Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat
Chapter 237 Table of contents

“I guess I was just scared.”

As I told Sylvia that I was scared, I recalled my parents, who had been invaluable to me throughout my life.

“I have a habit of giving everything to those I hold dear. However, the people I end up cherishing are usually just like me. Just as I would do anything for them, they would also go to great lengths for me.”

I thought of my father, who sacrificed his own well-being to protect our family.

I remembered my mother, who worked hard and concealed her suffering just so she wouldn’t be a burden to me before she passed away.

In that way, the people who were precious to me didn’t hesitate to sacrifice themselves for me.

Perhaps that was a shock to me, something akin to PTSD.

“I guess I was scared of that. I was afraid that someone I cherished would sacrifice themselves for me. I was afraid of losing someone that important.”

Yoon Si-woo, who I had also come to treasure in this world, had done the same for me.

“Sylvia, you’re the same. You might be afraid that you could end up like that…”

I slowly opened up the words I had kept deep inside me to Sylvia.

Then, Sylvia, who had been quietly listening, responded with an unexpected look.

“You’re even more of a coward than I thought, Scarlet.”

“Yeah, I guess so. I’m such a coward…”

“And pretty foolish too.”

Sylvia muttered with a slight smile.

“If I had known I was similar to you in that regard, I wouldn’t have thrown myself into danger to save you in the first place. Did you think I would just overlook it?”

“…Is that so?”

“Of course. The Aegis never forgets a debt.”

With a faint smile, Sylvia boldly continued.

“Moreover, the feelings of cherishing someone cannot easily be ignored or stopped. I understand how you feel, Scarlet. It’s natural to fear losing someone precious. But even if you try to draw a line, you can’t make the relationship nonexistent. So let’s clarify this.”

As she said this, Sylvia looked straight into my eyes.

“Scarlet, when I help you, I’m not doing it out of expectation for gratitude. And I definitely don’t help to hear a ‘thank you’ from you. I want it to feel like a natural act for me to help you, just as you’ve always helped me without a second thought. I want a relationship where we help each other without any reason.”

Her words made me realize something.

The fear of losing someone precious after they enter my life.

The contradictory feelings that had always lingered beyond that.

In the end, even while feeling afraid, I had yearned for it at the same time.

Just like she said, I longed for a relationship where we could help each other without any strings attached.

A relationship where we truly cherish one another.

Sylvia then asked me a question that hit home.

“Scarlet, you know you did something wrong to me today, right?”

I nodded, and Sylvia smiled as she continued.

“I’ll give you a chance to be forgiven. Instead of an apology, tell me what I want to hear right now… I wonder if foolish Scarlet can figure it out?”

I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at her words.

No matter how foolish I was, I could grasp that much.

With my eyes shining and a hopeful expression on my face, I looked into her eyes and said.

“I might get into a lot of trouble because I’m a witch.”

Sylvia nodded as if it didn’t bother her.

“I might create issues because I’m surprisingly selfish.”

She nodded again with a refreshing expression, as if to indicate that was fine.

“But, if that’s okay…”

As I faced Sylvia, I spoke.

It was something I had said long ago.

Something I accepted once.

Something I had refused before.

That phrase.

“Will you be my friend?”

At those words, Sylvia’s face lit up with joy.

“Yes, gladly!”

She nodded vigorously.

Finally, we had become true friends, and with a bright smile, Sylvia pulled something out from her pocket and murmured.

“It really took a long time to return this to the owner.”

Seeing what she pulled out, I couldn’t help but laugh.

Resting on her palm was a ring adorned with a red gem, just like the one on her left-hand finger.

“You still had that?”

“What are you saying? Ever since I took it back from you, I haven’t taken it off for even a moment. Now, give me your hand. I’ll put it on for you.”

“…It feels a bit like a proposal, and that’s embarrassing.”

“Could you not say something so weird? It makes me embarrassed too.”

As I playfully stretched out my left hand, Sylvia took my hand and, with a somewhat ambiguous smile, said.

