Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat
Chapter 270 Table of contents

“Hey, you there, witch girl. Who gave you the right to step forward? I can’t allow that.”

Martina stepped in to stop Scarlet, who was willing to sacrifice herself.

Upon being confronted, Scarlet looked startled, as if she couldn’t believe someone would oppose her.

“What…? But…”

“But what? You have someone to protect? Just checking, but you’re not talking about Yoon Si-woo, are you?”

“Uh… well, yes, it is Yoon Si-woo, but there are others too…”

As Scarlet stumbled over her words, barely holding her composure, Martina let out a chuckle and muttered.

“In that case, it’s even more unacceptable. I’ve heard enough to know, right? That Yoon Si-woo got hurt trying to protect you.”

Martina frowned, recalling Yoon Si-woo, who had fallen into a comatose state.

Though Martina had a bit of a rough edge to her, she was, outwardly, far more caring and responsible than she appeared.

That’s why she was genuinely concerned about what had happened to Yoon Si-woo, once her subordinate.

She couldn’t help but know who Yoon Si-woo had risked everything for.

“I understand that you feel indebted to Yoon Si-woo and want to devote yourself to protecting him, but if you die in the process and he wakes up to find you gone, all his efforts will have been in vain.”


Seeing Scarlet look flustered, having never thought of it that way, Martina shook her head disapprovingly.

Expressing sympathy for the emotional turmoil Yoon Si-woo would go through upon realizing he loved someone with such a personality.

Well, at least this was the least she could do as someone who had been a superior to her former subordinate.

Martina concluded, “As his former boss, I can’t allow his heartbreaking sacrifice to be in vain.”


She saved someone who should have died, yet here Scarlett was, unable to even show gratitude, looking as if she felt terribly sorry.

For some reason, feeling a surge of frustration inside her, Martina walked over to Scarlet and playfully flicked her forehead.

“W-what? Why did you hit me?”

“Why did I hit you? Because you’re being rude, obviously.”

Although it didn’t hurt at all, Scarlet was taken aback, struggling to process the sudden flick on her forehead. Martina scolded her with a stern tone.

In truth, Martina had been quite angry with Scarlet from the start.

Not because of any particular reason or event.

“Where do you think you’re stepping forward, trying to make us sacrifice a child? You should stay put. This is something only the adults should handle.”

It was simply because Scarlet was still a child, regardless of being a witch or not.

It’s only natural that an adult wouldn’t sacrifice a child just to save themselves.

When Martina voiced what she thought to be obvious, Eve and Leon, who had been observing beside her, also pointed toward Scarlet, suggesting she go back.

“That’s right, Evande. Leave this to us.”

“Thanks for the thought.”


Realizing they would never allow her to sacrifice herself, Scarlet had no choice but to step back.

As Scarlet withdrew, Martina stepped up, as if relieved, and declared, “Well then, I’ll clear the way. After all, at my age, there’s not a single person who would mourn my death.”


“Yikes, I guess there was at least one person. Anyway, with this, I’ve decided to act, right? It’s not like there’s anyone else who will do it anyway.”

Martina waved her hand lightly as an apology to Captain Kanna, who was angrily shouting that she wouldn’t go unnoticed.

After all, she believed this was something she had to do.

“Who says you’re the only one? Martina, I’ll handle it, so you just stay behind.”

“…What are you talking about?”

However, this time it was Natalia who stepped in to stop Martina.

Martina glared as her eyes widened at Natalia’s determination to volunteer for a mission that was likely fatal, questioning her sanity.

“…Hey, are you crazy? I can understand if Leon is volunteering since there’s no one else for the job, but what are you thinking stepping up when you have a family? Don’t you think about your daughter?”

The reason for Martina’s anger lay in the fact that, unlike her who was all alone, Natalia had a family.

Given that Natalia’s husband, Lucas, was already in a coma due to an enemy attack, what would happen to their daughter, Marin, if Natalia were to go too?

