Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 274 Table of contents
  1. Child Participation



“Underage division?”


About five days after the joint meeting had ended, and Dad and Adol-san returned to Ortus, I was called by Dad and was presented with a proposal.


“That’s right. There’s talk of having an underage division at the fighting tournament, to let the children get a feel for it. There aren’t that many children who can fight, so… they’re thinking of letting them participate, regardless of their guild affiliation. It’ll be more like playtime, but I thought you might want to participate, Meg. You can at least enjoy the atmosphere.”

“W-What, I’m going to fight!?”


I was planning on just being a spectator, so my voice cracked in surprise. Dad, chuckling at my reaction, definitely predicted this. Geez!


“There’s also the intention of scouting for potential future members. The adults are thinking that it would be best to identify and support talented individuals from a young age.”


Schlie-san then added this. I see, since there aren’t many children, it makes sense to secure those who are capable early on. And from a child’s perspective, it’s like having a stable job secured, as long as they’re willing to work hard. Yeah, that’s not bad.


“Those twins from Annulus will probably also participate.”

“! Rune and Goot!?”

“Those two are determined to join Annulus in the future. So it’s only natural.”


If that’s the case, then I might end up fighting them, if I participate. It’s both exciting and nerve wracking.


“And I think a few children from the nursery school at Demon Castle will also participate. Ah, Urbano? He probably won’t though.”

“Yeah, I don’t want to force Urbano-kun.”


If the giant, Urbano-kun, was participating, then he’d probably be one of the favorites to win. It’s just that he has a big physique. But I know from exchanging letters with him that he’s incredibly kind. I don’t think his personality is suited for fighting. And he still hasn’t recovered from his emotional wounds.


“But will he come to watch?”

“Ash will invite him. And even more so if you’re participating. Just write that in your letter, if you want him to come.”

“I was planning on inviting him, but…”


It’s not like I knew I’d be participating! I’m a bit hesitant to make a fool of myself in front of my friends. Because, I’m basically not good at anything athletic. I’m only able to manage because of magic. Sniff.


“…Your current body has better specs, so it won’t be as bad as that time. Don’t worry.”

“Dad, that’s not really comforting!?”


In other words, isn’t he basically saying I was, and still am, clumsy? How mean!

…Well, it’s true, so I can’t say anything. Am I really okay, participating? My only weapons are nature magic and precognitive dreams. …That’s right, precognitive dreams. It’s my special ability that I’m starting to think should be only “tentatively” labeled as precognitive dreams.


Because the dream I had yesterday was clearly about a past event. So I thought maybe it’s past dreams, but I also see dreams about the future, so that doesn’t work. So what is it? I thought about it for about an hour after waking up… and in the end, I still don’t know. It’s pointless to think about it. It can’t be helped.


But there was one thing that I was able to realize. I’ve already seen a past dream. The dream where my mother, Yennaliearl, appeared. And also… I don’t really want to think about this, but the dream where my company colleagues were talking, after Megu died. I’m not even sure if the second one can be called a past dream, but it definitely wasn’t a precognitive dream. But back then, I was unstable in many ways, I vaguely thought maybe it was my soul’s memories appearing in my dreams. So it’s possible that it wasn’t like that, and those were dreams caused by my special ability.


Well, it’s pointless to think about it, so I’ve stopped. Because I’ll be recuperating at the High Elf Village, and I’m thinking of asking them about it. Maybe they’ll know something because they’ve lived for so long. Am I being too reliant on others? I might be older, but I’m still a child. There are only so many things I can do… It might be worth checking the library?


“Ah, that’s right. We’ve also contacted Ryuasukatius.”

“Eh!? Even Asuka? But Asuka’s still…”


I came back to reality when Schlie-san said that name. Ryuasukatius, another person with a long and complicated name, is a Elf boy who lives in the Elf Village.

It was right after Dad and I made up, I think. We all went to the Elf Village, disguised as a family trip. I met him there, and after all sorts of things happened, we became friends, but… he’s younger than me! Amazing, right, he’s younger! Though it’s just a difference of a few years. I remember him looking about three years old back then, so tiny and cute.


