The Strongest Guild Kidnapped Me
Chapter 26.1 Table of contents


I jerked my arm, trying to pull it away from Yeoreum’s grasp.

I even let out a small scream, audible only to someone right next to me.

I wanted to scream louder, but the last bit of my pride stopped me.

After all, in my previous life, I was a man of resolve, and screaming wildly didn’t suit my temperament.

“Um, Sophia. Gyeoul seems really scared, is this okay? I don’t want to force her if she doesn’t like it.”

Yeoreum asked without letting go of my arm.

Her grip was so strong, I couldn’t tell if she was genuinely concerned or just making conversation.

“…This is a serious matter.”

“It’s a dungeon. Even adults get nervous here.”

“That’s true, but…”

Sophia stroked her chin, deep in thought.

I tried to take advantage of her silence to pull my arm away, but Yeoreum’s grip was too strong.

“Le-let go of me…”

Once inside, it’s said you can’t leave a dimensional prison until you find the ‘clear condition.’

I had no clue whether I could clear it with my current abilities.

“Then let’s do this.”


“Once we enter the dungeon, if you kill a monster, I’ll give you this bow.”

Sophia offered me a bow.

It was the same bow that had pierced through a horned rabbit’s head with a single shot.

Despite knowing that greed often leads to an early death, I couldn’t help but feel tempted.

‘A weapon would be nice.’

With that bow, I could catch more than ten horned rabbits a day.

Reading my greed, Sophia made another enticing offer.

“For every monster you kill, I’ll give you ten arrows.”

“Arrows too…?”


Arrows, now that’s something.

Just like how slingshot pellets are more expensive than the slingshot itself.

Certainly, the arrows must be costlier than the bow.

Having completed all the calculations in my mind, I finally nodded in agreement.

“O-okay. But what’s the clear condition here…?”

“To kill any one monster. That’s the clear condition.”

“…Doesn’t seem too hard.”

“The lower the dungeon, the easier the conditions.”

Just one, huh.

With the help of those around me, I should be able to manage somehow.

I decided to put in a little effort to get that powerful weapon.


— Gate —

As I pushed my foot through that shimmering portal, an entirely different world appeared before me.

“This is…”

A dense forest.

The inside of the gate was indeed a different world.

Proving this, unfamiliar trees and plants decorated the surroundings.

“Gyeoul, don’t worry too much. I’m here, okay?”

“Yes, yes…”

I stood right in front of the gate, surveying my surroundings.

I had no idea where a monster might leap out from within the green forest.

Feeling a bit scared and frozen, Encia handed me the bow.

“Gyeoul, here’s your bow.”

“Ah, thank you.”

I received the bow.

Now, I had to fight for my life.


After taking several deep breaths, Sophia tapped me on the shoulder.

“Lead the way when you’re ready.”

“Me, lead…?”

“Yes. I’ll make sure no enemy attack reaches you.”


Since Sophia spoke so confidently, it would be a luxury to be more anxious than this.

I took a couple more deep breaths and walked towards a direction in the dungeon.

‘It’s a Goblin.’

The surroundings where we were is green, the same as that of the Goblin ski, so relying on sight to take care of it wasn’t the best idea.

Of course, with my current vision, I could probably spot a goblin hiding in the forest, but just to be safe, I decided to focus on hearing.

Concentrating on sounds, I could even hear an ant crawling.

There was no way I wouldn’t hear the larger goblin.

I walked forward, my ears perked up.

Soon, I heard the soft sound of something moving in the bushes far away.

Thump Thump

It was the sound of something walking on two feet.

The light footsteps seemed similar to those of a child.

It must be a goblin.

I raised one hand, clenching it into a fist.

It was something I remembered from a military movie I saw in my past life.

“I found one…”



“Leader! I can’t see anything…”

Everyone whispered in surprise at my briefing.

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