Martina’s frustration reflected those concerns.


“I know.”


“I know. That’s why I’m saying I’ll do it.”

Natalia’s response completely veered from anything Martina had predicted.

Martina was taken aback, pondering if Natalia had finally lost her mind, her surprise so great that she thought seriously about it.

With her ever-calm smile, Natalia addressed Martina earnestly.

“Martina. Martina Ivanova. From school days on, you’ve always been my rival. While I graduated and got married earlier, I still lost to you in one thing.”

“Damn, are you mocking me—”

“Martina. I’ve always tried to surpass you, so I know best that you’re an exceptional magician.”

Martina, furious at what she perceived as mockery, was interrupted by Natalia’s murmur, which carried a strange determination that left Martina speechless.

“Listen, Martina. While I think I’ve beaten you in getting married and graduating, purely out of spite, there’s one area where I know I’ll never surpass you.”

It stunned Martina that such a confession would come from Natalia, who had fought fiercely to be stronger than her in every aspect.

The fact that, instead of them being rivals in everything as they always had been, Natalia was recognizing her failure in a seemingly sincere manner shocked Martina to the core.

As if tempted by disbelief, she asked in a misty voice, “…What is it?”

Natalia responded, humorlessly, as though frustrated, “…It’s the fact that you are a better hero than I am. As infuriating as it is, it’s true. Natalia Eloise can’t measure up to you, Martina Ivanova, as a hero. Unfortunately, that’s the reality.”

“…What kind of nonsense is that?”

Martina couldn’t grasp Natalia’s words.

As rivals, she knew better than anyone how outstanding Natalia was as a hero.

She was a commendable captain leading her own squad, an exceptional superpowered individual who couldn’t be overmatched by anyone.

But why would Natalia say such a thing? Martina felt lost, unable to comprehend why she would belittle herself.

“I can’t fix a broken magic circle.”

She bit her lip at Natalia’s following statement.

Natalia continued, “I can’t purify magic nor teleport. I can merely manipulate some water and use that for combat. But, is my fighting prowess better than yours? That’s not true either.”

Back in school, Martina and Natalia always bickered over the topic: which was superior, magic or superpowers.

Whenever that topic arose, Martina would taunt Natalia saying, “Hey! You can’t do this and that!”

Then Natalia would retort, “In that case, if you think your magic is superior, let’s have a duel!” and they would spar.

The results were always ties.

Martina often felt frustrated with those draws, in the same way as Natalia, who understood that the results were never truly draws.

Through this conversation, Martina realized that Natalia had always lived with an inferiority complex toward her.

But knowing it was a subject she could not console her about, the only thing Martina could do was remain silent and listen to Natalia.

As if sensing her thoughts, Natalia continued to speak.

“Martina. Let’s say we successfully seal that witch. Even if we’re able to succeed, the city will suffer a significant loss in power. We don’t know what will happen afterward, and it’s going to be much more difficult to protect the city with fewer people.”

And that was inevitable.

Right now, the personnel sacrificed for sealing included Eve and two other captain-level heroes.

With such a gap in power, the remaining personnel would have to fill the void.

The burden would increase immensely.

Naturally, Martina was well aware of that, and Natalia knew she was aware.

That’s why she was asserting her point.



“I have a family that’s more precious to me than anyone else.”

“…I know.”

“To protect my precious family, to protect the city where they live…”

With a bitter smile, Natalia spoke,
“An excellent magician is needed more than a superpowered mom who can only manipulate a little water.”

That was her best plan to protect her family.

Martina acknowledged the truth in her words but found it difficult to embrace that idea.

“Why are you doing this to me… what am I supposed to do with this burden…”

Thus, Martina couldn’t bring herself to say she understood.

In a soft voice, Natalia spoke once more.


“…What now?”

“You’ve always followed any of my penalties without complaint whenever we made wagers back in school. Remember?”

Of course I remember, Martina thought with a nod.

