The Strongest Guild Kidnapped Me
Chapter 29.1 Table of contents

The next morning.

I lingered in front of the guild building, holding a basket of chocolates.

I had intended to distribute rice cakes, but they were too expensive, so I opted for chocolates with individual wrappers instead.

After all, it’s the thought that matters more than the material gift.

‘…But how do I get inside the building?’

Yeoreum had left saying she had some business to attend to.

Sophia was known for sleeping in during mornings, and Encia and Argo were always busy with something.

It seemed I had to enter alone, but that was an impossible task for me at the moment.


Left with no choice, I just stood there, holding the basket and looking up at the guild building.

Maybe it would be better to bring someone I know and come back later?

Just as I was feeling intimidated by the imposing guild building, someone spoke to me from behind.

“Oh my, isn’t that Gyeoul?”


Startled, I turned around to see a familiar woman entering my sight.

It was Jung Yu-na, the one who had put a protective barrier around my house.

“What are you doing here?”

“Um, uh, this…”

Unable to articulate properly, I just lifted the basket higher.

Why do I always stutter in front of others?

While I was embarrassingly staring at the ground, she picked up a chocolate.

“Is this for me?”

“Yes. It’s a housewarming gift…”

“Oh, how thoughtful of you.”

Watching Jung Yu-na accepting the chocolate, I wondered if it would be better to have her accompany me.

To rebuild my shattered social skills, I needed to strengthen my relationships with my neighbors.

“Um, would you like to come inside with me?”

“Sure, I’d be happy to.”

Jung Yu-na led the way, and I followed her.

As I contemplated hiding behind her, we quickly reached the first-floor lobby.

“So, what are you planning to do here?”

“I, um, wanted to give out these housewarming chocolates…”

I said this while glancing around.

The lavish decorations and expensive-looking plants.

My cheap chocolates seemed incomparable to these luxurious items.

I felt utterly insignificant in the overwhelming grandeur of the guild building.

As I shrank within myself, Jung Yu-na leaned down to my eye level.

“Can I help you with it?”

“That would be really nice, but…”

Why was she offering to help me?

Did she truly feel sorry?

I glanced up at her, still with my head bowed, but couldn’t figure out her reasons.

“Then let’s go together. Who shall we give them to first?”

“I’d like to start with that person over there…”

“The staff?”


On the day I first opened my eyes in this guild building.

There were staff members who had safely stored my bag and belongings.

I wanted to give them chocolates first.

“Shall we go then?”


And so, led by Jung Yu-na’s hand, I managed to hand out chocolates to a few staff members.

I had worried they might refuse, but they turned out to be kinder neighbors than I had imagined.

‘I did it!’

The exchange of gifts with my neighbors.

Perhaps this was a small step towards regaining my social skills?

If I continued like this, maybe I could live like a normal person soon enough.

‘I’m improving little by little.’

My hands shook with joy as I clutched the basket.

At that moment, Jung Yu-na caught the attention of a large man passing through the lobby.

It was the same man who had apologized to me once, expressing his regret.

“Hey, Choi Jinhyuk. Take one of these chocolates.”

“No thanks. I don’t like sweet stuff.”

“You really won’t have one?”

Tap Tap

Jung Yu-na tapped on the man’s back, who was referred to as Choi Jinhyuk.

Following her gesture, he turned around.

“No, I don’t want—”

He turned, looking displeased, and our eyes met.

His brow was slightly furrowed, perhaps due to the persistent offer.


Despite his lightly grumbling tone, an inexplicable fear washed over me.

The next thing I knew, I was running away aimlessly.

No matter how many times I encountered it, I never got used to people’s malice.


I ran non-stop from the building to my home.

Jung Yu-na called out to me from behind, but I couldn’t bring myself to look back.


I sat down in front of the extinguished campfire and wiped my face.

He must have been angry because I forced the chocolate on him.

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