“It’s been about twenty years since then. He’s grown about as much as you, Meg.”

“Eh, really…?”


I’ve heard that Elves also age slowly, compared to the other demi-humans. So I thought I’d still look older than him…!


“High Elves and elves both age slowly compared to other demi-humans, but the growth rate until adulthood isn’t that different. Their physical development stops once they’re past their growth spurts. It’s only after that, that their lifespans differ. So basically…”

“You’re just a slow developer. Individual differences. And Meg was always tiny, so.”

“Don, you’re being so blunt…”


W-What, I’m younger than normal…? So if it had been normal… I’d be taller? That means… I’m short!?


“Th-That’s not true! I’m a High Elf, so I just grow more slowly than elves!”

“No, so like I was saying, it doesn’t matter…”



I vehemently protested, punching Dad. It’s a secret that I have tears in my eyes. Because, it means I’m really childish, doesn’t it!?


“Don, you’ve hurt Meg’s pride.”

“W-Wait… I’m sorry!”


I’m not going to forgive you! Mean! I stuck my tongue out at Dad, and then Nephry-chan landed softly on Schlie-san’s shoulder.


“…Oh, is that so? Don, about Asuka, who we were just talking about. It seems like he wants to participate in the fighting tournament.”

“Oh, really! So Meg, what do you want to do?”


What? So Asuka, who’s younger than me, has already made his decision. My heart’s wavering. Dad then said this, forcing me to make a decision,


“Meg, you don’t have any real-world experience, right? The fighting tournament’s a safe place to experience interpersonal combat. It’s much less stressful than monster hunting, wouldn’t you say?”

“! You’re right! I’ll do it! I’ll participate!”


He’s right. That’s right, it’s an underage division. It’ll be good training. I got a bit carried away when I heard “tournament”, but thinking of it as training actually motivates me. I’ll participate with the intention of learning.


“…Well, there aren’t many who can even beat you, Meg, but.”

“Eh? What? Dad?”


I couldn’t hear what he was muttering because it was so quiet, so I tilted my head and asked. But Dad just ruffled my hair roughly, saying, “It’s nothing, do your best.” And the topic was left there. I wonder what he meant. Geez!


“Um, it seems like there’s more.”

“Hmm? What is it?”


Schlie-san, sounding surprised, reported this, probably having received another message from Nephry-chan. What is it, what is it?


“They’re asking if we can have Asuka stay at Ortus, until the end of the tournament. It’s also his request. He wants to train.”

“We get to see Asuka!?”


It’s been so long since I saw him, I couldn’t help but express my joy, raising my arms. It really has been a long time!


“…To think she’d be this happy…”

“We can’t really refuse, can we?”


It seems like they’ve already decided to accept, just because of that. Eh, huge responsibility?


“Well, there’s no reason to refuse. It’s not like we can crush a child’s desire to become stronger.”

“You’re right. Then let’s tell them we’re happy to have him, at any time. I’ll probably be the one to go pick him up at the port.”

“Okay, I’ll tell Saura.”


It seems like Asuka’s visit was decided, just because of that one comment. A-Are they sure? But I’m happy! It’s been so long since we met. He’s probably grown into a handsome young man now. I wonder what kind of spirit he has a contract with? I’m excitedly thinking about our reunion.


“Hey! Can I show Asuka around the city when he gets here?”

“It’s already noticeable with one child, with two, it’ll be even more so… And they’re both elves too, right? You can protect yourself, Meg, but you won’t be able to protect Asuka.”


Th-That’s true. I’m also an elf. I keep forgetting. I know, I know, but I haven’t really been aware of it. Time to reflect.


“So if you can ask someone to accompany you, then it’s fine. But you have to ask them yourself.”

“Really!? Yes! I’ll ask them after checking everyone’s schedule! And I’ll ask Saura-san too!”

“…I have nothing more to say to that… perfect response.”

“……You’re really talented, aren’t you, Meg?”


Really? I think it’s only natural to check their schedule beforehand. It’s not like they don’t know that I’m not just a child.

Alright, if that’s decided, I’ll start preparing right away! I wonder where we should go.

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