When they made a bet on who would find a boyfriend first, the loser had to do whatever the winner said, and Martina ended up having to run three laps around the playground in just a swimsuit.

It was shameful enough to bring back painful memories even now, and yet she accepted Natalia’s conditions without a word.

There were countless embarrassingly humiliating tasks she upheld, but whenever Natalia made a request, Martina never thought of refusing.

Because rejecting her felt like losing to her, just like that.

And that was a bond established because they both felt the same way about each other.

Their relationship held no falsehood or pretenses.

Though there were times when it made them feel like killing each other, they always considered one another as genuine rivals.

Then that rival asked Martina with a smile.

“Do you remember? Last time when you wanted to rescue your subordinate, and I was on holiday but still supported your request. You said you would grant me a favor, no matter what. Did you forget to use that favor?”

Upon hearing that, Martina’s expression hardened.

She remembered awfully well.

Back when Yoon Si-woo suggested rescuing Scarlet from the witch, she had indeed made such a promise.

And now, she could almost predict what Natalia would ask of her.

Slowly, Martina’s face twisted with dread as she thought,

“Please don’t say it.”

She instinctively prayed not to have to go through this.

However, her rival always put her in difficult situations, and she had a strong hunch that this time would be no different.


Her name echoed from Natalia’s lips.

With a smile on her face.

“Kind of wish I could be as good as you.”

With a mix of longing and frustration in her smile, at that moment their gazes met.

Martina saw, in those eyes, something deeper than just frustration and longing.

A heavy trust that made her shiver—trust in her.

Her lifelong adversary and rival smiled and asked of her, “I’ll go. You stay back.”

“…Fine, damn it.”


Before leaving, Leon and Natalia were given a fleeting moment.

The longer it took, the higher the chance of the witch regaining her power and successfully escaping the seal, so they were allowed just a moment for goodbyes.



During that short span, Leon Lionel pondered what his last words to his daughter, Leonore, would be.

But no matter how hard he tried to think of something good to say, devastatingly, words didn’t come.

Honey, I’m sorry. I should have listened more when you told me to read plenty of books back then.

As Leon forced a rueful smile, staring at Leonore’s face, she suddenly hugged him tightly as if she sensed her father’s silent turmoil.

“…You can’t think of anything to say, can you?”


“If you can’t think of anything, you don’t need to push it. Just hugging me tightly would be enough.”

Leonore lifted her head and flashed a bright smile.

However, she couldn’t hide her slightly reddened eyes.

She probably tried to conceal it so he wouldn’t feel heartbroken seeing her cry.

Seeing that, Leon thought once more, She truly is my daughter.

It wasn’t because she looked so much like him in terms of skin color and hair.

It’s the small, thoughtful gestures she had, just like his late wife.

So, not just my daughter, but our daughter.

Ah, something just came to mind!

“Leonore, you’ve grown so well. Really… you’ve grown beautifully.”

“…And you’re only realizing this now?”

“I regret not being able to spend much time with you after your mother passed away, and now you’ve grown up so well…”

As he spoke, Leon recognized once more how he had been away diligently fulfilling his heroic duties, missing out on precious time with his daughter.

“I’m sorry… I was an inadequate father, wasn’t I? I should have put in more effort for your mother’s sake.”

Then, Leon’s heart was met with,

“No, you weren’t.”

Leonore shook her head in denial.

Letting go of the embrace, she held his shoulders firmly and said,

“I’ve never thought of you as an inadequate father. You, Dad, were the most proud and wonderful father in the world to me. I’ll remember you that way, just like I always have.”

Leonore’s golden eyes were fixed on Leon.

There was no wavering in those eyes.

That gaze seemed to convey that she truly thought so, filled Leon with overwhelming emotions.



“Is that true?”

“Of course.”

Though it felt as if tears would spill any second now,

Leon held himself back.

He wished for his daughter to remember him as the greatest father for the rest of her life, smiling till the very end.

