he’ll continue to be this innocent.

And if possible… I hope he’ll grow up to be a future prime minister.




“If you’ll excuse me.”

“We’re back, Zahariash-sama.”


It was completely dark by the time Licht and Kron returned. Hmm, how did it get this late? I didn’t even notice, because I was so focused on my work. I’m capable when I want to be.


“You finished this much work… you are capable when you want to be, aren’t you?”


But Kron, your words make me feel a bit strange. I furrowed my brows, stood up from my desk, and then approached the two of them.


“So your report? You can do it later, after you’ve rested.”

“You’re right… it did take a while to get here. Would it be okay if we rest first?”


As expected, it seems like they came straight here after the meeting. They’d probably give me their report right away, if I asked, but there’s no need to make them do that. It’s fine for them to rest a bit and then give their report once they’re calm.


“Then, if you’ll excuse me.”


Kron then quickly exited the room. She always acts quickly. She’s not one to hesitate. Well, it’s nothing new.


“…Then I’ll tell you first. Is that okay?”

“…Something happened?”


Licht quietly said that, waiting for Kron to leave. That means there’s something he doesn’t want others to know. I immediately understood and urged him to continue.


“Yes.  …It seems like… Meg was also listening in on the meeting.”

“Meg was? …Ahh, I assume it’s because of Ortus’ shadow eagle ability. It’s not strange, is it?”


Ortus, who can sense what’s happening even over long distances, has incredible skills. That’s what sets them apart from the other Special-grade guilds, their strength.


“The leader of Schutor, the High Elf, Mara, she let it slip. …That Meg should recuperate.”

“What…? Even that Mara’s no ordinary woman, to know that.”


But it was probably a miscalculation, Meg overhearing that. Because they probably never imagined she’d be listening in. It’s an accident. It can’t be helped.


“So Ortus is probably explaining things to Meg.”

“I see…”


But recuperate, huh. I see, so she means having her stay at the High Elf Village. It’s true that her burden will be lessened if she’s there. It’s a well thought out plan.


“I thought the same when I met Meg… it was leaking out quite a bit. Her magic power.”

“Yeah. And she was spacing out too. It’s probably because of her magic power leaking out.”


The rate at which Meg’s magic power’s increasing is abnormal. I was expecting it, and have been preparing, but… it’s happening too fast. Recuperation huh, that’s a good idea.


“It would be best if she could at least hold on until after the tournament.”


I don’t know if the countermeasures will be ready in time. But we have no choice but to do it. Before the distant future comes.


Don’t worry, Meg. I won’t let you walk the same path as me. I clenched my fists, thinking of my daughter, who was far away in Ortus.

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