“There are good things about you becoming a witch. Now, I can finally put the ring on your finger.”

Her words sparked a memory in me.

Was it when I lost my arm due to the demonic beasts that invaded the academy?

I remembered how Sylvia cried uncontrollably when she saw I didn’t have an arm and tried to put a ring on my hand. I let out a soft chuckle and murmured.

“Haha… I’m just glad I won’t cry this time.”

“…Could you please forget that?”

Sylvia’s face flushed slightly, perhaps embarrassed by her memory of crying that day. Nevertheless, she solemnly placed the ring on my finger.

The ring now rested on my left-hand finger.

Upon seeing it, Sylvia had a poignant expression on her face, as if lost in thought.

Not wanting to tease her in case she got embarrassed again, I too raised my hand and looked at the ring on my finger.

An honesty ring with a red gemstone, a garnet, symbolizing friendship adorned my left-hand finger.

It might have seemed like an ordinary ring at first glance, but the engraved words made it something truly special.

First, And Best Friend.

My very first friend, who I made under less than pure intentions in this world to prolong my life, had now become an invaluable friend to me.

As I glanced at Sylvia, she smiled proudly, showcasing the ring on her left hand.

The pair of rings that Sylvia had cherished for so long seemed to convey just how special I was to her.

With a sweet surge of emotions rising in my chest, I finally forgot my worries and smiled genuinely.



A swift gust ignited around me.

Flames quietly flickered to life.

I instinctively knew.

The flames emanating from me were of a kind that wouldn’t burn.

Sylvia, startled by the sudden burst of flames from me, screamed, but soon realized there was no heat coming from them and remarked with curiosity.

“Oh… It’s a fire, but it’s not hot at all?”

As she curiously reached out to the flames and asked, I chuckled sheepishly and replied.

“Uh, it’s just a special kind of flame that comes out at certain times.”

“A special kind?”

“Yeah… it appears when I’m feeling really happy or joyful.”

Sylvia nodded in fascination as she continued to observe the flames, but soon as if realizing something, she turned to me and asked.

“Wait? So does that mean Scarlet is really happy right now?”


I remained silent.

“Oh? Is that so? So, Scarlet is that happy to be friends with me?”

It was already too late to make an excuse.

With a mischievous smile, Sylvia leaned in closer, teasing me, and for a long time, she playfully coaxed me, after which she leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

“I am too.”

As I tried to cool off the brightest red on my face, I felt the flames spilling from my body gradually spreading around us.

The flames had become too vibrant to be hidden behind even the most modest of shields.

I worried about whether the flames would attract any demonic beasts, but.

“If they come, you can chase them away, Scarlet. You’re a witch, right? You could protect me, at least?”

After hearing Sylvia’s words, I had a moment of enlightenment and, stepping out of the narrow shelter, I simply lit a small fire outside and lay down.

The flame that flowed from my body caught onto the large trunk we had been resting against.

Despite it being just charcoal, completely burned out, that tree was glowing brilliantly with fire alongside me.

Sylvia, who had been quietly watching the glowing tree, muttered.

“Scarlet, I’ve had a dream since I was little.”

“What is it?”

When I asked, Sylvia smiled and answered.

“There was a scene like that in a storybook. Going on an adventure somewhere with a friend I connect with, starting a campfire at night and camping while gazing at the stars. I’ve always wanted to experience that at least once.”

Having said that, she leaned her head against my shoulder and continued.

“Actually, I thought it would always remain a dream I couldn’t achieve, but because of you, Scarlet, I get to experience something akin to that.”

With Sylvia’s words, I couldn’t help but smile and took in the gentle flames flickering in my mind.

The night sky was cloaked in magic, hiding the stars from view.

But, perhaps because I had a friend beside me who resonated with my heart.

Or perhaps it was because of the flames glowing like the campfire.

“This isn’t too bad.”

“Yeah, right?”

The view of the starless night sky didn’t seem too dark.

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