So Leon joyously embraced Leonore, saying,

“I love you. Leonore. Just as I have from the beginning and will continue to.”

“I love you too, Dad.”


Meanwhile, not far away, a conversation was unfolding between Natalia and Marin that had a rather different atmosphere.

“Alright, our girl. Since I can’t watch your training anymore, you need to work even harder. After all, it’s your skills that can protect you.”

“…I understand.”

“And take good care of Dad. He’s so sensitive that if he finds out I’m gone when he wakes up, he might collapse again.”

“Yeah, I know! Why do you have to keep nagging me! It’s the last time, isn’t it?”

“I’m nagging you because it’s the last time. Ugh, I’m so anxious!”

Observing Marin puffing her cheeks in response to her mother’s nagging, Natalia realized the poignant farewell had turned trivial.

But this atmosphere was precisely what Natalia intended.

While lost in those thoughts, Marin stared at her with a pout and asked,

“Do you really find me that untrustworthy? At this moment, it’s all about nagging?”

“Of course not. I trust my daughter. You’re the second most trusted person in the world.”

“…Who’s the first?”

“Your dad. To be fair, that result is you.”


“Not really, it’s actually something I unintentionally did. Dad had no idea and thought it was all his fault. I remember showing him the two lines, and he panicked, sweating rivers.”


Marin couldn’t hold in her laughter at that memory.

As laughter rippled between them, Natalia smiled back at her daughter, watching the humor lift her spirits.

“You really loved Dad, didn’t you? You must have gone to great lengths to pull that off.”

“Well, I truly loved him. The second most, that is.”

At that, Marin beamed and then, all of a sudden,

“Ugh… I really didn’t want to cry.”

Ultimately unable to hold back the tears, she burst into sobs.

Natalia cautiously wrapped her arms around her daughter, who was now crying uncontrollably.

From within Natalia’s embrace, Marin wailed, “I love you too… Mom. You’re the first person I love the most…”

Hearing that, Natalia was almost about to respond, “Let’s now leave first place for Dad,” but ultimately failed to say it.

She couldn’t maintain her composure upon hearing her daughter’s heartfelt words.

Knowing she would be unable to hold back her own tears if she saw her crying, she had tried to avoid creating such an atmosphere but ultimately failed.

However, due to that, she discovered once more how her superpowers eclipsed her magical abilities.

Thanks to her telekinesis, she could prevent her face from being ruined by tears.


“…Are the farewells finished?”

“Yes, that’s more than enough.”

Eve asked, and Leon answered.

Natalia couldn’t find the words to respond just yet.

She hadn’t fully collected her emotions.

Eve gave a wry smile at the sight of Natalia’s eyes glistening like dew, as if pondering whether it was even possible not to feel sadness.

Goodness, how could one not be sad?

Farewells were always tragic.

Especially if it was due to someone’s death.

Therefore, despite feeling guilty about the sorrow lingering in her heart, Eve didn’t voice it.

To say she felt sorry would be a disservice to their determination.

Yet sensing Eve’s sorrow, Leon spoke to her.

“Teacher, do you think we might end up in history books later?”

At that nonsensical question, Eve chuckled softly in response.

“It’s not about whether we might be featured; it’s that we definitely will be. We are heroes who saved the world once.”

“We can at least give Leonore a sense of pride about that.”

Leon said that with a smile.

Standing by his side, Natalia wiped her tears and managed a smirk.

Yes, they were heading out for a reason.

To protect the world and their dear ones within it.

For that purpose, they were willing to risk their lives.

“Shall we go then?”


Leon Lionel, the captain of Astrafe’s 1st division and Leonore’s father.

Natalia Eloise, the captain of Astrafe’s 3rd division and Marin’s mother.

Eve, the Envious Witch and a teacher at Aegis Academy.

Three individuals total for the mission.

Parents embarking on a journey to protect their children.

Teachers setting out to protect their students.

Three adults setting out on a one-way journey.

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